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You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For
You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For
You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For
Ebook44 pages30 minutes

You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For

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"It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be" - Dumbledore 


Have you wondered why weight-loss is temporary or why your success story is short-lived? 

Your Paradigms control your LIFE and your RESULTS. 

Paradigms are mental programs residing in our Subconscious mind and have almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior; almost all of our behavior is habitual. YOU are the sum total of all your paradigms. 

To change your life, you have to change your paradigms, re-program the limiting paradigms to serve you and not be an obstacle for your growth.


The Author paints a vivid picture of what truly makes a real-life everyday person like you and me a Super Hero; how Super Heroes think and act in any given situation, thereby unlocking the Super Hero paradigms and abilities.

These transformational abilities are presented in tangible and easy digestible chunks to help everyday person develop their unique Super Hero abilities. This helps you to accomplish your life's Dreams, overcome self-imposed limitations and live a Purpose-driven life. Living life that is truly worthy of YOU is your Super Hero Journey.

Are you ready for your Super Hero Journey?


YOU are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For. 


Take Action Now!

The choice is yours. You can keep doing what you're currently doing and experience the same life results. Or take action to become a Super Hero in your life and live an inspiring Purpose driven life.

It's Your Life, make it a Great One.

PublisherSK Royals LLC
Release dateMar 3, 2022
You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For

Neo Konti

Neo is an Consciousness Explorer, a Visionary, a Dreamer and a Knowledge Seeker. He is a student of many world renowned modern day thinkers and spiritual teachers. He lives in Ohio,USA with his Family. When not at work, he spends his time writing and or playing with his two little daughters.  His moto in life is to set the best possible example to his kids and live life with no regrets and no self-imposed limitations. He had lived through the dark trenches of mindset and dark-night-of-soul for more than 2 decades; he truly understands what it takes to free oneself and get back into the game of life and really live as it is meant to be. He is passionate about helping others find their true purpose and be the best each one can be. In this book, Neo explores what makes a Super Hero a 'Super Hero' and how real-file everyday persons like us become Super Heroes in our lives, creating a positive impact to our Families, Communities and the planet.

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    Book preview

    You are the Super Hero You Have Been Waiting For - Neo Konti


    It only takes one person to change your life –You. - Ruth Casey

    Each of us has Superheroes in our lives that we admire. To me, Superheroes aren’t fictional characters but real- life people with the capacity and determination to change things that need to be changed or to help people who need help. Albert Einstein, Nicholas Tesla, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Florence Nightin gale, and Martin Luther King Jr. were all superheroes.

    Each of us knows of real-life superheroes who aren’t nearly as famous. Superhero in my life is my Mom, who is an embodiment of great faith, perseverance, and a sacrificial heart. Another Superhero is my High School teacher who taught me to think outside the box and helped be to believe in myself.

    Who is the Superhero in your life?

    What do all the greatest athletes, successful business owners, influential leaders have in common?

    When J.K Rowling was trying to pitch Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, she was on government assistance with young kids and was so broke that she couldn’t afford to make copies of her book to send to publishers. Instead, she manually re-typed every single copy of the 70,000+ words novel. She was rejected dozens of times, but she never gave up and was finally accepted. Of course, we all know what happened next. Rowling went on to become the first self-made billion aire author.

    When Jim Carey was 14 years old, his father lost his job, and his family became quite poor. Carey moved to LA when he was 16 to take a chance on his acting dreams. He wrote himself a fake 10-million-dollar check to inspire him never to give up. It took him 16 years to star in his first hit movie, Dumb and Dumber. He put the fake 10-million-dollar check that he kept in his wallet inside his father’s casket. His father was the one who encouraged him to go after his dream.

    Oprah Winfrey was a victim of sexual abuse growing up. Despite an incredibly challenging upbringing, she went on to become a high school honors student and earned a full scholar-ship to college. But she didn’t stop there; she climbed up the world of TV networks. Today, she is one of the wealthiest female billionaires in the world with so much influence.

    Michael Jordan, arguably the greatest basketball player of all time, was once cut from his high school basketball team. Jordan never quit. He worked even harder. MJ went on to become an NCAA star, 6x NBA champion, win multiple league MVPs, and get

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