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Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge
Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge
Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge
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Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge

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Silent Cries in the Night: More Untold Stories from the Edge - Part of the Trilogy When Demons Came to Church.

This manuscript originally started as a story I wrote for my children. However, as time passed, it turned into a book I intended to write for our current President and Leader of our Nation. The book will reveal the Spiritual Revelations behind why our former President attended Reverend Wright's ministry for twenty years. It will also provide a clear understanding of why many people inside and outside the church do not support the so-called modern-day and faith-based Christian Church.
Release dateMar 2, 2022
Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge

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    Silent Cries in the Night untold stories from the Edge - Tony Rowland


    Anthony Rowland

    2024 by Anthony Rowland

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN 9781458372444

    LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: This book is based on actual events; however, names have been fictionalized, and all persons depicted are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Neither the publisher nor the author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damages resulting from the use of this book. All links provided are for informational purposes only and are not warranted for accuracy or any other implied purposes. The publisher and author make no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of this work and expressly disclaim all warranties, including, but not limited to, warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by sales representatives or written sales materials.

    When people do not accept divine guidance, they run wild.

    But whoever obeys the law is joyful.

    Proverbs 29:18


    Special Thanks,

    To all who waited patiently for almost nine years for me to put this book together, as well as those who passed away before its completion, it is finally here. I extend my heartfelt Thanks, Support, and Assistance to John S. and Derrick G., my editors. I want to give special thanks to my wife, children, and friends who also waited for the final copy.

    Silent Cries in the Night Untold Stories From The Edge:

    Part of the trilogy of ‘When Demons Came to Church’

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1: The Light

    Chapter 2: The Voices of Darkness

    Chapter 3: Daily Awakenings

    Day 4/29/2002

    Day 5/1/2002 - 5/4/2002

    Day 5/5/2002

    Day 5/6/2002

    Day 5/7/2002

    Day 5/8/2002

    Day 5/10/2002 - 5/11/2002

    Day 5/12/2002 - 5/13/2002

    Day 5/14/2002

    Day 5/17/2002

    Day 5/19/2002

    Day 5/22/2002

    Day 5/23/2002

    Day 5/24/2002

    Day 5/25/2002

    Day 5/26/2002

    Day 5/27/2002

    Day 5/28/2002

    Day 5/29/2002

    Day 5/30/2002

    Day 5/31/2002

    Day 6/1/2002

    Day 6/2/2002

    Day 6/3/2002

    Day 6/4/2002

    Day 6/5/2002

    Day 6/6/2002

    Day 6/7/2002

    Day 6/8/2002

    Day 6/9/2002

    Day 6/10/2002

    Day 6/11/2002

    Day 6/12/2002

    Day 6/13/2002

    Day 6/14/2002

    Day 6/15/2002

    Day 6/16/2002

    Day 6/17/2002

    Day 6/18/2002

    Day 6/19/2002

    Day 6/20/2002

    Day 6/21/2002

    Day 6/22/2002

    Day 6/23/2002

    Day 6/24/2002

    Day 6/25/2002

    Day 6/26/2002

    Day 6/27/2002

    Day 6/28/2002

    Day 6/29/2002

    Day 6/30/2002

    Day 7/1/2002

    Day 7/2/2002

    Chapter 1: The Light

    In the early morning of March 13, 2002, I felt the urge to do something unusual. I decided to kneel and pray on my knees. This decision turned out to be a life-changing moment that marked the beginning of my spiritual journey. In my view, praying on my knees was something over the years proven to be simply hokey pokey. It was something I didn’t do other than pray in bed, in my car, or at work. This early morning, I had just finished reading several more chapters of a book entitled, A Divine Revelation from Hell by Mary K. Baxter. I was shaken by the realities of what she’d written concerning her spiritual experience. This lady wrote about an encounter with the Lord after receiving baptism from the Holy Spirit/Ghost. She wrote about a spiritual experience involving a combination of visions and actual accounts detailing her spirit being lifted out of her body and taken to Hell.

    Today, many call this spiritual experience an out-of-body experience (O.B.E.). Several New Age Movement Groups call this experience astral projection. I will move into a more profound, detailed account of these neo-movement groups that have sprung across the nation and seemed to have swept what you may refer to as the religious movement scene overnight. As I continued to read Mary Baxter’s book, she could express legibly to us in vivid detail what she saw in Hell. My mind couldn’t comprehend the realities of what is called Hell. All I knew was that this person was telling the truth. How could I be so definite? I didn’t realize it at the time; however, I knew even in church that I didn’t feel anything subjectively as if I was surely going to heaven. I went to church all my life, yet I didn’t have any physical assurance or evidence that physically proved I was going to heaven in my body. After being baptized and living a righteous life, the church taught that grace would automatically kick in due to faith in their Christian-based beliefs. This is what I was instructed to believe in all my life. The church told me that I wasn’t supposed to have a spiritual, physical, subjective feeling in my body as evidence to assure me that I was divinely saved. All I needed to know was that Christianity was based on firm statutes and deep convictions of solid beliefs.

    A combination of faith, grace, and symbolism would also do it. This is one of the several formulated teaching rituals to get you to heaven. So, as an outcome, when all was said, getting to heaven rested on how much faith you could personally muster, and then grace would follow to qualify and reassure your salvation. I was also taught that my unyielding belief and faith in Jesus Christ dying for our sins would serve to be all the notice and evidence that I needed to enter the pearly gates of heaven. With that, I also had to be a good and moral person, but in terms of evidence, my faith would have to serve because there was no other proof. In addition, I was taught that if you heard and read the word repeatedly, that would serve and build your faith because faith cometh by hearing the word of God repeatedly. The only problem was faith eluded me because it surely didn’t provide any physical substance within to assure me that grace was being worked in me. I had heard the word all my life and was always unfilled of any spiritual substance. I was taught that I wasn’t supposed to experience the Supernatural like those did in the Book of Acts for my experience to match up with the bible to give me some guarantee to assure me that I was saved. Now, with that said, I am not writing to people who do not believe there is a hell. Also, you may wonder what the difference between Mary K’s book and mine. Mary’s book describes what she saw in hell. My book provides a clear road map of how to avoid hell. Along the way, you will discover your true destiny and purpose in Jesus Christ.

    On another note, what is the Supernatural? The Supernatural is, according to D. Webster: Attributed to order or power of existence beyond the visible observable eye or universe that seems to violate or go beyond natural laws. Departing from what is usual or normal, especially to appear to transcend the natural laws of nature. Attributed to an invisible divine agent (such as a ghost or spirit). 

    Also, have you ever considered that the Christian Bible is the makeup of one Supernatural event after the next that encompasses Heaven, Hell, Demons, Spirits, and Ghosts, starting with the Book of Genesis and, as we advance, covering Revelations? I’m just saying…

    How could I determine the spiritual significance and quantity of the oil mentioned in Matthew Chapter 25 of the New Testament that is required for my lamp when I don't understand the connection between my body and the divine and how this lamp works? In simpler terms, how did this oil spiritually work, and how was it situated in my body so that I could know life and Jesus was there? How would I know how to fill up this lamp and be certain physically that my lamp was being filled to overflow with this special blended oil before the coming of the Lord? This was especially true when I did not know how to spiritually get confirmation from the one providing the oil for my lamp to be filled. I am writing about the bridegroom who would return for his bridesmaids at midnight. However, all those who did not have their lamps filled fully were foolish and unwise. As a result, the bridesmaids were sacredly examined at the door, and the doors were opened for the wise maids, but the doors were shut for the foolish maids, and they were rejected from entering the feast. Or do you substitute this as faith that is empty, or do you read the heck out of the word to show proof that your lamp is filled? Also, to be clear, doesn’t this read that there should be a divine substance (oil) to show as a physical sign in the body? This divine sign must exist and be able to be measured to ensure you are filled or not. Isn’t this to be consistent with the bridesmaid’s theses in Matthew Chapter 25 of the coming of the day of the Lord Jesus Christ?

    With this being said, I really didn’t like any church. To tell you the truth, I didn’t like the preaching, singing, or praying either. I didn’t know why. It did not matter what church I went to up to this point. I went to church strictly out of tradition. I thought that something was seriously wrong with me for thirty-something years. The manuscripts this woman wrote about frankly spoke to me and shook my attention spiritually. Spirituality was a word that I didn’t understand, nor did I know how to quantify (measure; account for in spiritual numbers) in comparison with those of scripture. Again, how could I spiritually measure where I was in Christ if he didn’t reveal this to me? This was a simple question. I’d read the bible daily for years. I never knew anything other than Jesus Christ dying for our sins. I acknowledged that I must have faith, grace, and baptism for salvation through repeatedly hearing God's word even though I didn’t feel anything subjectively from faith, grace, and baptism fulfilled in my body— a feeling that I thought should accompany those who believed. I’m writing about a springing from within the heart, begetting life from life and possibility. I’m writing in relation to the same spiritual affirmations that happened to those people in the Book of Acts. I’m speaking about people whose tongues of fire fell upon their heads through a succession of physical and intimate Spiritual Manifestations— manifestos that gave enormous evidence and assurances of receiving inwardly that they were divinely saved.

    Could it have been that I did not receive my faith inwardly because the word of God coming forth was not seared and reamed out of a holy, consecrated, and purified source, or had I just been swindled? Moreover, I didn’t know what was meant in the bible when they (inspired men of God/Lord) began talking about the spirit healing this person of total blindness or how those who were paraplegics and amputees experienced the power of healing in their bodies. I could not fathom what it meant when people suddenly disappeared out of thin air in the Old and New Testaments. Or how could I understand what was being said when, in the Old Testament, armies were defeated by angelic forces? Did these armies of more than ten thousand people suddenly fall dead— like death from unseen vapors that suddenly fell upon them? I’m writing in relation to a ghastly science fiction film. How could I assimilate or understand what spiritually happened to those people? I did not know how to comprehend the spiritual reality of how the ‘Walls of Jericho’ collapsed and came tumbling down in the Book of Joshua— walls that came down when Joshua and the anointing (holy power) of the Lord’s spirit was heavily on the congregation as they shouted. How could Gideon and his men of Three Hundred simply begin to blow trumpets in the Book of Judges and cause their adversaries, the Midianites, to kill each other? I am writing about tens of thousands and thousands of military men suddenly turning on each other with the sword.

    I was taught you must believe these events happened throughout the bible; even though metaphorical, you must have faith it happened. Yet, for us today, none of this occurs. I was informed that we live under a different and new spiritual law, much of which concerns your faith. The church I attended for forty-three years never really had any spiritual influence on me in terms of building my faith inwardly.

    While reading Mary Baxter’s book, A Divine Revelation from Hell, I noticed something strange and unknown taking place inside my body. The only other time I experienced this was just before I closed the contract on my home about two years ago. Why was I experiencing this untimely and unusual somatic stomach effect while reading this lady’s book? This strange effect was not normal, and it soon would inspire me. After a time, the strange sounds of my stomach subsided. This is when I decided to pray on my knees and forgive everyone that I knew that either hurt me or I had a problem with. I did this because I was frightened out of my body after reading this book. All I knew was that I didn’t want to go to Hell. I would pray every day in the early morning hours on my knees. One early morning, something mysterious happened.

    As I was praying and forgiving everyone that I knew, I began to feel as if I was floating in midair. I didn’t know, nor could I recognize what was happening. Yet, I knew something abnormal was transpiring inside and outside of my body. Even while my mind would not let me fully grasp the enormous impact of what was taking place— unexpectedly, I heard a voice say, Do you forgive this person?  Instantly, this caught my attention, and I looked around. No one else was in my room but me with my door shut. I looked again about the room to see where this voice was coming from. I saw nothing. I started my prayer again. A voice called and said again Do you forgive that person? This voice was audible. Once more, I knew that no one was in my room. Where was this undeniable voice coming from? After a noticeably brief time, I was convinced that this voice was my Lord and Savior.

    How did I know? I do not know. The only thing is, I’d never heard a voice that was as resounding, rich, and full of stately distinction as this audible voice was. I said yes! I do forgive this person. I said this awkwardly at first because my mind couldn’t fully comprehend or desire to recognize the fullness and reality of what was divinely transpiring. The Lord asked me twice: Did I forgive this person? I said yes once more. This was the voice of my Lord, and I was not mistaken. Moreover, this voice was in a discriminating and distinctive tone. The voice of Jesus Christ was not weak or quiet, nor was it in a gentle whisper that was, in an unassuming way, brought about as a nudge. It was not an, I cannot feel voice either. This voice shook my entire being. It went way past what is known as the geography of time and space. It eclipsed and overshadowed what is understood and dislocated my reality.

    How could I be so swayed that this was the voice of Jesus Christ? Others have said the same thing. Just keep reading, for this is precisely why these books have been written. This voice was something that I had never heard or known before. Did this voice speak to my heart? I have listened to many in the church claim that. The Lord speaking to folk’s hearts seemed to be what I hear from people asserting that the Lord is speaking to them today, or they claim that they have a vague and indistinct knowing. Although, this voice that spoke to me was able to circumnavigate (bypass) my human understanding. It transcended way past our human heart. The voice spoke audibly directly to my mind. Nothing like this had ever happened to me in my life.

    Suddenly and without hesitation, there began to be what I can only describe to you as a barrage of thoughts and declarations that began to bypass way beyond my own mind’s capability to understand what was happening alone. It was as if thousands and thousands of messages began to spiral and spring up through some slither and wrinkle within my mind. Suddenly, these messages started spiraling and spinning at an unknown, tornadic rate of speed that was not comprehensible to me. The rate of speed at which these messages or words were rotating and then implanted into my mind extended way beyond my human understanding. How could I grasp what was taking place? I do not know. In that instant, I knew human beings weren’t capable of duplicating anything like this. As these sizzling and rotating messages began to roll in like a great tide, my mind was apprehended by another greater mind reservoir. How was this and why? I don’t know. All I can tell you is that my mind wasn’t able to cope with what was taking place. This reservoir of power that rolled in as if a tornado had been launched right into my cerebral (thought; temporal lobe/long-term memory) region was absolutely mind-shadowing to me.

    After this happened, a barrage of fireworks explosions began to happen in my stomach and chest. I began to struggle with the idea that this was humanly possible. I thought: Was this reality, or was I experiencing a form of dislocation from my reality termed by some as a schizoaffective disorder or auditory hallucinations? Had I neurologically cracked? I couldn’t believe what was taking place in my mind and body. There were cluster bombs, rocket parachutes, sky diamonds, crackles, peonies, palm trees, chrysanthemums, waves, and fire rockets firing and erupting concurrently in successions in my stomach and chest. I could feel and discern a series of ripping caracals of fireworks displays taking place inwardly throughout my stomach and chest. These brilliant lines of dazzling sparkles ran in odd and different directions throughout my chest, which felt weird yet soothing, warm, and wonderful. The background from those heavy explosives in my stomach felt unbelievably breathtaking, and today, I still yearn for this spiritual experience. I was experiencing the same effect, just like you would see at a huge fireworks display, but only this was happening inside me. Through all this, I knew that what was transmigrating (transfer) in me was not from this world. For some unknown reason, it was an enjoyable and inviting feeling. This wonderful, soothing, and glorious feeling inside my body was again weird but spectacular! This was something so unexpected and extraordinary that it cannot be explained through logic and reason.

    I was still on my knees while this was all taking place. I walked over to another sofa in my room and tried to take all this in mentally. I didn’t have any conception of what was happening in my mind and body (Note that I say my mind and body because they are separate spiritually). This extraordinary, soothing feeling was the most incredible and most wonderful feeling that I had ever known in this lifetime. Does it have a name? I was clueless about it all. Once more, I would ask, what is this, or how is it named? This would be my endless question for days: For what purpose did it stand? I just sat there with this bewildering, clumsy look and a smile. Whatever this was, it felt far better than anything I’d known or thought possible in this life that could be felt and experienced. Suddenly, what was in my chest and my stomach began to respond as if it had a mind and thought process. It started to poke me as if trying to convince me that this was actually reality. This fire kept erupting as if there was a volcano right in the pit of my stomach and chest region. I could feel the pressure pushing in each of these fireworks successions of explosions. The endless episodes of fire penetrating my belly were exhilarating, to say the least. There are no other words to describe to you with great clarity what was happening to me. This went on for several days. Every morning, in anticipation, I would wake up around 2 o’clock. I would rush to the bathroom to wash my face and hands and brush my teeth and hair to prepare for prayer. Why did I wash before prayer? At this point, I cannot tell you other than my desire to stay focused and alert during prayer.

    As this fireworks display began to unfold all over again in the pit of my belly and chest region, there were many subsequent days that I would awake in the early a.m. hours. Before I could get my face and hands washed, I could feel the firing volcanic eruption in my chest and stomach. Oh, how this was the most thrilling experience that I could ever witness in this lifetime. I couldn’t wait to return to bed at night, just to be awakened again. And I quote: By the Lord in the early morning so that I could experience this extraordinary elation and unspeakable glory all over again. One more time, I must tell you this experience happened on many mornings incredibly early. Nothing in this lifetime could have prepared me for this inescapable spiritual encounter. What I was experiencing was so gloriously spectacular and magnificent that nothing could rival or compare. I wanted to be purified and turned upside down in this unbelievable and unspeakable glory every awakening. I didn’t care what I had to do at this crossing. I desired to be entirely overshadowed by this glorious feeling. It was as if oceans and riverbeds had been cracked right in the pit of my belly. My yearning each morning was to feed off this miraculous wonder. My thoughts suddenly changed to whatever I had to do. If it was praying on my knees with my hands and face washed every day—at my lavatory—or what— I would do it. It didn’t matter. If I had to read all of Mary K. Baxter’s books, I would so that I could experience and be filled with this reservoir from on high for the rest of my life.

    I experienced this spiritual supernatural (foretaste) epiphany every day for many weeks. And I quote from the Lord! I know this today. There’s one thing I need to tell you. I do not know how I intuitively knew this, but I wasn’t supposed to go to the church, or shall I say the Church of Christ, and disclose what happened to me. This is where I attended church. This thought seared deeply in my subconscious mind from the moment this other front had captured—what I think—was my other mind. Is it possible that we have another mind? We will discuss that and exclusively why I wasn’t supposed to give this testimony to the Churches of Christ and the many other churches as we journey through my letters. Regarding the foretaste, I continued to linger in for many days, I regret to say that I can only remember a half-dozen or so. I was so shocked and overcome by these strange signs and wonders that I felt shaken into reality from another time and space. Similarly, it seems like I am being forced to forget these mind-blowing spiritual anomalies. Did I stumble upon an opening gateway or a portal to parallel universes and expanding passageways leading to another realm, time, and world? Did I happen to slip into another dimension of New Life that I knew nothing about? What exactly was transpiring? I didn’t know and could not tell you at that crossroads.

    I will attempt to reveal as many of these descriptions of foretastes as I can remember. These foretastes soon turned into a living daily reality for me. Still, I need to stay on target and in good symmetry with

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