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Poems of Grace
Poems of Grace
Poems of Grace
Ebook85 pages36 minutes

Poems of Grace

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God's offer of grace to mankind remains the most valuable offer. The offer is extended to all, irrespective of the ethnicity or socio-economic standing of the receiver. This "free" gift, once accepted, changes the life of the recipient for eternity. He or she is transformed to a spirit of continual thanksgiving that is t

Release dateMar 8, 2022
Poems of Grace

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    Book preview

    Poems of Grace - Ralph R Roberts

    Poems by Chapter

    1.1 Creation Story

    1.2 Who is He

    1.3 The Cross Atop the Hill

    1.4 Flesh and Blood

    1.5 Crown of Glory

    1.6 A Snapshot of Heaven

    1.7 He Comes

    2.1 Purifying Rain

    2.2 My Chastening

    3.1 Kindled Fire on My Soul

    3.2 Prepare Your Hearts

    3.3 God Forbids

    3.4 Taming My Unruly Member

    3.5 My Presentation

    4.1 Grace in Thy Sight

    4.2 The Provisions of Grace

    4.3 The Sea Called Grace

    5.1 Virtuous Flow

    5.2 My Song of Praise

    5.3 Grace for the Moment

    5.4 The Garments of Grace

    5.5 The Name of Grace

    5.6 A Beautiful Encounter

    5.7 Grace With Benefits

    5.8 Guiding Grace

    5.9 The Season of Grace

    5.10 Encompass Me With Favor

    5.11 I’m Washed

    5.12 The Prison Keeper, the Prisoner Indeed

    5.13 Rope and Time

    6.2 Battles in the Spirit

    6.3 Battle Cries

    6.4 Check Mate

    6.5 Heightened Senses in Your Presence

    6.6 Stormy Times

    Chapter 1


    God created the physical. The physical attests to the beauty of the creator, as it reflects Him.

    We gaze up at the vastness of the universe and see the wonder of its evolving state. We see its rhythm providing us time and the seasons. We see the exemplification of the grace of God through the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ. We are assured of our glory in His presence one day. Our ascension to witness His kingdom and to worship continually in His presence will come to pass.

    We live in hope for the second coming of Jesus Christ when He will gather all that are His to the fold.

    1.1 Creation Story

    Your word of authority

    It will never relent

    Till it has accomplished

    Exactly as You meant

    Your word has gone forth

    To create what we see

    All that is, just as You wished

    Created to tell Your story

    A billion celestial bodies

    Shooting stars across the skies

    Space extending to infinity

    Your romping ground described

    The stars of the heavens

    They all reflect Your glory

    Jewels of the night sky

    Each a miracle, not denied

    Peek-a-boo sun on the horizon

    Golden rays on display

    Your wonders renewed

    With the coming of each day

    The rich morning dew

    Appears every single day

    Not a jot of dry land

    But a rejuvenating spray

    From the lion to the lamb

    To all the birds that ever sang

    To everything in the deep

    Your creation, what a feat!

    The rhythm of the waves

    They beat upon the shores

    With each coming of high tide

    They return to sing Your praise

    Trees laden with fruit

    Birds atop trees, do group

    Cattle on a thousand hills

    All confirming Your riches still

    The howling of the wind

    Stirring all the fallen leaves

    Causing them to whirl and twirl

    And dance to You. They’re pleased!

    Buttercups adorn the fields

    Yes, flowers in bloom of every hue

    A tapestry revealing Your desire

    To bless us with variety

    The hum of honeybees

    Is a tune of gratitude indeed

    For the

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