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The Cheapery St. Heroes: The Cheapery St. Heroes, #1
The Cheapery St. Heroes: The Cheapery St. Heroes, #1
The Cheapery St. Heroes: The Cheapery St. Heroes, #1
Ebook59 pages39 minutes

The Cheapery St. Heroes: The Cheapery St. Heroes, #1

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About this ebook

The Imaginariverse, the source of all imagination in the Multiverse, has been taken over by an evil queen named Walmar Seburbia. Her plan? To destroy six potential heroes in two different universes who could thwart her intention to rule forever.

She traps the Conductor of Dreams, the spark that connects imaginations to the Imaginariverse, and shoves it into the Vortex Cannon. She's determined to stop these potential heroes at all costs.

Who are they? Find out in Book One of The Cheapery St. Heroes!

Release dateMar 12, 2022
The Cheapery St. Heroes: The Cheapery St. Heroes, #1

Shawn Michel de Montaigne

I'm a writer, illustrator, and fractalist. A wonderer, wanderer, and an unapologetic introvert. I'm a romantic; I'm inspired by the epic, the authentic, the numinous, and the luminous. Most of all, I'm blessed.

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    Book preview

    The Cheapery St. Heroes - Shawn Michel de Montaigne

    The Imaginariverse


    A GREAT human named Albert Einstein once said, Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.

    He had no idea just how right he was.

    But I'm getting ahead of myself.

    Please let me introduce myself. I'm Zappee, and I've got a story I'd like to tell you. I'd like to tell you that it's a true story, but I'll refrain from doing so. You see, I know how divided you humans are, and I don't want to trouble you too much. You believe that imagination is devoid of truth, or has only a fleeting relationship with it. You believe imagination is for children. You reserve yours for the times your boss tells you to think outside the box in order to maximize the office supplies. That's what you human adults call imagination.

    You see, I'm not from your universe. I'm from the Imaginariverse.

    Where is the Imaginariverse? Well, when you're not thinking of staplers and paper clips and brainstorming ideas for integrating this or that business solution to maximize the office app’s whatsis so that the quarterly white paper reads black and not red—and just let me point out right now that such brainstorming pollutes our home, the Imaginariverse, so please STOP IT!—what fills the space between your well-groomed ears is the Imaginariverse. Unless you're an Adult and not just an adult (capitals matter, so pay attention!), there is probably at least a sliver of space remaining in that gray matter that allows you to, if I may use one of your favorite dry tech terms, interface with my home. With the Imaginariverse.

    The Imaginariverse touches all other universes. Most of the time that's a good thing. Our universe makes all the other ones worth living in. Ours is the one that makes sunsets romantic, that makes poets write sonnets about them, that makes singers croon about them. It's our universe that prods the scientist to try that new experiment or the mathematician to press on with her new theorem. Our universe is what gives Light to light, Sound to sound, Smell to smell, Taste to taste, and Touch to touch. (See? I told you that capitals are important!)

    Like I said, most of the time that's a good thing.

    The story I'm about to tell you is about the time when it wasn't a good thing.

    You see, my name is Zappee, like I told you, but most of you humans know me by another name: the Muse. I’m one of the sparks that travel between the Imaginariverse and yours. I am a Conductor of Dreams.

    One day an evil Queen named Walmar Seburbia found a way to trap and contain me. Her Magicians used a spell to change me, upgrade me. She did this because a Soothsayer prophesied that a Hero would come and end her reign of terror over the Imaginariverse, a reign of terror she was determined to spread to all universes.

    She wanted to use me to stop the hero. The problem was, she wasn't quite sure who the hero was. Over a long time she whittled the list down to the six most likely candidates. She couldn’t choose more, because aiming me more than six ways would’ve destroyed her Vortex Cannon.

    She was bound and determined. She loaded me

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