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Deep in the Snow: Alaska Cozy Mystery, #2
Deep in the Snow: Alaska Cozy Mystery, #2
Deep in the Snow: Alaska Cozy Mystery, #2
Ebook101 pages1 hour

Deep in the Snow: Alaska Cozy Mystery, #2

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About this ebook

A Deadly Criminal


Sarah Garland, a retired homicide detective from Los Angeles, and her best friend Amanda, have been enjoying life in the cozy town of Snow Falls, Alaska. As a snow storm approaches, Sarah closes up her coffee shop and notices a mysterious limo in town, only to learn that it belongs to a notorious criminal, Mafia Boss Ralph Gatti.


A Daunting Secret


Shockingly, Sarah soon learns that her new friend, Detective Conrad Spencer, is the reason for the dangerous Mafia Boss' appearance. Detective Spencer's ex-wife Sophia was consumed with the lifestyle of crime and a former fling of Gatti, who is now upset to learn that she passed away, and leaving it to Detective Spencer to find Sophia's true killer.


A Dangerous Game


With seven days to solve the mystery, Sarah, Amanda, and Detective Conrad work together to follow the tracks of Sophia's killer. Can they catch the murder without becoming a victim of the mafia themselves?

Release dateMar 9, 2022
Deep in the Snow: Alaska Cozy Mystery, #2

Wendy Meadows

USA Today bestselling author, Wendy Meadows, is a passionate Cozy Mystery Author whose meticulously crafted stories showcase witty women sleuths and engaging plots. Her primary influences include but are not limited to mystery genre greats Joanne Fluke, Ellery Adams, and James Patterson. To date, she has published dozens of books, which include her popular Sweetfern Harbor Series, Maple Hill Series, and Alaska Cozy Series, to name a few. In a previous life, Wendy worked as a Graphic Designer, earning her Graphic Design Certification at the prestigious New York based Sessions School of Design. With this valuable artistic background, she designs her own book covers. In fact, she began writing fiction soon after designing numerous book covers for other fiction authors. When she isn’t writing about female detectives and their tactful crime solving, you can find Wendy either tending to her hobby farm, playing video games, relaxing on her back porch, or coloring in her growing collection of adult coloring books. She also loves spending quality time with her husband, two sons, two cats, and one adorable Labradoodle. Together, they call “The Granite State” home sweet home. To find out more about Wendy Meadows both personally and creatively, feel free to visit her official website at

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    Book preview

    Deep in the Snow - Wendy Meadows

    chapter one

    Sitting in the small office tucked away in the back of her coffee shop, Sarah watched Amanda dance with a broom like a young high school girl in love. What in the world are you doing? Sarah called out.

    Amanda continued to dance with the broom, skillfully moving around the kitchen on talented feet as a bitter winter wind cried outside. I’m remembering my youth, Amanda sang out. I want to remember what it was like to be young and beautiful before this cold climate shrivels me up into a useless prune.

    Sarah leaned back in her chair and continued to watch her friend. We’re not old, she protested even though she felt much older than her mind wanted to admit. Glancing down at the blue wool blend outfit she’d bought in Fairbanks, Sarah wondered if it made her look like an old maid. There was no way she would have even touched the thing in her earlier years. But practicality and awareness of time had somehow crept into her taste in style, destroying hours spent in a closet wondering what to wear and replacing fashionable pieces with simple, warm clothes that were pretty enough to be a little stylish but also tough enough to battle the cold winds of Alaska. Well, we’re not ancient...just...responsible.

    Amanda looked at Sarah. When was the last time you put your hair in a French braid? she asked.

    Sarah lifted her hand and touched her soft hair, which was flowing freely down to the tops of her shoulders. I cut my hair short after my divorce, she reminded Amanda. I couldn’t do a French braid even if I wanted to.

    You know what I mean. Amanda brought her dance to an end. Thank you, Mr. Broom, you have been a lovely dancing partner.

    Sarah watched as Amanda leaned the broom against the wall next to the back door. Her friend was dressed in a lovely red and white striped candy cane dress that, somehow, seemed to draw out her beauty instead of appearing silly. Well, Sarah said, glancing at the paperwork sitting on her desk and the green bag resting next to the computer, we did okay today...nothing great, but we’re not in the red.

    We? Amanda asked, strolling up to the desk. Los Angeles, this is your coffee shop, not mine. I’m just a poor, lonely beggar that comes along sometimes for a free coffee and cinnamon roll.

    Sarah looked up at her friend. Speaking of cinnamon rolls, she winked, if you paid me for the ones you’ve eaten I would be a very wealthy woman.

    Amanda stuck her tongue out and smiled. It’s getting a bit late. Maybe we should get ready to leave? My stomach is growling and I’m anxious to cook my shepherd’s pie tonight. You’re going to love it.

    My poor stomach, Sarah teased. She grabbed the bank bag. I didn’t see Conrad today. He said he might drop by.

    Oh, Amanda grinned. I see.

    I didn’t know...I mean... Sarah fumbled. June Bug, the last thing in the world I’m interested in right now is romance. It’s been three days since we’ve seen Conrad, that’s all.

    Amanda drew in a deep breath, her nose filling with the scent of coffee and cinnamon rolls. Alas, the lost love shall never return, she cried out in a dramatic voice and threw the back of her right hand to her forehead. Oh, my love, where art thou?

    Sarah leaned against the office doorway and rolled her eyes. Do you like walking? It’s a long way to my cabin.

    Oh, the snow, Amanda cried out again, why do you torture me so? My love, aren’t you supposed to keep me warm? But alas, you are so cold...

    Sarah giggled. Silly.

    Amanda smiled and looked at the baking pan still sitting on the stove where a single cinnamon roll greeted her gaze. Sarah followed Amanda’s eyes, but before she could say a word, Amanda dashed to the stove and snatched up the cinnamon roll. We thespians need our energy, she claimed, taking a huge bite of the cinnamon roll and chewing happily. Your coffee needs work, but your cinnamon rolls...absolutely incredible.

    Sarah walked into the kitchen. Here, she said, picking up a roll of paper towels sitting next to the sink, you’d better take these along, Mrs. Sticky Fingers.

    Amanda held up a pointer finger and motioned for Sarah to hold out the paper towels as she gobbled down the cinnamon roll and quickly washed her hands in the sink. I don’t need the entire roll, she chuckled and tore off enough sheets to dry her hands. Let’s go, Los Angeles.

    Let me get my purse. Sarah walked back to her office. When she picked up the white bag sitting on top of the filing cabinet, the phone on her desk rang. Even in Alaska someone knows when to call just at the right time, she said to herself. She put down the purse and bank bag. Hello?

    Good, you’re still at the coffee shop. Conrad’s voice seemed calm yet urgent. Got time to talk?

    I was just getting ready to drive to the bank and then go home. Amanda is going to make us some of her famous shepherd’s pie tonight. Why don’t you come over for dinner? As Sarah spoke, a strong gust of wind struck the back door and kitchen windows. Even though it wasn’t snowing and the roads were clear—for the most part—the wind chill was viciously dangerous. The roads are icy and I really want to get home. I shouldn’t have stayed open as long as I did, but a motorcycle group drove through town and stopped in for some coffee.

    The ‘Freedom Road Grandpas’, Amanda yelled out from the kitchen, picking up her pink purse from the counter. A bunch of crazy old men who are going to catch pneumonia. It’s a good thing we talked them into staying the night in Fairbanks.

    Yeah, I saw them leave town about a half hour ago, Conrad told Sarah. Sitting in his office, staring out the window, he grew silent and listened to the winds howl outside. Okay, sure, I’ll drive out and have a bite to eat.

    Is anything the matter? Sarah asked, concerned. You’ve been quiet for the last three days. I thought we were friends?

    We are friends, Conrad assured her. That’s why I'm calling. Sarah, I need your help. I’ll explain later. I’ll meet you at your place in an hour.

    Sarah tried to reply, but Conrad hung up on her. What’s the news? Amanda asked, walking up to the office door. What’s going on with Mr. New York?

    I don’t know, Sarah answered in a confused voice. You might want to make extra for dinner tonight because we’re going to have a third plate.

    Amanda raised her eyebrows. I see, she smiled.

    Don’t start, Sarah groaned. Come on, let’s get going before the roads get worse.

    Sarah and Amanda walked out of the kitchen to the wooden coat rack standing next to the front door. It’s going to be absolutely freezing, Amanda said, throwing on her faux fur coat.

    I know. Sarah put on her coat. Here, hold these.

    Amanda held Sarah’s purse and the bank bag as Sarah put on her winter gloves and ski cap. My turn, Amanda said.

    Sarah quickly loaded her arms with the two purses and the green bank bag as Amanda covered her hands with warm gloves and put on a thick gray wool hat. As Sarah watched Amanda put on the hat, she

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