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His Secret Promise
His Secret Promise
His Secret Promise
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His Secret Promise

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Living with survivor guilt ex-soldier Jared O’Connell craves forgiveness from his childhood friend for the death of her brother in Afghanistan. To get himself emotionally fit before he sees Mardi, he relocates to the coast to renovate his family home.

Close to finishing her studies, Mardi James can almost taste success. Her world crumbles following an alleged assault resulting in partial memory loss which may end her long-term career plans. Recovering at her family’s coastal holiday home, she is approached by a man who apparently knows her, and calls her by name.

Jared is devastated when Mardi doesn’t know who he is. An opportunity to seek her forgiveness and move on with his life appears lost to him.

Release dateFeb 28, 2022
His Secret Promise

Joanie MacNeil

Australian romance author Joanie MacNeil writes short contemporary romance novels. All but two of her novels are set in Australia. Two are set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.To find out more about Joanie's books, click this link to go directly to her website:

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    Book preview

    His Secret Promise - Joanie MacNeil

    His Secret Promise

    Honorable Men: The Australians: Jared

    Joanie MacNeil

    Digital ISBNs

    EPUB 9781778621133

    Kindle 9781778621140

    PDF 9781778621157

    Print ISBNs

    LSI Print 9781778621171

    B&N Print 9781778621188

    Amazon Print 9781778621164

    Copyright 2021 by Author Joanie MacNeil

    Cover art by Christine's Cover Creations

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of this book


    To those we’ve loved and lost: you’re forever in our hearts

    Chapter One

    This night was the second worst moment in her life.

    Mardi James crept away from the noisy crowd, a pre-embarkation sendoff for the two people she cared for most. Never good with farewells, she lowered her eyelids to suppress the tears. In the next few days, when her twin brother and their childhood friend, Jared, left for Afghanistan, she’d be on her own. A quiet cry might ease her sadness, lighten her heavy heart, and help get her through the next little while.

    A powerful hand grasped her shoulder.

    I wondered where you were.

    Jared’s voice, low and deep, warmed her. She blinked, which made no difference to the moisture in her eyes. As she brushed her fingertips across her damp lashes, she turned to answer him.

    A late shift last night and another long one today. I needed some quiet time. Guess I’m exhausted.

    No doubt. He brushed the hair away from her face, and considered her, as if searching for evidence of her exhaustion. We’ve had little chance to chat this evening. I’ll think of you often while I’m away. I won’t forget you.

    Well, I hope not. Though she couldn’t see it, the fracture in her soul shattered her heart into little pieces.

    A weighted silence hung between them.

    She attempted to put into practice the skills she’d learned when faced with sad situations on the wards. Saying goodbye to Jared was more personal, and she couldn’t recall any of those helpful tips. A hot tear seeped down her cheek. In the soft lights, she hoped he wouldn’t see it. He raised his hand, and his finger brushed away the trickle of moisture. With eyes closed, she basked in his caring, gentle touch.

    I’ll be thinking of you, and Cam too, all the time. You two are all I have.

    Speaking of your brother, he said he’d be out in a moment. He’s more than ready to leave.

    Is he okay?

    He’ll be fine. The excitement will wear off when reality hits.

    Her stomach knotted at the idea of the danger they would encounter. She swallowed. This is his big adventure in life. Yours too. You both need to start afresh. Seek a better future for yourselves. I couldn’t take it if anything happened to either of you.

    You and Cam have been through a lot.

    She suppressed the memory of the car accident that took the lives of both their parents.


    Hey. Cam appeared out of nowhere, looking happy and flushed with excitement, his blond hair trimmed to regulation style.

    He threw his arms around her and hugged her close.

    Take care, little brother. As the first twin born, she could never resist teasing him. Be safe. And don’t do anything stupid. She clung to him as if that would prevent him from leaving. Love you. She struggled to hold back a sob. I’d prefer you not to go. She sniffed. But I know you have to.

    Love you too, sis. I’ll do my best to be careful. You take great care of you.

    He grinned. Her heart splintered at the idea of this happy young man in constant danger. See you when I’m lookin’ at you. He offered a mock salute. His blue eyes twinkled.

    You’re on. She couldn’t help but smile at Cam’s cheeriness. He was the happiest she’d seen him since their parents’ accident ten months ago. He and Jared had joined up not long after that. It appeared obvious he enjoyed military life and the opportunities his new career provided.

    She turned to Jared. You’d better go too.

    Yes, I suppose so.

    Their locked gazes lingered as if they’d both stopped breathing. Her lips parted, and she noticed his eyes close as he lowered his head toward her. He drew her closer and gathered her into his arms. Her own eyelids fluttered closed.

    The long, lingering kiss was like nothing she’d ever experienced. His kiss, gentle at first, became more eager, more committed. Strong arms wrapped even tighter around her, pressing her into his taut body. She couldn’t breathe and struggled to extricate herself from his embrace.

    Oh my. It was an effort to whisper the words. She peered up at him, and he grinned at her.

    Oh my, indeed. To think I always considered you my adopted little sister and off limits.

    He brushed his warm hand against her cheek, and she shivered with pleasure.

    Is that the reason they never kissed? Because Jared thought she was off limits? The idea never occurred to her. Throughout her teens, she harbored a secret crush on him. She considered whether their relationship might have developed into something more if their respective career plans hadn’t got in the way.

    Come on, guys. Cam’s interruption spoiled Mardi’s wistful moment. Time to go.

    Her breath caught.

    This was it, the moment she’d dreaded for weeks now. Her heart cracked. Take care, you two. Stay safe. Hope it’s not too long before you’re home again. She brought her palm to her mouth and blew them a kiss. Through a curtain of tears, her gaze followed them as they walked away.

    Please stay safe.

    * * *

    As he and Cam strode toward the transport that would take them back to base, Cam jogged ahead to speak with one of the other soldiers.

    Jared turned for one last glimpse and smiled when Mardi’s lips puffed him another kiss across her palm.

    We’ll be back. I’ll take great care of Cam, I promise, Jared said, glad neither she nor Cam heard his foolish secret promise. Who knew what lay ahead for them in the war-ravaged country?

    He returned her smile and forced himself not to run back into her arms for one last hug. As he turned and walked away, he said beneath his breath, Be careful, Mardi James, one day I might ask you to marry me.

    So far, he enjoyed military life, learning new skills, working as part of a high-functioning team, and taking advantage of the opportunities provided to forge a new future for himself. He aspired to become a good and capable man, a competent soldier. He’d have more to offer Mardi on his return. If only he could escape his wretched past and erase the cruel, derogatory words of his intoxicated father and his relentless criticism. Like a mantra, those words remained embedded in his psyche. You’ll never be any good to anyone.

    * * *

    Jonas Jones witnessed the cozy exchange between the couple, her distress obvious as the man she kissed turned his back on her and walked away. Absorbed in her own world, she dabbed her eyes and turned in his direction.

    Jealousy stung him. The other man didn’t deserve her. If this woman belonged to him, he’d keep her close.

    Ready to offer a comforting word as she wandered toward him, she appeared not to notice his presence and kept walking. That she ignored him irritated him to no end. His jaw clenched. This eye-catching young woman didn’t appreciate what she was missing.

    He would make her smile. When they got together, he’d make sure she wouldn’t be able to resist him. He understood how to treat a woman.

    * * *

    The following morning, on her path to the hospital, and desperate for a proper coffee, Mardi glanced at her watch. She shuddered at the prospect of the swill served at the hospital cafeteria.

    Relieved, she had time to indulge in a decent coffee before her shift began. Fretful and sad, she deserved a pick-me-up treat to enjoy in-house.

    Morning Joe, she called as she entered her favorite coffee house, filled with good vibes and the tantalizing aroma of fresh ground beans.

    Hi Mardi, usual for you today?

    An extra shot would be good. Thanks Joe, and I’ll have it here, please.

    Coming right up. How was last night?

    She mentioned the farewell in a previous conversation. Okay, thanks. Noisy and sad. It was so awful saying goodbye. And I’m so scared of what they might face. And for me. They’re all I have left.

    He nodded. Understandable. I’m always here if you need to talk.

    She tapped her card. Thanks Joe, you’re a good man. She liked the barista. They sometimes shared a laugh and the occasional chat, which always cheered her before a frequent tough day.

    As she sauntered past a handful of people waiting to collect their take-away beverages from the side counter, she spotted Chrissie sitting near the window, gazing out onto the busy street.

    Morning. I might have known you’d be here. Mardi pulled out a chair to join her at the table.

    I’m in desperate need of a heart-starter this morning.

    Me too. Wild night? Mardi said.

    Not really, I just couldn’t sleep. Too much on my mind. How was the farewell?

    Okay, too sad, and I’m feeling flat and lost this morning.

    Should she tell Chrissie about Jared’s farewell kiss, and her puzzling new feelings for him? She decided against it. Her friend would want to know too much, and Mardi remained unprepared to share her brand-new unearthed emotions just yet.

    That’s only to be expected. Chrissie reached across the table and patted Mardi’s hand.

    I think I’ll try to avoid the mean new boss lady today.

    That might be a wise idea.

    Thank you, Mardi responded to the young woman who delivered their coffees. Smells wonderful.

    Enjoy. She turned, walked to the next table, and placed coffee and cake in front of the man sitting there.

    Ooh, he’s cute, Chrissie said. Why didn’t I see him earlier?

    Mardi shrugged. She sipped the hot, creamy coffee, half glanced in the man’s general direction, and hoped he hadn’t heard her friend’s fervent comment.

    To each his own. He doesn’t do much for me, she said with indifference, her voice soft enough so he wouldn’t hear. She savored her coffee, half-listening to Chrissie’s idle chatter. Her thoughts and heavy heart filled with memories of Jared’s heated kiss and her own enthusiastic response. The memory remained on continuous replay in her mind. Thoughts of what might become of Jared and Cam filled her heart with dread. She inhaled calming breaths until the sensation in her chest settled.

    Time to go, Chrissie said.

    Mardi swallowed the last mouthful of her coffee and rose to follow her friend. They walked by the man’s table on their way to the door.

    * * *

    He glanced up and smiled when they passed by.

    Aware he’d seen her before, the woman from last night, but only now realized it had been here, one or twice, sometimes with her chatty, dark-haired friend. He believed they worked at the hospital nearby. All dressed up, she looked different, glamorous, and now, thanks to the barista, he knew her name. Mardi. It suited her and he liked it. And he took pleasure in the way her name rolled off his tongue.

    She reminded him of his most recent ex-girlfriend, slim build, and long silky blonde hair. Just the way he liked his women. That relationship hadn’t ended well, and he sought another playmate.

    He planned to find out where she lived. If he was lucky, he’d check out the inside of her house and discover what made her tick. He thrived on challenge.

    Jonas relished the anticipation that slithered through him.

    Chapter Two

    Bullets crashed into the dirt inches from his face. Jared scrutinized the veil of sand before him, haunted by the persistent dread of what might be visible when the gritty curtain cleared. The hated protective eyewear served its purpose. He sweltered inside uncomfortable body armor, fatigues sticking to his skin. Sweat flowed from beneath his helmet, drenched his back, his forehead, and trickled into his eyes, vision blurring. Relentless, solid pounding of heavy-duty artillery forced him to seek cover, pressing himself harder into the earth. Explosions dominated the surroundings, reverberated inside his skull. His life might soon end. Don’t let the bad guys beat you. He seized the concept.

    Gut in a knot, he scoured the scenery. A familiar habit following a firefight. Each time, the vibe was different. He searched for a glimpse of Cam. In the swirling sand, his instinct declared it could be a futile quest. The clamor of battle reached another level of intensity. The ground shuddered with the force of consecutive detonations.

    Dust and debris cleared... Nothing. His team materialized within his sight. He expelled a fervent sigh until he heard someone shout for a medic. Trepidation gripped him as he recounted his men. One of them was missing. He scanned further until his gaze located the object of his search.

    Shit. Shit. Shit. He jumped up, running toward his friend, not wanting to think the unthinkable. No. No. Don’t be dead, Cam. Please, don’t be dead.

    The mate he loved as a brother was near death. And there was nothing he could do. He kneeled beside the limp, damaged form and took Cam’s hand, leaning over him to hear the young man’s whispered words.’ll...take care of...Mardi.

    You have my word I will.

    But the soldier’s shallow breathing ceased as Jared uttered his pledge. With a deep lungful of air, he sucked the emotion into the depths of his soul, stockpiled for when the fight concluded.

    * * *

    Jared woke in an icy sweat. Whether from pent up fear

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