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The Praetorians Own: Venatores
The Praetorians Own: Venatores
The Praetorians Own: Venatores
Ebook76 pages1 hour

The Praetorians Own: Venatores

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Livia Augustus is a Praetorian Officer, a member of the elite investigation and enforcement branch of the Empires security services. Following an investigation into operators from the Vek’Altha Realm, she has traced a meeting between various factions to take place on the border between the two empires.

Calling in a Praetorian Recce team, The Venatores, Livia plans to identify the Vek’Altha operations and roll up their system before they can re-establish a foothold in this corner of the Empire. Unfortunately even with the best laid plans, the enemy gets a turn.

PublisherAlexa Drake
Release dateMar 15, 2022
The Praetorians Own: Venatores

Alexa Drake

Alexa Drake is an indie, erotica writer who, when not working on her day job or being active outdoors, creates a truly varied and awkward search history in the name of "research". With a keen interest in non-traditional erotica situations, Alexa's stories will explore everything from aliens to the paranormal and whatever random thought crosses her mind.

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    Book preview

    The Praetorians Own - Alexa Drake

    The Praetorians Own:


    Alexa Drake

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient.

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    All depicted characters are 18 years or older. This book contains military science-fiction scenes that some readers may find offensive.

    Copyright 2021 Alexa Drake

    Published by Alexa Drake at Smashwords

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    About Alexa Drake

    Other books by Alexa Drake

    Connect with Alexa Drake

    Chapter 1

    The briefing room was full when Imperial Agent Livia Augustus entered, followed closely by Legion Captain Aldea and Lieutenant Commander of Naval intelligence & Security Steiner for the Imperial Guardian class Heavy Cruiser Valkyrie Ascending.

    Livia was a tall, strong looking woman with short blond hair and dark eyes that scanned the room as she walked purposefully to the podium set up at the front.

    A long table ran mid-way down the center of the room with three rows of chairs set for observers along the back of the briefing room. Aldea and Commander Steiner, nodding to those seated along the table, as they walked to the back of the quiet room, the low ever-present hum of the air circulation system for the Valkyrie the only sound as people settled.

    Thank you for coming, everyone, Livia said, looking out over the others in the room. By way of introduction my name is Praetorian Livia Augustus and I am the agent in charge of this mission.

    She picked up the remote from the podium, pointing to the projector on the ceiling as the screen in the room's front lit up.

    Situation. We are currently tracing activity taking place in the Maltea sector from a non-Imperial agency. As part of this ongoing investigation, which is classified, we are currently following a line of information that has led us to this location.

    Livia paused a moment to glance along the table and the silent legionnaires watching intently.

    Mission. For classified reasons specific to the mission, I have called in a Praetorian Recce team to conduct an observation patrol for a location related to my current investigation. This team goes by the call sign Venatores.

    Turning from the screen, she nodded to the people sitting at the table.

    They will present their mission briefing shortly. However, I wanted to set the background for this assignment.

    "Patrol Venatores will establish a five-day observation post to provide direct surveillance on a suspect liaison point in the mountainous region identified in the mission package. It is my belief that a transfer of information or material will take place within the next seven days despite the Valkyrie Ascending’s presence in the system, driven by external pressures on those involved to complete their operation. Venatores will observe and document that transfer."

    Those in the back of the room were silent as they waited for Livia to continue.

    "Valkyrie Ascending will provide logistical support and on-planet quick reaction force in the off-chance team Venatores becomes compromised. Details of their location will come in the mission briefing; however, we will establish a platoon of legionnaires within close response range. The rest of the Valkyries Legion complement will be on standby to respond from orbit if necessary."

    On planet reaction force will be Lieutenant Weber’s platoon since I have been working with them recently, with the blessing of Captain Aldea, of course, and I don’t have time to break in a new platoon.

    Captain Aldea smiled humorlessly at the comment, glancing at Lieutenant Weber sitting beside him with a shrug.

    The area of operations is best described as tropical rainforest, so at least the team will be warm for their rather damp walk over the next few days. Because of the nature of the terrain, we cannot observe this location remotely. Therefore, an active presence is required.

    Livia paused a moment, looking over those gathered in the room, waiting for questions. The Legionnaires assigned to the Valkyrie were all experienced soldiers and had at least some experience with supporting recce missions such as this. Guardian class Cruisers supported planet-based operations with a small fleet of air-to-air and air-to-ground support aircraft along with assault shuttles and a company of the Empires Legionnaires and auxiliary forces.

    With that, I will turn the briefing over to Warrant Beran.

    Livia stepped away from the podium, taking a moment to pat his shoulder on the way past, before taking a seat at the table. Beran was

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