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An Avalanche of Love
An Avalanche of Love
An Avalanche of Love
Ebook106 pages1 hour

An Avalanche of Love

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Natalie has lived on Bear Mountain her whole life and never found love. When the developer who wants to steal her land comes to town, it's just her luck that the magic finally decides to work. How is she supposed to fall for someone that's her sworn enemy?


Walker has always focused on work and making money, but something about his latest acquisition isn't sitting right with him. As soon as he meets the woman he's been obsessed with, it's all starting to make sense. Too bad she hates him.


Warning: Can an avalanche bring two people together? How else could this possibly work out? Cuddle in and see how things heat up!

PublisherAlexa Riley
Release dateMar 16, 2022
An Avalanche of Love

Alexa Riley

New York Times bestselling author Alexa Riley is two sassy friends who got together and wrote some dirty books. They are both married moms of two who love football, donuts, and obsessed book heroes.They specialize in insta-love, over-the-top, sweet, and cheesy love stories that don’t take all year to read. If you want something SAFE, short, and always with a happily ever after, then Alexa Riley is for you!

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    Book preview

    An Avalanche of Love - Alexa Riley

    Chapter One


    "O h my gosh, my mom gasps from the doorway. Honey, you did all this by yourself?" Her eyes, so much like my own, are wide with surprise. 

    Is it too much? I wring my hands together wondering if too much is a bad thing. I know sometimes people can say I’m a bit over the top, but every now and then, it’s called for. 

    I’ve been at Hot Toddy since ten this morning. I wanted to get inside the bar as soon as possible, but Buck said the only way he was letting me into this place at six in the morning on a Sunday was if I slept in his bed the night before. Which happens to be over the bar.

    I’d rolled my eyes and agreed to ten. I get it. The bar is open till two in the morning on Saturday night, but I wanted this to be perfect. My twin brother is having a baby, and I’m in charge of the baby shower. I’m determined to make sure that everything is perfect.

    It’s not too much. She walks over to wrap me in a hug. It’s never too much when it comes to you. I just wish you would’ve let me help if you were doing all this. She motions around the room. 

    What? It’s a bar and I had to turn it into a winter wonderland. That takes a lot of work. 

    There aren’t a ton of places to hold events in Bear Mountain. It’s slim pickings around here, but we kind of like it that way. Bear Mountain is a beautiful little town that the corporate world hasn’t gotten their hands on. Not that some haven’t tried. We have some of the best skiing mountains in the world if you ask me, but we’re a small piece of heaven tucked away and kept secret.

    If more people knew about us, this town would turn into Touristville in no time. We don’t mind a bit of company to fill the small bed and breakfast places around here, but we don’t need some giant ski resort taking over. 

    I’d gotten a taste of that one weekend when I’d decided to rent out a few of the cabins we have on our family's land. That had ended in a nightmare with a bunch of rich asshole college kids. Though it did give us Evie, who married my cousin Connor, but I’m not making that mistake again.  

    You really thought of everything. She runs her hand over one of the tablecloths and looks around. I’ve covered almost everything in the place to hide that it’s a bar. Even the ceiling is hidden by balloons. My fingers are going to hurt from tying so many of them off, but it was worth it. 

    Think they’ll love it? I ask. 

    Of course. She gives me a smile that turns into a knowing look. Oh crap. You did all this because you don’t want them to know you’re a bit sad. 

    What? I have no idea what you’re talking about. Oh gosh, you losing your mind? You’re so young. 

    You’re a brat. She laughs before her face goes serious on me again. You’ll find the one too, Natalie. 

    I’m not looking for ‘the one,’ I huff. She lifts a brow, not buying what I’m selling. Since I was a little girl, I always talked about finding a love like her and Dad’s. Anymore, I add. 

    Honey. She pulls me into one of her big soft mom hugs. She gives the kind of hugs that linger even after they’re over. They also get you to word-vomit all over the place, but I’m not going to do it this time. No way. I love you. 

    Okay! I’m jealous, and I want to make sure that’s not coming through. I won’t let my jelly feelings touch this baby and their love. All right? I adore Bri, and she’s the best thing to ever happen to Wilder. Well, except me, but I don’t count. 

    You count. 

    I know, and I’m so happy for them. I bite the inside of my cheek to make sure my chin doesn’t wobble. 

    It always quivers when I’m about to cry, which I will not do because I’m an ugly crier. My whole face turns red and blotchy, and it lingers for hours, and everyone will know. Then they’ll worry about me and ask what's wrong. Which will steal attention from the baby shower. All attention is going to be on Bri. It’s her moment to shine. 

    She’s been through so much, having lost both her parents a year ago. When Wilder and I lost our dad, it was hard. I can’t fathom losing both parents at once. It’s been my mission to show her that she has us now, and though we’ll never replace her mom and dad, we can be a kickass family to her. Also we adore her to pieces. 

    There is nothing wrong with anything you just said. Those feelings are normal to have. If anything, it shows how much you love them and this baby. 

    Thanks, Mom. I should have known a good word-vomit with her would make me feel better. I think my mood is off because Walker didn’t call me yesterday, but I’m not thinking about that right now. Nope. 

    You’ll find your soul mate, Natalie. That's how things work around this town. 

    Walker comes to mind again, but I push thoughts of him away. I don’t even know what he looks like, so how is he taking up so much headspace? Or popping up when I think of soul mates? He’s annoying and always in my head like an annoying gnat buzzing around. That’s probably why I keep thinking of him. Because he’s like a thorn in my side. 

    I could end up like Buck. I point my finger up to the apartment over Hot Toddy.

    Buck is a rare creature of his own making. No one is like Buck. 

    This is true, I get out through laughter. 

    Natalie! Bri squeals. 

    I spin around to see her and my twin, Wilder, with my cousin Connor and his wife behind them. Connor has baby Evan in his arms as they come in, and I see Bri has her hands over her mouth, her eyes filled with surprise and tears. 

    You outdid yourself. Wilder guides his very pregnant wife into the room before he pulls me into a hug. He spins me round a few times then puts me back on my feet. He used to always do that when we were little. 

    I have no clue how we’re twins. He’s well over six feet where I’m only a few inches over five feet. It’s mainly our hair coloring and eyes that match, along with the one dimple in our left cheeks. We have a right one too, but we have to be smiling hard to get it to appear. 

    Is that a wedding cake? Evie asks. 

    Kinda. Wilder loves chocolate cake, and Bri likes vanilla. But who doesn’t want strawberry cake too? I shrug. So I had tiers done. 

    You’re brilliant, you know that? I think I married the wrong twin, Bri teases. 

    You’re going to get a spanking, Wilder growls, making her giggle. He tucks her into his side, whispering something into her ear that has her cheeks turning pink. 

    Sometimes it’s hard watching them all together.

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