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Robin Takes 5: 500 Recipes, 5 Ingredients or Less, 500 Calories or Less, for 5 Nights/Week at 5:00 PM
Robin Takes 5: 500 Recipes, 5 Ingredients or Less, 500 Calories or Less, for 5 Nights/Week at 5:00 PM
Robin Takes 5: 500 Recipes, 5 Ingredients or Less, 500 Calories or Less, for 5 Nights/Week at 5:00 PM
Ebook108 pages46 minutes

Robin Takes 5: 500 Recipes, 5 Ingredients or Less, 500 Calories or Less, for 5 Nights/Week at 5:00 PM

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About this ebook

It’s 5:00 PM. Everyone’s hungry. It’s take-out or fake-out, meaning nuking a processed meal from the freezer. Here’s a third option that doesn’t include heaps of calories and fat with Robin Takes 5: over 60 recipes for soups, stews, and chowders plus a special video introduction by the author. Imagine quickly preparing delicious meals for yourself, your friends and your family with just 5 fabulous ingredients. Even better? Every dish is mouth-wateringly 500 calories or less and most of them contain 500 mg or less of sodium. there are 70 recipes for Look no further for your nightly noshing because when Robin Takes 5, we all reap the rewards.
Release dateNov 1, 2011
Robin Takes 5: 500 Recipes, 5 Ingredients or Less, 500 Calories or Less, for 5 Nights/Week at 5:00 PM

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    Book preview

    Robin Takes 5 - Robin Miller

    Soups, Stews, and Chowders:

    Robin Takes 5


    Robin Rescues Dinner

    Quick Fix Meals

    Robin to the Rescue

    The Newlywed Cookbook


    The Daily Soup Cookbook

    Cooking For Healthy Living (with Jane Fonda)


    Soups, Stews, and Chowders:

    Robin Takes 5

    500 Recipes

    5 Ingredients or Less

    500 Calories or Less

    5 Nights per Week

    5:00 PM

    Robin Miller

    Photography by Ben Pieper 5:00 PM

    Soups, Stews, and Chowders: Robin Takes 5 text copyright © 2011 and © 2012 by Robin Miller. Photography copyright © 2011 by Ben Pieper. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.

    Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC

    an Andrews McMeel Universal company

    1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106

    ISBN: 978-1-4494-2481-7

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011921498

    Art Director: Julie Barnes

    Design: Holly Ogden

    Photographer: Ben Pieper

    Food Stylist: Trina Krahl

    Assistant Food Stylist: Daniel Trefz

    Hair and Makeup: Sarah Dilks


    Andrews McMeel books are available at quantity discounts with bulk purchase for educational, business, or sales promotional use. For information, please e-mail the Andrews McMeel Publishing Special Sales Department:

    For Kyle and Luke—

    thanks for making me smile and laugh every day.


    Creating a cookbook involves a lot of people, and I pray that I’ve covered everyone. Bonnie Tandy Leblang, my talented and savvy agent and manager, I’d never forget to thank you because you hold my hand through every process, book and otherwise. Thanks for introducing me to Andrews McMeel Publishing, and for encouraging me to join the AMP family (one you already knew well). It’s one of the best moves I’ve made. I also love brainstorming with you, because you consistently offer insight and wit. Thanks for helping me turn this cookbook into something I can be deeply proud of. Kirsty Melville, president and publisher, from the moment we first spoke, I knew I was in excellent hands. Your talented staff at AMP turned my recipes into one beautiful piece of work. Jean Lucas, my editor, there must be a better word I can use to describe you (beyond simply editor). Superhero? That’s what you were to me. What I especially loved about working with you was that you included me in every decision and detail, no matter how minuscule. And I loved picking your kids up from school; seeing another mom race all over town made my crazy life seem normal. Ben Pieper, my awesome photographer, what fun it was to work with you. The cover shot and photos throughout the book are delectable, thanks to your expertise behind the lens. Trina Kahl, food stylist extraordinaire, jaws are about to drop everywhere. Your stunning food styling will cause palates to quiver with excitement. The food is pure art, and you have a gift. Daniel Trefz, assistant food stylist, the pictures speak for themselves. Thank you for helping to make my food look mouthwatering. Julie Barnes, art director, you’re a joy to work with, you’ve got a spring in your step, and I cherish your creative contribution to this dazzling book. Holly Ogden, designer, I love the pages; your sense of style made this cookbook clean and classic and exactly what I was hoping for. Sarah Dilks, thank you for the beautiful job you did with hair and makeup; natural and nice, and perfect for a cookbook. I’d also like to thank John Carroll, Carol Coe, and Dave Shaw for your efforts—I believe this is my best book ever, thanks to all of you.

    Joanne Hayes, you deserve a gold medal for analyzing nutrition for these 500 recipes (actually more than 500, counting those we tweaked). Although we communicated

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