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Success Unlimited!: How to Recalibrate Your Mind for Predictable and Repeatable Success.
Success Unlimited!: How to Recalibrate Your Mind for Predictable and Repeatable Success.
Success Unlimited!: How to Recalibrate Your Mind for Predictable and Repeatable Success.
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Success Unlimited!: How to Recalibrate Your Mind for Predictable and Repeatable Success.

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Are you ready to take responsibility for your thoughts and actions to establish a mindset that leads to success? Success Unlimited might be the book you're seeking if you’ve ever wondered what makes a person successful. It’s one of those unique books on success that explores how your mindset can help you achieve your full potential. If you’ve ever wondered what makes a person successful or how to achieve a growth mindset, this book is for you.

Author, Ayo Akinremi, believes that the law of seed and harvest governs life. In this book on success, you will see how to achieve a growth mindset, and he will show you how to train your mind to be successful using biblical success principles. When you sow the right seed, you’ll see that you open your life to the divine privilege to expect a corresponding harvest. Just as sowing good deeds often leads to good deeds done in return, this book on success will open your eyes to the idea that whatever is coded in your heart leads to your reality.

Three sections make this one of the most straightforward books on success to understand. The first section unpacks one of the main principles of success and will open your eyes to the connection between your inner consciousness and your external reality.

The second section explains how you can selectively control the traffic flowing through your mind, significantly influencing your internal environment, and how to apply the law of dynamic equilibrium to transform your consciousness and reality. Finally, it describes the coding and expression pathways that connect your inner world of consciousness and your outer world of reality and how you can transform your life by re-coding your mind and building a growth mindset using spiritual truths.

The third section introduces the law of change. You will learn the processes of mentally recalibrating and re-engineering, the concept of purity, and its application to personal and team leadership. You will also learn how to continuously grow your mindset to leverage pleasant and painful past experiences to your advantage.

The author shares his experience of pain and progress. He shares his “six-month guarantee strategy” to help you sharpen your focus on things that matter to maximize the privilege of life.
Biblical success principles and biblical verses come together to help you unlock your full potential and achieve success.
PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMar 9, 2022
Success Unlimited!: How to Recalibrate Your Mind for Predictable and Repeatable Success.

Ayo Akinremi PhD

Ayo Akinremi is an astute student of the Bible, an author, an educator, an entrepreneur, and a strategic leader, who is passionate about helping people live meaningful and fulfilled lives. Ayo has a master’s degree in human physiology from the University of Jos and a doctoral degree in cardiopulmonary physical therapy from the University of Ibadan. He also has a master’s degree in clinical investigation from Johns Hopkins University. He is a licensed physical therapist and a certified cardiac rehabilitation specialist. He has taught at various institutions of higher learning across three continents working with a culturally diverse faculty and student populations. He has published several scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at scientific conferences in Europe and United States. He is a university professor and continues to engage in opportunities to serve and create a better world. He believes that life transformation is a product of mental empowerment; and that the key to intentional positive change lies in cultivating the mind. He believes that life is a sacred seed, which must be well invested and nurtured to unleash its hidden potential. He accepts as true that the essence of life is growth and the ultimate goal of life is fulfillment. He considers fulfillment to be the product of discovering purpose and fulfilling it, and that quality education is key to achieving both. He is happily married to Abiola Wuraola and they are blessed with three great icons: Fortune, Blossom and Glory (FBG).

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    Success Unlimited! - Ayo Akinremi PhD

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    Part 1:   The Basics

    Chapter 1     Success Redefined

    Chapter 2     Cause and Effect

    Chapter 3     Basic Ingredients for Success

    Chapter 4     Changing Your Paradigm

    Part 2:   Life Biologics 101: The Physiology of the Inner Man

    Chapter 5     The Mind: Structure and Function

    Chapter 6     Mental Transport

    Chapter 7     Life’s Functional Model

    Chapter 8     Life Expression: Transcription and Translation

    Part 3:   Making It Work

    Chapter 9     The Law of Change

    Chapter 10   Re-calibrating the Mind

    Chapter 11   Mental Re-engineering

    Chapter 12   Personal Leadership



    Success Lab

    About the Author


    This volume is dedicated to the precious

    memory of my biological parents:

    JASA: Joseph Akinbola Sunday Akinremi

    GOWA: Gladys Oluwakemi Wuraola Akinremi

    I miss you both.


    Having taught and applied human physiology to improve human function for years, I have come to realize that some physiological principles that guide biochemical processes are relevant and applicable to life. I have coined the term life biologics to describe the application of physiological principles to life issues. This book is the first manuscript in this series to be made public.

    If you are humble enough, you can learn some lessons about success from your cells. Within your cell is a code system that runs your entire body operations. Likewise, within your heart lies the code system that runs your entire life. This code system can be used to transform your life if appropriately applied or ruin your life if neglected. Who you are becoming and the outcome of your experiences in life are determined by this coding system. If you understand how it works, you can use this system to guide your life and succeed in a predictable manner.

    This code system teaches us that life is all about expression. A tree is an expression of the seed that produced it. The human body and all its biochemical processes are expressions of the code within its gene. Expression of the gene is simple but powerful enough to determine whether a person enjoys health or becomes susceptible to diseases. You cannot dissociate the health of your body from your genes because that is who you are. As you are coded in your genes, so is your body. Likewise, the outcome of your life is an expression of your heart. This truth is no secret, but its application to life could generate profound outcomes, positive or negative.

    In this book, I draw your attention to the subtle truth that you cannot separate yourself from the operations of your heart, because that is the process that determines who you are. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he (Proverbs 23:7 NKJV). I will be drawing analogies from the operations of the human cell to teach some concepts about life and how to succeed in it in a predictable manner. While you may not be able to control all that happens to you in life, you have the sacred ability to choose how to respond to each circumstance and, by so doing, turn every situation into an advantage.

    It is my hope that you can learn a lesson or two about how to unlock the code to predictable and repeatable success!

    Be blessed.


    The truth in this book applies to anyone who desires to succeed in life in a systematic manner, irrespective of religious affiliation or race. My disclosures are reflections of how I see and interpret the world.

    I believe the world and the universe have a purpose and that they were created by an intelligent creator. Just as the organized words and their meaning contained in the dictionary cannot suddenly appear from a random collection of letters without an intelligent mind behind it, I believe the universe cannot exist without the Intelligent Creator behind it. I accept as true that behind all creations, there is a creator.

    I believe in the sacred value of the human soul and that the human soul confers an inestimable intrinsic value on human life. I believe that the human soul is sacred and indestructible yet, accountable to its Creator.

    While everyone may not have similar backgrounds, I believe that we all are created equal. Consequently, every human being has an inalienable right to exist, the freedom to think and imagine, and the choice to exercise that freedom to explore and engage their potentials to the fullest within the confine of liberty granted by their Creator.

    I believe the Holy Scripture is the inspired source of divine wisdom, which is both practical and spiritual. I accept it as the undiluted Word of God. God, through the hearts and hands of inspired men, wrote it in human language for human understanding.

    I believe all people can be influenced by their Creator through His Word and by His Spirit. And that divine inspiration comes from the spirit of the Creator. I believe that individuals are capable of good to the extent to which they are connected to their Creator.

    I believe that life is governed by the law of seed and harvest; and that by sowing the right seed, each individual has the divine privilege to expect a corresponding harvest. If you sow good deeds, you can expect good deeds in return. By taking responsibility to plant the right seed, one can aspire and design the life of his or her choosing.

    These are the key foundations that influence the way I see the world and my understanding of how it works. While my spiritual beliefs might not align with yours, the differences in beliefs do not invalidate the truths contained in this book.

    Part 1



    Success Redefined

    T he main theme of this book is success. But before we embark on this journey, we need to have a working definition of success to standardize our interpretation and understanding of the concept.

    The glory of a seed is the hidden fruitful tree it carries on the inside. The success of the seed, therefore, is the gradual transformation from the seed state into a full-grown, blossoming, and fruitful tree. The word glory means full weight. The full weight of the seed is manifested when it brings forth the maximum capacity of the good it is capable of, for the benefit of the world in which it is sown. Therefore, I have defined success as a progressive realization of the full weight or maximum capacity of the good you are capable of, for the benefit of the world you live in. The worthy dreams of your heart are indicators of the full weight of what you are capable of. So, success is the progressive realization of the full weight of your potential through the pursuit of a worthy dream. Based on this definition, I will like to emphasize some keywords.

    Progressive: This means success is not a destination but a gradual, continuous process of realization until the full weight of goodness your soul is capable of, is fully manifested to the world. It is a conscious, deliberate journey of self-discovery, self-application, and self-actualization. The realization of success, therefore, is constantly evolving.

    Self-discovery: The essence of life itself is the discovery of potentials and the application of these potentials through the process of growth and development.

    Dreams: These are desired outcomes, goals, or future that you can see in your mind. Dreams can be expressed as aspirations or ambitions. An ambition that is focused on self can become a black hole that consumes the dreamer. Self-focused ambition never satisfies. Like a mirage, its attainment brings with it disillusionment, emptiness, and inner dissatisfaction. Aspirations that focus on creating value for others are worthy of pursuit.

    Visions: These are advanced variants of dreams. They are the definite and clear pictures of the contents of your dreams that refuse to go away. Dreams have potential energy, but visions have kinetic energy. A dream becomes a vision when the kinetic energy of action is infused into it. Action turns a dream into a vision. Vision is driven by the passion to create a better reality, to create value by helping others to become more or do more. Having a vision stretches you to become more in order to serve more. In becoming more, you increase your capacity to help others become more and do more. This creates inner satisfaction and fulfillment.

    Covenant Dream: This is another kind of dream, though very unpopular, but in my opinion, it is the ultimate. This dream is exclusive to certain individuals who, having reached a level of spiritual illumination, enter into a covenant with their Creator. The covenant dream is an exclusive realm the Creator reserves for those who walk with Him. This kind of dream is only accessible to "those who made a covenant with Me [the Creator] by sacrifice" (Psalm 50:5 NKJV). Ironically, that sacrifice was made by The Creator on our behalf; we only need to accept the sacrifice to enter this exclusive league. For me and my household, our personal and family dreams are derived and premised on the covenant dream.

    Intentionality: Whether individual or corporate, dreams are powerful! The hallmark of great leadership is creating an enabling platform that affords its constituents the freedom to dream and create their dreams through legitimate effort. Being a human being comes with certain inalienable rights, one of which is the freedom to dream, the capacity to imagine, and the ability to think and create things by our thoughts, words, and actions. Success is never accidental or coincidental. It is the product of planned and deliberate thoughts and actions.

    The human mind has the capacity to dream. And like a mirror, your persistent thought reflects your inner dream. Without any doubt, dreams do become reality. Your thought is not only a reflection of your dream but also the prediction of the future you are creating. Persistent thought of what you want is part of the process of creating that future. Likewise, persistent thought focused on what you don’t want is part of the process of creating its reality! Therefore, success demands intentional effort, and it is your choice to be responsible for your success.

    Leadership: Success at any level requires leadership. The strength of any human organization, be it a simple family unit or a nation, is its ability and the capacity of its constituents to dream and actualize their dreams. The freedom to exercise this God-given ability stretches the mind and transforms the person. It is the growing mind that grows the organization and society. But it takes leadership to see beyond the current reality and create a desired future.

    For example, any great nation should aspire to create a just and fair society where its citizens can exercise their God-given freedom to discover, develop and deploy their potentials. But it takes more than an aspiration to actualize a dream. A nation is only as great as its ability to empower the least privileged to prosper. The strength of a chain is determined by its weakest link. This fact applies to many areas of life and living. A nation is only as developed as the least developed constituent of its society. A society is as healthy as its most vulnerable population. A family is as wealthy as its poorest member.

    Organizations and nations that are driven by the consciousness of success create a system that enables and facilitates people’s ability to think, dream, and create new realities. Dreams drive people

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