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Tormented by an Alien: Galactic Union, #2
Tormented by an Alien: Galactic Union, #2
Tormented by an Alien: Galactic Union, #2
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Tormented by an Alien: Galactic Union, #2

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About this ebook

Sometimes the mistakes of your past are the only thing that can bring you true love.


Prince Ece had it all. Being the heir to the Ocheks should have given him everything he needed. However, now he is on the run from his father and with some precious human cargo in tow.


Shirley was taken from her home and forced into a breeding program she never signed up for. Now, she is on the run with Ece, who is the last alien she ever wanted to see again after their disastrous forced union saw her shipped off to be sold to the highest bidder -- at Ece's behest, no less.


Tormented by an Alien is the second book in the Galactic Union series. If you like strong female leads who are craving love and hunky aliens that are after the same thing, then this series ticks all of the boxes.


Each book in this series is considered a standalone that can be enjoyed in any order but are set in the same universe.


If you desire a happily ever after with no cheating and steamy sex scenes then grab your copy today!


One-click your copy today!


Book two in the Galactic Union Series.


Book 1: Taken by an Alien

Book 2: Tormented by an Alien

Book 3: Seduced by an Alien

PublisherLucee Joie
Release dateMar 25, 2022
Tormented by an Alien: Galactic Union, #2

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    Tormented by an Alien - Lucee Joie

    COPYRIGHT © 2019 by Lucee Joie

    Cover and internal design by Lucee Joie

    Time break design: OpenClipart-Vectors / Pixabay

    Cover images by DepositPhotos

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    The characters and events portrayed by the author are fictitious and are used as such. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Chapter One: Shirley

    We have been cruising for the better part of two weeks and I am sick to death of looking at nothing but black space and twinkling stars. For someone who believed that space would be an awesome frontier to conquer, I am surely eating my words now.

    Are we there yet? I cringe at my wording.

    Ece peers at the digital map and I try not to huff indignantly at him. Perhaps another two or three hours. His head rises and he points out into the dark void. Can you see that, Shirley?

    I squint in the direction Ece is pointing, annoyed that the Ochek has uttered my name, that it rolls off his tongue like he still owns it. One star seems bigger than the others and I pick up a pair of binoculars.

    Is that really Bruxland?

    Ece nods as Beth enters the room. Are you two getting along yet?

    She thumps a hand down on each of our shoulders before sitting in one of the command chairs. Swiveling around once, she looks out of the windshield.

    Never, I mutter. Ece might be an imperial prince but he is as annoying as hell and there is no way that I want to get mixed up with the son of the man who ordered my abduction—not again.

    Oh, come on, Shirl, Beth continues and I glare at her.

    You might have found the exception to the rule when it comes to Ocheks but, trust me, Ece is not the same as Horgeer.

    Ece ignores me. He is used to me voicing my opinion on his race by now. Instead, he continues to stare at his map, fascinated by it, apparently. From this angle, his features appear in profile and I try not to ogle at him. I may not like him but, as far as his species goes, he is certainly the best-looking one I have observed so far.

    His feline features stand out in stark contrast to what I am used to seeing with human men. But, somehow, his cat-like eyes and rough mane that is darker in color than Horgeer’s adds a ruggedness that would never be possible in a human male.

    Oh my, he certainly was rugged.

    Ece looks up and catches me staring at him. I blush before looking away. Not knowing what to do, I snatch the map from his hands. His fur is velveteen in texture and I itch to run my fingers over it properly. Instead, I take to searching out the map as intently as Ece was a moment ago. How long do you think we need to stay on Bruxland?

    A least a cycle of its moon, Ece says and I fight the urge to look at him. My father will likely head to Earth first before branching out to other planets. To be honest, I don’t even think that Bruxland will be on his radar for quite some time yet. After all, there’s no one on this ship from there and I’ve never been known to mingle with them.

    What are they like? Beth asks. I only know of them from our escape.

    They’re a primitive breed which is why they are used mainly for servitude positions.

    They are taken captive like we are, I advise even as I shudder at the level of power the Galactic Union has over the universe.

    Are you sure they will shelter us? Beth continues without even missing a beat. However, I know her well by now and there is no way my comment will go unnoticed.

    Their planet is also considered a holiday destination by our own kind. All I need to do is pretend that I’m on vacation. Once in, I can work out just how much information they know about our rebellion.

    Do you think your father will have notified other planets about us by now? Beth asks. It might be better if you stay here and we send someone else in.

    Maybe I should go? Horgeer asks, entering the cockpit. Beth is smiling at him and I feel a tug inside. I wish that I had someone to love as much as Beth loves Horgeer. No one would recognize me regardless of what they know.

    Ece shakes his head. You’re still injured. No, it has to be me.

    I’ll go with you, I say suddenly, not even sure it was me uttering the words until I notice everyone staring at me. You know, if it’s a vacation spot and all.

    Ece actually laughs at me and I glower in response.

    It was just a suggestion, I say and turn away. Let him travel to Bruxland alone, then, let him get caught. Maybe they’ll send him back to his father and I won’t have to look at his stupidly handsome face any longer.

    Actually, that is a good idea— Beth says as radio static interrupts her.

    Hello? a stranger’s voice says and we all gape in surprise.

    Chapter Two: Ece


    I am confused by the voice as I don’t recognize it. Before the interruption, I had been concentrating on Shirley and her ridiculous idea of following me to Bruxland. Glancing around, the voice repeats itself and I finally realize that it is coming from the radio.

    Shh! Horgeer says and I am happy to oblige.

    Is there anyone there?

    I slow my breathing, making sure that there really isn’t any noise to be heard on our end. While the radio is not active and therefore doesn’t return sound to the party on the other end, I know that some programs have been developed that can crack through and access a radio so that it can be used as a covert listening device, even if that option is turned off by the receiving party. I know this because it is what we have one installed in order to eavesdrop on Bruxland as we approach.

    Horgeer reaches out and presses a button, disabling our intergalactic connection. While we have had a cloaking device on the entire time, I have also been hooking us in via a secret geo-address in order to access the universal web. Because of this, the potential is there that our location could be accessed via the back door, so long as someone knew we were there and where to look to find us. It is a slim chance, for sure, but now I wonder if it was such a good idea to stay connected.

    I’m trying to contact the women who fled the Leonida, the voice continues, leaving no doubt that the message is intended for us. There are others who want to join you.

    The person sounds a little robotic like it is being run through a really good voice disguising program. This means that it could, literally, be anyone. While the voice sounds feminine, it could actually be my father on the line and my heart races at the prospect. This sort of ploy is exactly the sort of thing that my father would implement.

    Who do you think it is? Horgeer asks now that he is more confident that we are not being listened in on.

    I have no idea, I reply. It’s definitely a voice program.

    I agree, Horgeer says. I don’t recognize the voice at all.

    Let’s kill the radio then?

    Sounds like a plan.

    Horgeer unplugs the radio and the static from the open line disappears. We all slump collectively, each giving out a hiss of previously held breath as we relax.

    The radio stays unplugged until after we have landed, Horgeer says and I nod in agreement.

    This will be an inconvenience. Now, it will be impossible to learn if the information of our rebellion has reached here or if my father is still trying to keep the news contained. After all, if other planets find out that the Union’s breeding program is compromised then a much larger uprising will occur.

    It makes sense to believe that my father is remaining silent on the matter. However, I also know that he isn’t a fool. If he remains officially and publicly quiet, he will have other avenues in order to try and locate us.

    And, perhaps the person on the radio isn’t my father. Maybe news has escaped regarding our departure. And not via my father, or being sanctioned by the Union. Could there really be others like us out there that want to see the Union overturned?

    I look at Shirley. Her jaw is clenched tightly so it is likely she is ignoring me as she seethes

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