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Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy
Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy
Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy
Ebook159 pages2 hours

Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy

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Order of the Dragonfly is a story about a group of war veterans and law enforcement officers who discover a nefarious and wicked empire's plot to enslave humanity. In a reality and time, not too different from our own, a secret society has infiltrated all levels of government and political systems. Utilizing various control measures, science and propaganda, the future of the children of this world is looking dark. The opposing group of justice and war veterans are chosen to receive the Book of Light, where they will be empowered to free as many victims as possible and deliver righteous judgement on the decaying evil spreading over society. In the end, the light shall overcome the darkness.
Release dateFeb 10, 2022
Order of the Dragonfly: The Black Hawk Trilogy

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    Order of the Dragonfly - Anthony Toledo

    The LEGAL Injustice of MAN

    Fresh out of the military and after the Great War, I enlisted in the Federation Police Force (FPF). I worked in a disenfranchised neighborhood, where the meek inherit nothing but pain and suffering. The strong are the weakest, morally speaking, and thrive in the loss of their neighbors—a loss to the cause and relinquish not in their fruitless ways. I was on the wrong end of the stick in this equation when I grew up here, which is to say that I was living the right way according to the wrong people. Tortured and bullied into becoming something I did not want to be, I was a savage defending his light in a dark world that surrounded me. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and I have become as strong as I could possibly imagine.

    Channeling this energy into the most righteous way possible, I sought to change this pathetically plagued world. If you’re not a part of the solution then you are a part of the problem, it’s as simple as that. The way I see it, I had to be sure I chose the right side. How do I know what the right side is? Well, that could only be truly perceived and recognized when you are living a lie on the wrong side of things. Only when you’re wrong can you see what is really right, at least for me. This is true for the most stubborn of us, and this is a category that I have fallen into for a long time now.

    The police academy had its challenges, physically speaking, for the most part. The legal portion of the academy was the most intriguing, and I enjoyed it more than any other portion, other than firearms. Basic self-defense tactics are taught in a rudimentary way but kept simplistic for a reason. It’s survival of the fittest, and you better make sure you are the fittest in a possible fight for your life. Public perception had decayed to such a poor disregard for law enforcement at this point in history that it was hard to fathom. Walk a mile in my shoes then tell me how you would act in a life or death situation. At no juncture was prejudice or malicious public treatment ever taught to anyone in basic training. The illusion of the police being the big bad blue meanies is just that, a false ideal being preached by the weak and sensitive minds out there, those who have foolishly digested their spoonful of deception. We were taught to protect and serve, treat everyone equally, and make no assumptions about anybody we encounter. By the same token, we were also taught to survive and always be ready to defend ourselves and others at all costs—to go home safe and sound to our family, or to whatever it is we go home to. This is the basic truth at the bottom of the spectrum, but the higher you go the more corrupt the system is, as in any system.

    Targeting measures are always employed, while being aware of your environment and maintaining situational awareness at all times. When targeting suspects or potential assailants, you must be observant and pay close attention to your surroundings. All aforementioned concerns are echoed throughout military training and operational engagements. There is a reason why law enforcement training and employment actions are referred to as paramilitary. It also makes it much easier to understand these concepts when you come from the opposite side of the spectrum. Coming from a rough upbringing, you are surrounded by evil and malicious intent until you unwittingly become a part of the darkness that surrounds you. You fade away into the depths of vengeance and you get swallowed up by the demons you were unable to conquer. Becoming the thing you hate sometimes is the only way to survive, and this engulfing of the innocence is something that happens more often than not.

    Conquering that fear of becoming the thing you hate is ironically achieved by becoming that very thing itself. I hated the police when I was an adolescent fool, thinking I knew so much when I really knew so little. That same fear manifests itself when you pursue the path of the unrighteous and evolve into something you think you could never be. The times I was beaten and robbed by deadbeat cops, the times they stole my homies’ drugs, and the times they neglected to be around when I was getting my ass handed to me for not looking at someone, or, conversely, looking at someone the wrong way. You couldn’t win either way, and the conflict would find you whether you avoided it or not. Until you become the conflict and head straight into it, like the military tactics taught in an ambush, you will not survive. You will always fall victim and cry yourself to sleep wishing you could’ve been born with something more. The more you lay in anguish, the more you cocoon yourself and prepare to emerge as a vicious butterfly, ready to defend what is most important—that which lies within.

    Justice was at the forefront of my cause since the beginning. I saw so many things wrong in this twisted and jaded world and I felt so helpless in regard to fixing it and making things right. Focusing on the small world first was hard enough and more than challenging. How could I possibly fix the world? How could I possibly fix my world? It is a question that should perplex the best and worst of us, something we should never stop asking ourselves, every day of our existence. If you cannot fix the little things wrong around or about you, how can you expect to fix the bigger things in other people’s lives? It is this concept that should keep you engaging the worst enemy you will ever face: yourself.

    The biggest challenges reap the biggest rewards. By setting yourself up to face your fears, every fear that you could imagine, then you set yourself up for success, careless of the end result. What is the end result, after all, and what is the end if there is such a thing at all? The downfall of man is giving into temptation and relinquishing his own self-improvement powers to a weaker version of himself, the shadow within him. We always face a path in the crossroads of life, and we always have the free will to make the choices we make. So many suffer in a prison of their own creation while remaining the prison guards enforcing their long stay. At the same time, the more we become filled with sin and sickness, we lose the faith we need to find the light out of the tunnel of the abyss. It took me a while to realize that I was the light I was seeking all along and a higher power has placed this bioluminescent essence within me, and within you.

    Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked; preserve me from the violent man; who have purposed to overthrow my goings.

    —Psalms 140:4 (KJV)


    The long road out of hell is endless, so it may seem at times, and the demons that crawl at the bottom of the pit are lonely. The most devout cannot sympathize with the bottom feeders, and once you open Pandora’s box, it will be that much more difficult to close it. The trickiest trap is the one you do not know you are in, cleverly designed that way from the very beginning. Evil has had eons to plot, twist, and tempt us, and he has grown in its wit ever so efficiently. Look around the world and tell me that evil doesn’t exist. The closer and farther you look, you might not be able to understand the simplest and most complex question ever asked: Why?

    Working as a cop, walking a mile in the shoes of my once perceived enemy, has enlightened me beyond belief and disgusted me beyond repair. The lives you save are overshadowed by the lives you’ve seen shattered by the evil that persistently infects the minds and souls of the wicked, collectively shedding its disease upon us all. This is a spiritual war, in essence, of every single struggle we have within. The psychological countermeasures implemented in humanity have only served as a Band-Aid on a crack of a dam; the waters of the the waters of the oppressive dark forces have washed over the terrain, like the great flood of past time. This is an unrighteous deluge and the opposite of cleansing our evil ways. This is the drowning of the children and the spiritual purity that the wicked are feasting upon, more and more every day.

    One day, my partner and I were walking down the sidewalk on foot patrol and heard a scream. We ran to the back alley where the screams were coming from and called for backup. We see a black van and two men in suits, struggling with a woman and her daughter, who is ten years old with long hair. One of the well-dressed assailants was pulling her hair as the other was holding the mother back. My partner and I rush to the scene. My partner takes on the first suspect who had grabbed the mother. I took down the dirt bag who grabbed the child. They go down easy, as I feel my heart racing and the adrenaline pumping through my muscles to the very depths of my soul. I resisted the urge to shoot this animal in the face. I resist the urge of darkness and the irresistible feeling of taking out the garbage of the world. As he lies on the ground, in a pool of his own blood, he tries to speak. He has a few loose teeth and possibly a broken jaw after our delightful encounter. He says he is a special agent with the Investigative Bureau of the Federation (IBF).

    I look at the black van’s license plate and do not see government plates. He can’t possibly be a fed, I think to myself. My partner reaches into their coat pockets and finds bona fide credentials for both of them. They were in an unmarked vehicle and had an arrest warrant in their possession as well. Backup arrives while I am trying to verify the validity of the situation. The mother and daughter are in tears. The alleged agent has a fistful of the young girl’s hair still in his hand. Our supervising sergeant arrives with the captain and tells us the IBF special agent in charge (SAC) is on the way. The strangest thing about this was that I never radioed anything about the suspect’s claim to being in the IBF.

    The mother babbles about this not being the first kidnapping in the neighborhood. She only speaks Spanish, and I am the only one on scene who understands her. She says her neighbor’s daughter and her cousin’s niece were kidnapped, and that they are taking all their children. This entire time I am not relaying what I am being told to the agents on scene. Everything about this situation had me feeling weary and odd about it. Nothing about it seemed right. How on Terra are these feds, who were committing assault and battery, excessive use of force at a minimum, and more than likely kidnapping this child, legally authorized to conduct themselves in such a manner?

    I started arguing with my sergeant when he told me we had to let them go. The IBF SAC arrives on scene and takes control of the entire situation. Enforcement of Customs and Immigration (ECI) arrived on scene with the SAC. They explained that the mother and child were connected to a high-profile case overseas and that they must be arrested immediately. ECI was there because they claimed to have border authority and the right

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