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Dark Halo: Misty Lyric
Dark Halo: Misty Lyric
Dark Halo: Misty Lyric
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Dark Halo: Misty Lyric

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Korah, a hybrid, is trying to figure out where she belongs in the world. In search for a safe haven she sets off for Igloo City, Alaska. But what she finds there might be more than she bargains for on this earth.

PublisherSky Lawley
Release dateFeb 28, 2022
Dark Halo: Misty Lyric

Sky Lawley

A Texan Indie Author who writes steamy paranormal/fantasy romances for readers. My stories include anything from angels to reapers to shifters and even nephilims.

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    Book preview

    Dark Halo - Sky Lawley


    To My Grandmother,

    I did it! I finally listened to you. I'm writing all the smut for you, Heifer. Love you always!

    Prologue - Escape

    I have never felt like I belonged anywhere my entire life, not when I was a child, a teenager, or even now as an adult. The state bounced me from foster home to foster home until I ran away as a teenager. The only normal I ever knew was when I was taken care of by my grandmother, before I ended up in the system.

    The love and care I received from her is the only thing I still hold onto to keep my humanity in this life on earth. Until she took her last dying breath, she tried her best to prepare me for a life without her, saddened by the knowledge that she would not be around to care for me.

    My grandmother told me about my heritage. They called us skinwalkers but I wasn’t just any skinwalker. I came from a long line of medicine men and women. In modern terms, we were witches or healers among my people until a Navajo straggler came along one night and tainted our bloodline by raping one of my ancestors and creating the first hybrid child. Every child that followed afterwards carried the skinwalker genes, the shifter strain, and with that gene we are able to transform into an animal but not until we hit puberty. Many thought disease killed us off but it was actually english hunters that came from across the pond. They hunted us for their trophies and my people lost their lives to be a souvenir mounted on a wall. As time carried on, the culture changed our legends into fantasy stories and movies for entertainment but our people never forgot the truth. Now, I was the last to carry on our history and bloodline.

    True purebred skinwalkers could shift into any animal form but hybrids like me were only able to take one form, the form of their spirit animal. Mine, ironically, was a wolf while my grandmother’s was a lynx. She would be grateful if she could see me now. My other form being a wolf meant I could fit in easily with a pack. Yet I have not been successful at finding one that would take me in because I seem to have a certain problem with authority within the pack lines.

    Little did I know that I would eventually meet my match. A match that would change my whole world...

    Chapter 1 - Igloo City

    Alaska was beautiful in the summer, more green than I expected it to be. Well, I don’t know what I expected. The 18-wheeler’s load brakes pulled me out of my train of thought. We had just passed Mile Marker 188 as the truck came to a halt in front of a diner.

    This is your stop, Miss. The sleazeball’s hand ran over my thigh, I can take payment here in the cab or we can get a room at the Igloo City Hotel.

    Grabbing his hand I twisted it backwards, letting my eyes flash their strange wolf shape and shade of yellowish amber, Touch me again and I will eat your heart while it still sits beating in your chest.

    The trucker flew backwards against the window, What the hell are you? Some kind of demon?

    Do you wanna find out? I threatened, letting my canines flash as they elongated a bit in my mouth.

    Just get the hell out of my truck! I didn’t mean no harm! He soiled himself and I laughed, shaking my head while I hopped out of the cab.

    Oh and one more thing, if I find out that you try to touch another woman like you just did me, I will hunt you down and kill you in your sleep. I tapped the side of my nose, I can track for thousands of miles. I will find you, I growled, slamming the door shut behind me.

    Crazy bitch! he yelled through the window, his truck taking off as fast as it could. His foot grinds the brakes and almost stalls trying to get the hell out of dodge.

    I looked around surveying the mythical safe haven for supernatural beings. All around me was a ghost town for the most part but there was everything you needed within a two hundred mile radius: a gas station with a small grocery store inside, Igloo City Hotel, and Ice House Diner. Tossing my duffel bag over my shoulder, I giggled and slowly walked over to the hotel to try and get settled in.

    The building was a dome in exterior shape and I was surprised by how the structure was able to house so many people. When I walked inside, my senses were thrown into shock immediately. The guests that walked around were not human except for one woman in particular walking around the lobby tending to tedious things. Timidly, I shuffled my feet until I reached the front desk nervously. My heart was pounding wildly in my chest as my eyes darted about the lobby.

    A beautiful, tall, and exotic woman stood on the other side of the reception desk, peering down at me in all of my five-four short splendor, suspiciously. Welcome to the Igloo City Hotel. My name is Ebony and I will be assisting you today.

    Adjusting the backpack over my shoulder as I watch my surroundings cautiously, Yeah...Umm, I need a room and looking for a job too.

    Ebony raised an eyebrow at me and the security sitting behind her sat up a little straighter eyeing me. We don’t get many drifters out this way looking for work... Are you in some kind of trouble, Cher?

    What? Trouble? No, I'm just looking for work and a place to stay, I stuttered.

    Unknown fear and anxiety started to course through my veins, triggering a flight or fight response. My eyes shifted first and my nostrils flared. The security guard stood up as he and Ebony walked around the counter towards me with their hands raised in surrender. It must have been all the different scents of supernaturals around me that were sending my nerves into high gear. I had never seen so many supernatural creatures gathered in a single spot before. The confusion only seemed to make matters worse at the

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