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Living: During and After Death
Living: During and After Death
Living: During and After Death
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Living: During and After Death

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I show many ways to help from spiritual, traditional and religious means. The book looks at experiences through Reiki Healing and Hypnosis. Explore different ideas in healing through these pages.
Release dateMar 13, 2022
Living: During and After Death

Melisa Billings

I am an energy healer through many methods such as Reiki and Trance Healing. I am also a hypnotists and hold many certifications in the metaphysical methods, including a Bachelors in Metaphysical Sciences. I've spent a larger portion of my being healing and guiding as a medium and Life Coach.

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    Living - Melisa Billings

    Copyright © 2022 Melisa Billings.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4079-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4080-9 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 03/11/2022




    Chapter 1 The Difference Between Death and Dying

    Chapter 2 What is Reiki

    Chapter 3 What is Hypnosis

    Chapter 4 The Soul and Its Journey

    Chapter 5 Healing Before

    Chapter 6 Healing During

    Chapter 7 Healing After Death

    Chapter 8 The Power of Religion and Spiritualty

    Chapter 9 Traditional Healing

    Chapter 10 One Person’s Views


    dedicate this book to my son Kyle

    A true beacon of my hope and love



    There are many people that have come into my life that warrant an acknowledgement here and much more. These people have supported me emotionally and most have helped to pick me up when I felt too weak to stand on my own. I want to start my honoring and acknowledging those that have passed away.

    My father for his humbling ways and for always believing in me. I also want to say that his inner strength and drive has helped to set an example not only for my siblings and me but for anyone that was lucky to be in his life.

    My grandfather (Donald) for his strength and drive. Mostly for the love, respect and complete confidence in me. Also, for him always reaching out to me while I was away in the Navy.

    My grandmother (Mildred) for showing me how to make her famous bread putting while also teaching me about life in general. Mostly just being there after school to talk and hang out.

    My best friend (Rhonda, Moon) she came to help me in one of my hardest times. She helped me navigate my way through the passing of my partner. She was always pushing me to be the best version of me that I could be and then some.

    My partner (Leanna) She was my rock through many things. She was always pushing me toward my goals and supportive when I fell short. She was/is the driving force behind me learning how to heal others as well as myself.

    Now I would acknowledge those people that are still with me and help to motivate me.

    Those people that help me when I simply need someone to talk to and/or sit with.

    My son (Kyle) He is the light in my life. Literally my reason for being. He is the person that I can trust with anything. I can talk to him or simply get a hug if I need or want one. He has always given me the drive, strength and courage to keep reaching for the stars. He encourages me and pushes me to just be me.

    My mother, siblings and friends for their love and support. They have all helped give me the drive to push through and stay grounded. All of them, in their own way has given me the motivation to keep reaching for what I want.

    My Aunt (Vilene) for getting my curious mind going regarding hypnosis. She was the one who not only got me started it but she was also the one that trained me. Without that guidance this book would not have been complete.

    I also want to acknowledge my counselor for being there for me. She reminded me many times about my self-worth and so many other things. You know who you are, and you get a special thank you for stepping up in order to help me with my own healing.

    I want to thank all of you that I have listed and the many that I was not able to list, from the bottom of my heart.



    Welcome friends, to my thoughts and experiences. This book is designed to help people to heal through the passing of loved ones and after. It is also to help people to explore the possibilities of the soul and its journey.

    Through hypnosis as well as Reiki I have had the privilege to work with many people in order to help them in their healing processes. I have seen the mind, body and soul work through these trying times.

    I hope by reading this book that you, the reader can understand as well as heal through the processes of death and dying. These processes can leave us with questions, thoughts and jumbled emotions. This book will guide you toward healing techniques. While showing the importance of beginning the healing process as early as possible. It is full of examples from traditional healing, to spiritual as well as religious. It is intended to help comfort your heart and soul while reassuring your mind. I am happy that you are taking these steps in joining my

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