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Soulless Men and Vanities
Soulless Men and Vanities
Soulless Men and Vanities
Ebook42 pages28 minutes

Soulless Men and Vanities

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Raven was once a notable knight of the Church who brought honor to his family's name, but he wakes up as a vampire after fighting off temptations in his mind. He then finds himself in a world ruled by vampires where there are very few places safe from their terror. The truth behind his transformation will terrify him as he searches for the reason why he is a vampire and what God wants him to do.

PublisherAlbert Oon
Release dateMar 2, 2022
Soulless Men and Vanities

Albert Oon

A Catholic, self-published writer who writes for fun and to help others out. I write in the genres of horror, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi. I hope to be a successful writer who will also write for movies, video games, and more since I've been told that's the crowds my books appeal to.

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    Soulless Men and Vanities - Albert Oon

    Soulless Men and Vanities

    Copyright 2022 Albert Oon

    Published by Albert Oon at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    The original cover for this story by Albert Oon.

    The original cover for this story by Albert Oon before it became the first story in the Venatores Noctis series.

    Redraw of the original cover by @An_dres_art (on Twitter)

    Chapter 1 – Immortal but Dead

    The last thing that Raven Aurora remembers was that he was having a hard time resisting the temptations of demons after coming home from ridding a group of demon worshippers that set themselves up in the town that he helped protect. He told his family that he was tired, needed his rest and that he loved them. He then prayed a rosary to silence his temptations before falling asleep. Now, he's found himself in what looks to be a ceremonial room with skeletons littering the floor. Unintelligible images of what happened flash in Raven's mind as he stands up only to stumble and fall into the skeletons. He quickly backs away as he sees the sharp teeth in many of the mouths of the skeletons.

    What are these people? Where am I and what happened here? he asks himself.

    Looking around, Raven finds a sword with complex engravings on it that include designs of crosses, snakes, and lions.

    A sword made for royalty, huh? I knew there was corruption within them, but didn’t know it was this bad, Raven says as his eyes unintentionally focus on his reflection in the sword.

    Since it is dark in the room, he can’t make out

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