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Crypto Magick: The Occult Power of Blockchain
Crypto Magick: The Occult Power of Blockchain
Crypto Magick: The Occult Power of Blockchain
Ebook88 pages1 hour

Crypto Magick: The Occult Power of Blockchain

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About this ebook

As magicians, we already know the power of numbers.

With the advent of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology everything is built for you once you learn the language and mechanics of the paradigm. Now the symbol of a coin or token is a sigil. The blockchain is an astral plane or the World Tree or the runescript of reality. The acts of buying, selling, and trading become spellcasting when you empower such actions with desire and your magical will. Currencies can become gods or egregores with which you can interact, through meditation or simple transactional activity. Your digital wallet becomes a personal altar and the public digital exchanges become a variety of sacred temples.

If you are willing to do the work, put up the money, take the time, and endure the risk… wealth and power await.

PublisherLorne Cross
Release dateMar 17, 2022
Crypto Magick: The Occult Power of Blockchain

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    Crypto Magick - Lorne Cross

    In and of itself, money is nothing more than flat little engraved disks of metal, or words, numbers and pretty pictures on scraps of paper. And in this day and age, it’s not even as tangible as that. Government, banks and corporate giants move nothing more than numbers and data around worldwide computer links, but everyone thinks of that as money. Money is the integral element of society, the one commonality that connects every individual. It’s so commonplace that many people will, as they tend to do with any omnipresent part of life, dismiss it. It’s only money, they say. It’s simply a way to buy things."

    But it’s never only money. Money is status. It is power. It is the freedom to buy and sell - and do - whatever one wants. People may delude themselves into believing that other things are more important: love, family, reputation.

    But when the bills come due, money takes center stage."

    —- Mark Cenczyk (Technocracy: Syndicate) 1997


    As trust in financial institutions dissolves and the fabric of society becomes more frayed, we have witnessed a dramatic surge in interest and participation in blockchain technology and the rise of cryptocurrency as a legitimate store of value.

    After a symphony of events, beginning with the Covid-19 pandemic overture, reaching a crescendo with the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States, and the seeming finale of the Wall Street & Reddit AMC stock shorting fiasco, the general public is no longer able to ignore the truth. In fact, at the time of this publication, every new day seems to bring with it some fresh catastrophe. All of this pushes us towards adaptation and invitation.

    They are beginning to discover what we, as magicians, have known for a very long time. Reality is what you make it.

    Cryptocurrency is at the forefront of everyone’s mind because it is backed not by governments, or gold, but simply mathematics. While all around us the human element continues to disappoint, as corruption, greed, and manipulation run rampant across our world, the idea of an impartial, uncorruptable, and fully transparent store of value is overwhelmingly appealing.

    To put it simply... fiat currency is based on the health of a nation, and as such it can be devalued. If a backed currency is based on prescious metals or rare earth stones, those physical materials can be hoarded away, destroyed, or devalued by merely finding more. With blockchain based currency, there is only the math, and it is all right there for anyone to see. When trust in people evaporates, we see a hard shift to the trust in numbers.

    As magicians, we already know the power of numbers.

    For the purposes of this book, I shall not delve into the discipline of Numerology, though it can be very useful and achieve potent results when combined with the magick presented here. There are a great many books written by far superior numerologists than myself, and I encourage you to consume a few and see what from those books fits into the crytpocurrency based magick you will find here.

    Within these pages you will gain a functional understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrency, and it is through this understanding that you will be capable of acting on the invitation-to-power that is being presented by this technological wonder. As with any other discipline, mastering the core concepts and mechanics are of the upmost importance, so be prepared, while this is a layperson’s guide to blockchain and cryptocurrency, it can still get a bit crunchy. I will keep it lively when and where I can.

    Readers of my other texts will recognize the opening segments from Occult Magick, which set down some fundamentals that will allow us to have a framework in which to engage in crypto magick. The truth is that so much of this book is about core concepts and fundamentals, and so for those who have read my previous work, take this as an opportunity to return to the basics. For those who are new to my style of magick, there is enough here to get you started on your journey. I have found in my time that continuously circling back to core concepts and fundamentals is the best way to teach and to learn.

    Beyond the magick fundamentals, the vast majority of the following text is not overly occult in its language, rather it is designed to empower the reader to emerge from this tome with a technical and detailed understanding of cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and the fundamentals of investment. As such, it is going to be pretty dry stuff, and readers familiar with my other work may find that a bit jarring, so steel thyself. The advanced crypto magick is here, inside the technical understanding of the subject matter, seen through the lense of occult fundamentals. I promise you that skipping to the end of the book isn’t going to get you the wealth and power that is imbued within the blockchain. This is more of a textbook than most occult and esoteric literature available. There is no way around it, you have to do the work. Without the sacrifice of hard study, attempting to use cryptocurrency as a medium for magick would be the magical equivalent of investing your life’s savings into the stock market without bothering to learn anything about what stocks or the market.

    Crypto Magick takes Work.

    Crypto Magick takes Money.

    Crypto Magick takes Time.

    Crypto Magick takes Risk.

    If you are willing to do the work, put up the money, take the time, and endure the risk... wealth and power await.

    How will you change the world?


    The word ‘occult’ is a rather loaded one in our contemporary society, and conjures up a great many images ranging from satanic sorcerers, to stuffy armchair wizards, or wild witches. While all of those sorts of

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