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Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror?
Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror?
Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror?
Ebook38 pages38 minutes

Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror?

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About this ebook

This is my thesis of being a Christian and writing extreme horror. It was written exclusively for my readers, my critics, or anyone else who is interested in this subject matter. This topic only pertains to my own Christian philosophies in regard to the literature I write.

Release dateFeb 6, 2022
Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror?

Wade H. Garrett

Wade H. Garrett is an American novelist specializing in the extreme-horror genre, and he primarily writes about vigilante justice. He was born and raised in Texas, and currently resides in Hamilton, Texas.Wade uses extreme violence and the most abhorrent and disturbing combination of visceral words to get his point across. He pushes the boundaries of human torment and suffering, and his books should only be read by the seasoned extreme-horror reader.Many of Wade's fans have said his books are original, thought-provoking, and some of the most graphic literature they've ever read.Wade's writing can be very technical and detailed at times. This is a reflection of life experiences combined with his technical knowledge and abilities.He's published by German publisher, Festa-Verlag, under their extreme category. He also sells paperbacks, Kindle books and audio books on Amazon.Website at at at at

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    Can a Christian Write Extreme Horror? - Wade H. Garrett

    Can A Christian Write

    Extreme Horror?

    This is my thesis of being a Christian

    and writing extreme horror. It was written exclusively for my readers, my critics, or anyone else who is interested in this subject matter. This topic only pertains to my own Christian philosophies in regard to the literature I write.


    Wade H. Garrett

    My name is Wade H. Garrett and I’m an American novelist specializing in the extreme-horror genre. I was born and raised in Texas, and currently reside in Hamilton, Texas. Being an extreme-horror writer, my books are filled with violence, torture, profanity, and disturbing content. My main focus is writing vigilante justice and revenge type novels. Some of my readers have stated my books are original, thought-provoking, and some of the most graphic literature they've ever read. Being a Christian and writing extreme horror has created some confusion for some people. The main issue for them is how can someone claim to be a Christian and write graphic content. And this includes other Christians being judgmental. Some think I’m claiming to be a Christian as a way to mock Christianity. Some think I’m doing it to be preachy. It’s important to me for others to know I’m just like they are. I’m not superior, judgmental, or self-righteous, and I’m far from perfect. And I have bad habits just like everyone else. I think the main stigma associated with Christianity is the perception that Christians believe they’re perfect and superior to everyone else, and in my case, I shouldn’t be writing extreme horror. My readers are diverse with a vast range of religions and belief systems, including Agnosticism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Paganism, Wiccan, Witchcraft, and nonreligious Atheism, just to name a few.

    Why should I care what others think? I don’t in most cases, but when it comes to my faith, I think it’s important to reduce the stigma that already surrounds Christianity. In fact, it’s my obligation as a Christian to offer a little insight on my personal viewpoints.

    How do my readers know I’m a Christian? In all of my books, I always give special thanks to my wife and son, and then state, and most importantly, Christ who gives me salvation and strength. On my Facebook page I list non-denominational Christian under religious views. In a few interviews I stated I was a non-denominational Christian. And my books also contain a minute amount of my Christian philosophies since my main characters incorporate a lot of my beliefs, traits, and characteristics. I never intended to parade my faith around, or push it on others. As a Christian, I feel it’s important to be truthful and to give God credit.

    There are three main issues that arise regarding my Christian faith and writing extreme horror: How can someone claim to be a Christian and write graphic content? I’m not truly a Christian and just mocking Christianity. I’m just being preachy and using my books as a means to push my faith on others.

    Over the years, I’ve been asked these questions. I’ve also encountered those

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