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Everna Saga: Maven, A Sparrow in the Storm: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure Story
Everna Saga: Maven, A Sparrow in the Storm: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure Story
Everna Saga: Maven, A Sparrow in the Storm: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure Story
Ebook341 pages4 hours

Everna Saga: Maven, A Sparrow in the Storm: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure Story

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Like a sparrow in the storm, Maven, an orphan half-elf girl is trapped between impossible revenge and unrequited love.

Nigel DiMessina saves Maven as an infant, then raises and trains her in the confines and safety of Saint Ambrosius Monastery. Gusts of fate get Maven adopted by her parents' killers and meets Reyl. She falls in love with Reyl only to find out he already has a girlfriend.

Yet, the sparrow flies with the wind, settling her conflicts in unusual, unexpected ways.
Until Maven ends up keeping the world of Terra Everna safe from a godly, ancient threat that lies sealed within the fortifications of the Crystal Palace, Zaburyvostok.

Fly high, o' sparrow. Fly free with the wind.

"A perfect fantasy."
– Djokolelono, author of Space Odyssey Saga

Maven: A Sparrow in the Storm is an epic one-shot fantasy story set in the complete, detailed Earth parallel world of Terra Everna and part of the Everna Saga brand created by Andry Chang.

It’s highly recommended for young adult and adult readers who love:
- Heroic, full-action, and adventure fantasy
- Novels are written in a unique, cinematic way
- Lively and likable characters, strong protagonists
- Detailed actions with wuxia martial art style fights
- Detailed and immersive world-building and history
- Dragons and a wide variety of fantastic creatures
- Medieval kingdoms and Earth-based religion
- A pinch of mild romance here and there
- Inspirational moral values and heartwarming moments
- Fictional cultures and geography parallel to Earth
- Recognizable, easy-to-imagine Earth-like details

Main characters:

Maven Istravel is a young orphan elf girl raised among humans. She is cheerful quick, naïve, and tends to be sensitive. She cries when she wants to cry, laughs when she wants to laugh, and even shows amazing bravery when the situation calls for it.

Reyl Adelant is a teen who is becoming an adult, forged by his struggle as an independent traveling merchant. Armed with the sword he inherited from his father, he looks at the world coldly, without much willingness to interact with people even though he possesses the appropriate charisma and attractiveness for it.

Sophia Wellss is comfortable with a handsome lover and a capable magic instructor. The witch girl chooses to spend most of her time learning from her teacher, Nepathya Lei rather than building a firmer relationship with Reyl.

Declan Pervius doesn’t mind being always considered a brother by Maven when they are once raised together in Saint Ambrosius Monastery. However, after they part ways for years and meet again, Declan begins to be attracted to Maven, his soul sister.

Come, fly with Maven in Terra Everna today.
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PublisherAndry Chang
Release dateMar 14, 2022
Everna Saga: Maven, A Sparrow in the Storm: A Sword and Sorcery Adventure Story

Andry Chang

Andry Chang is a pilgrim in authorship since 2005. Aside from his everyday life as an entrepreneur, a husband and a father of one, he always makes time to write, draw or developing games. He continues to hone his skills and never gives up, resulting in his published multimedia works.Some of his commercially published writings, either singulars or collaborations are:FireHeart – Legend of the Paladins (2008), Vandaria Saga – Kristalisasi (2012), Qi Xi – Bunga Rampai Asmara (2012), Love Around You (2013), Magical Stories (2013), LEINA – Legenda Imaji Nusantara (2015), Everna Saga – Hikayat Tiga Zaman (2015), Everna Saga – Utara dan Selatan (2015), Everna Saga – Barat dan Timur (2016) (Indonesian Language Works) and Everna Saga - Morf and the Pirates of Flamenca (2016) (English Language Works)

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    Everna Saga - Andry Chang

    Andry Chang

    Everna Saga: Maven

    A Sparrow in the Storm

    First published by Vadis Publisher 2022

    Copyright © 2022 by Andry Chang

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    Andry Chang asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    Andry Chang has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party Internet Websites referred to in this publication and does not guarantee that any content on such Websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

    Designations used by companies to distinguish their products are often claimed as trademarks. All brand names and product names used in this book and on its cover are trade names, service marks, trademarks and registered trademarks of their respective owners. The publishers and the book are not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book. None of the companies referenced within the book have endorsed the book.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    1. The Last Istravel-Bouvignon

    2. The Hilltop Monastery

    3. Among Vipers and Wolves

    4. The Truth

    5. The Big Heist

    6. The Merchant in Black

    7. Arrows and Hearts

    8. Love on the Crossroads

    9. The Bittersweet Birthday

    10. The Rosary of Truth

    11. The Sacred and the Wretched

    12. One Tomb, Two Souls, Three Corpses

    13. The Long Road to Vengeance

    14. The Souls Lost Along the Way

    15. The Indecent Longing

    16. The Blue in Lu Vazr

    17. Until the Fat Lady Sings

    18. Crylionel

    19. A Shady Business

    20. White Dyed Red

    21. The Crystal Eye

    22. The True Colors

    23. Fly Away, O’ Sparrow

    World Map and Glossary

    Cast of Characters

    About the Author and Everna Saga


    The Last Istravel-Bouvignon

    Never, even in his wildest dreams, Nigel DiMessina expected his journey from Valanis to Redne to be a turning point in his life.

    Clad in a white coat and hood, he was walking alone along the roads between a dense forest of buildings and houses. It was a common sight in Redne, a trading city east of Arcadia Empire, bordering the Kingdom of Borgia.

    At times, the hooded man looked up towards the crescent moon and the stars twinkling over the night sky. Almost all lights were out. So, he relied on the light beaming from his magic trident, a cleric’s weapon to see the way and walked on to find an inn for the night.

    The cleric sported a mustache and a trimmed purple beard. The wrinkles of his face signified his maturity, as well as hints of exhaustion. Added a bundle on his shoulder, it was obvious that he had traveled a long way on foot. He walked at an almost rhythmic pace, attuned to his years of long journeys.

    The cleric’s purple eyes gazed sharply and cautiously. His ears suddenly caught the sounds of a fight and cries for help from a distance. The cloaked cleric rushed at once to the scene and saw people just standing there. It turned out that the fight had just concluded.

    Curiosity drove the cleric to approach. Sure enough, judging from their rowdy appearances, the men there had the worst of intentions and just committed the basest of deeds. In short, they were robbers preying on helpless victims.

    Without a doubt, the purple-bearded man grabbed his trident tightly with both hands and charged forward. He yelled, You won’t get away with this, evildoers!

    Surprised, the rowdy men and women quickly turned to face the incoming enemy. The cleric thus exploited the chance, whipping and stabbing his trident dexterously. His trident danced like fireflies, followed by screams of death.

    Yet, the purple-bearded cleric’s assault became more violent. The supposedly merciful clergyman gave no mercy to whoever resisted him.

    Suddenly, the trident got blocked by a double-edged saber. The cleric gasped and stepped back, keeping a safe distance from his opponent. His sharp eyes recognized his foe in the dimness.

    A tall figure appeared, wearing a leather vest adorned with fur tassels on the collar, exposing his slender and broad chest. He also wore padded leather boots covering his lower thighs to the toes. Aside from his brown pants, his clothing was all lighter and darker shades of gray.

    Taking a closer look, the cleric saw his opponent’s face much clearer. He was blond, his hair looked spiky like tall grass yet balded on the left side. The baldness seemed to be caused by two big scars stretching from the back of his head toward the socket of his missing right eye. He left his right eye socket unlatched on purpose, perhaps to remind his followers of his might and authority. He was the leader of this band of robbers.

    The leader emitted a thick aura of cunning, ruthlessness, and sleaze, even more so when he grinned. Well, well, look at this intruder, a wild beast charging into our deadly snare.

    You’re pretty strong. The hooded cleric concluded his quick observation. But I have to meddle. I must exterminate predators like you.

    The scar-faced’s grin widens. Predators, I like that. I am Calhoun Cavendier the White Wolf, leader of the Viperwolves Gang. You might want to remember that name as I’m about to send you, old man to hell!

    ‘Twas quite an offer. However, I, Nigel DiMessina prefer heaven. It is you who must repent or be condemned in the afterlife!

    Not if I get rid of you first! Calhoun slashed abruptly with his saber.

    Nigel swung his trident to block, yet his weapon was shoved aside and he was off-balance for a split-second. As his balance recovered, the saber blade was rushing toward him.

    Adroitly, Father Nigel inched backward, avoiding the deadly strike. Suddenly he stabbed his trident backwards, hitting the belly of a bandit sneaking on him with a dagger.

    In a single breath, Nigel leaped forward, aiming for the leader. Without respect for chivalry, the bandits charged at once, ganging up on the lonesome foe. Father DiMessina immediately sank into the crowd of men.

    Nigel roared like a lion, triggering an explosion with his inner energy, flinging the attackers away. The bandits were now lying on the ground, cramping and unable to get up.

    Only Father Nigel was left standing. He briefly teetered after summoning so much force, then stood stoutly again. It took him a second to get his trident ready.

    Then, a wolf-like howl suddenly echoed.

    Nigel turned around towards the source, once again welcomed by the assault of the double-edged saber. He was forced to block with his trident handle.

    Calhoun grinned. Got you! His other hand suddenly grabbed the saber handle and rotated it. The second blade slashed vertically towards the cleric’s neck.

    With honed reflexes, Nigel quickly edged aside. His neck successfully avoided severing as the slash only grazed his left arm. Nigel screamed in pain. The energy of Calhoun’s secret move had penetrated his body force field.

    Forcing himself, Nigel parried with his trident and took a step back. Suddenly he jumped up high and stabbed his trident downwards multiple times with high speed. This Diligent-Spirited Assault special move rained down like the beams of light and carved wounds and grazes on Calhoun’s body. The bandit leader stabbed left and right laboriously, even forcing him to roll on the ground.

    As Nigel landed on the road, Calhoun seized his chance and fled. Curse you, Nigel! We Viperwolves will get our revenge! he yelled.

    Nigel was about to give Calhoun chase when suddenly the wound in his arm throbbed. The pain as though stung to the bone stopped his steps. The cleric realized that the rest of the surviving Viperwolves had made their escape. Were his wound not severe and he was not exhausted, he surely would have been going after them.

    Something more important came into the cleric’s mind. He rubbed the pearl on the tip of his magic trident on the wound on his arm and cast, Vitali! His wounds were rapidly healed, thanks to the Healing spell.

    Nigel then approached the victims on the wrecked, robbed horse carriage. There were two passengers One of them was a man lying face-down on the road, covered in blood.

    May Vadis embrace your soul, Nigel whispered.

    And then, the cleric’s eyes were fixated on the second passenger, a woman leaning on the carriage wheel. He came quickly to her side and then touched her bloody nose.

    She was still breathing.

    Madam, can you hear me ?

    Slowly, the woman lifted her head. Her pretty face and green eyes looked so pale, covered in her messy brown hair.

    Y-yes…. she replied. Please….

    Nigel immediately cast, "Viavitali!"

    The light of the Great Heal spells shone from the trident head, reaching to where the woman’s heart was. Then Nigel realized, the woman appeared to be carrying something.

    It’s…. useless… the woman stuttered. My wound… is too severe… Just save…. my baby…

    Nigel glowered. With the last drops of her strength, the woman showed a cloth bundle on her lap. A face was visible inside it. It was an adorable, innocent baby.

    Nigel’s jaw dropped even lower when he saw the baby’s pointy, leaf-like ears. He quickly turned his attention to the mother, who possessed the same ears.

    Y-you are… ! he stuttered

    The woman nodded weakly, Yes, we are elves…. My name is Lucianna Bouvignon… and the other one there… was my husband… Barmas Istravel… Please…. take care of my child… Don’t waste anymore effort…. on my broken body….

    Lucianna was right. Her wounds were too many and too severe. Nigel’s magic wasn’t strong enough to heal a dying body. Nigel pulled his hands from his patient and stared at the soon-to-be-orphaned baby

    Father… please… I want to… be with my husband…

    Understanding her intention, Father Nigel hurriedly carried the male elf’s corpse, then gently rested him on the carriage by his beloved wife’s side.

    Slowly, Lucianna looked at the deceased elf’s face and said, Barmas, my love… Look, our daughter is safe…. Vadis had sent…. this cleric… to save us… even if it was too late. Wait for me, I will follow you… soon….

    Again the dying female elf looked at Nigel, surrendering her baby in the bundle to him.

    Father Nigel embraced the little hapless creature. He realized Vadis had bestowed upon his shoulder a new mission. He said, I and my fellow priests in Monastery of Saint Ambrosius shall raise her with the utmost care, Lucianna. You need to worry no more, and rest in peace.

    Lucianna smiled in relief. Aah, how fortunate! I thank thee, and thank our god, Vadis…

    She then gazed towards her adorable daughter, so calm as if nothing had happened. The mother reached for the bundle.

    Farewell, my beloved daughter, said Lucianna. Grow well… give a good deed… for this world… Never forget… that you are…. an Istravel… and your name is…. Maven.

    Lucianna’s head bowed, her hands hung down. The woman was resting on the chest of her husband’s corpse, breathing her last. The sound of crickets broke the silence as if it was a requiem for the lovers’ souls departing towards the afterlife.


    The Hilltop Monastery

    Nine years later….

    Redne, the fourth largest city in the Arcadia Empire after Myrcalia, Vochaux, and Xenticen was a trading city near the eastern border. It was located on the very strategic crosspoint between three neighboring countries, Arcadia in the west, Borgia in the east, and Regia Confederacy in the southeast.

    Aside from its strategic values, the city of Redne was famous in the entire Aurelia Continent due to at least its two specialties.

    One was the vineyards abundant in the villages surrounding the city. The red and white wines of Redne had a special quality, brewed into a very valuable and legendary vintage for kings and nobles. It was no wonder that the name Redne itself was inspired by the word red wine.

    The other specialty was a renowned building, the pride of its citizens. It was called the Saint Ambrosius Monastery.

    One reason is, that this monastery was built on top of the hill in the middle of the city. From afar it appeared to stand gracefully and almost as regal as a palace. However, its walls of unpainted stones made it look as gloomy as castles typically were.

    The monastery used to be a castle for a noble house and then became the center of the city governance. A century ago, on the initiative by Cardinal Ambrosius and the Emperor of Arcadia, Sage the Third, it was turned into a monastery and a center of religion.

    Behind the tall, colorful windows exhibiting painting-like pictures, silence, and tranquility reigned inside. The Vadisian monks and nuns walked to and fro silently and went along with their prayers, worship, and religious studies.

    In contrast to the poignant silence inside the monastery, the vegetable garden in the monastery’s backyard was lively. It was filled with dozens of little boys and girls playing cheerfully to their hearts’ content.

    Even as the sun glared brightly, its heat didn’t deter the orphans’ youthful spirit, at least to fill the spare time with fun and joy before going back to their work and study.

    However, not all of them shared the joy. As three kids were playing, a little girl with brown hair approached them.

    She said, Can I play with you?

    One of the boys, the one with his belly sticking out longer than his nose yelled, No way! You can’t!

    The twin-tailed blonde girl beside him also bellowed, Hey, Maven, haven’t we already told you many times? You’re an elf and we don’t want to be friends with strange creatures like you! Look, you have pointy ears! Disgusting like a donkey!

    Go away, Mave, don’t bother us! interrupted the third kid, a girl with greenish blue hair with a hand on her hip. Go to the vegetable garden in Hilltop Farm and help your ‘Brother Declan’ there. Come on guys, let’s play on! Don’t mind her!

    The three children returned to their play, leaving Maven alone. With her little fingers, the elf girl touched her leaf-like ear. It was sharp and a bit longer than a human’s.

    Her pair of charming green eyes were filled with tears. The wet, warm drops began to flow on her adorable reddish cheeks. Maven turned around and ran away from her peers.

    Maven’s steps were light and agile. She bolted faster than those kids playing chase. She then found herself standing among the patches of soybeans, lettuces, and other plants in the monastery’s vegetable garden.

    Walking slowly, Maven looked right and left. She then approached a boy who was slightly taller than her. Maven then stood and bowed her head in silence.

    The boy turned to her, wiping the sweat that soaked his forehead and blond hair. His blue eyes looked at the little girl and his lips uttered, Maven, have you just cried again?

    Maven simply paused and then nodded.

    Your friends made fun of you again?

    Again, a nod.

    Gee, it’s getting worse. The blond boy smiled bitterly. It can’t be helped, children our age don’t usually understand this verse written in the Holy Scripture of Imlavadis, ‘every being is created equal’. Maybe they will understand once they grow up. As for today, it seems you can only have fun by taking care of these vegetables with me.

    Maven’s sad face turned cheerful. Yaay! thanks, Brother Declan!

    That afternoon, Declan and Maven sat together for a rest after work.

    Um, Brother Declan, I’m curious. Why do other kids always avoid me? asked Maven naively.

    Declan rubbed his chin, pondering. Hmm… why indeed? Ah, I know. Maven, you’re an elf, right?

    I guess so. I’ve been called an elf due to my ears. She pointed at her ears.

    Mave, it’s not only about your ears. You still remember when they played with you back then, right?

    Maven nodded.

    Now, tell me, how often did you win?


    Declan flicked his fingers. Exactly! Whatever the game was about, whether ‘twas a game of speed or brains, you always prevailed over others.

    Aren’t you the cleverest student in this monastery?

    That is because I read often and seldom play, the blonde boy patted his chest. However, elves like you excel over most humans in many things, like agility, intellect, and magical affinity. Elves live long, ageless lives, however, they can be killed and are not immortal. They live for hundreds of years on average, some even reach thousands.

    Maven looked confused. Wow, if elves live that long then shouldn’t I still be a toddler now?

    Well… not really. From what I’ve read, elf kids grown as humans do up to twenty years old, but then stay that way until they are a thousand years old.

    Then why do they hate me?

    That is pretty obvious. I think they’re jealous of you. You always win in games, making them sick and bored.


    Of course. Perhaps from now on you need to learn to let others win at times. I’m sure, slowly but surely they’ll want to be friends with you again.

    Maven stretched a very wide, happy grin. Thank you, brother! Wow, you’re so smart, even though the kids your age still like to play.

    Declan patted her god-sister’s head. He said, Yeah, I always think of reading as fun, especially learning about wonderful things we can find in this monastery. It feels like an adventure! Remember when I told you about the Saint Ambrosius Rosary, the holy relic of our abbey? One day I’ll study it more deeply.

    Maven patted his shoulder. Way to go! Good luck, brother! I will support you… with prayers, that is.

    Declan glared towards the little girl. But there’s another thing that’s just as exciting for me to learn about, that is about elves… yes, about you.

    Learning… about me? Maven frowned, it can’t be…

    Declan was stuttering. Eh, no! I don’t mean anything aside from wanting to know more about you…. as a sister.

    Oh really? Maven teased him.

    I swear by Vadis…

    Come on, you don’t need to swear. I believe you. Maven smiled again.

    Now you did it! Declan quickly reached his hand to pinch Maven’s ear. The little girl swiftly dodged and ran away.

    Whee e! Catch me if you can!

    W-wait! Let’s go find Father Nigel at the other end of the farm. It’s almost training time, and we’ll have to remind him in case he gets senile.

    Beneath the vast expanse of a sun-soaked sky, the fields of the Hilltop Farm stretched out, their golden waves rippling with the soft caress of the breeze. Maven’s nimble movements scoured the field with ease, the apprentice boy followed closely behind her.

    Their gaze turned toward the horizon, where the silhouette of Father Nigel, the stalwart priest of Saint Ambrosius Monastery, stood framed against the backdrop of rolling hills and verdant meadows. He stood in earnest conversation with a figure shrouded in shadow, the edge of intrigue lacing their curiosity.

    Look, it’s Father Nigel! But who is he talking with? Declan’s voice carried a note of wonder, his inquisitive nature drawn to the enigmatic exchange unraveling before them.

    A voice, dripping with ominous intent, sliced through the air, shattering the serene moment. I’m Yzleid the Necromancess. Just hand over St. Ambrosius Monastery to me, knave. I’m going to use it as my new base of operations.

    The sudden intrusion transformed the atmosphere, plunging it into a tense interplay of dark desires and steadfast determination. Maven’s eyes locked onto the scene before her, her heart racing in the face of the looming threat.

    Nigel’s voice, resolute in the face of danger, danced on the airwaves. Why this place? Is it because you seek the dark secret behind this holy, anointed monastery?

    A throaty chuckle tinged with a malevolent delight, escaped the lips of Yzleid. Oh, I have my monster horde here for that. I’ll have them overrun the monastery. After that, it’ll be my turn to feed on its secret. And I, Yzleid Mass will be the greatest necromancess in the world. I shall surpass my predecessor, Zal’vyra!

    Nigel’s voice remained unyielding, his courage unwavering even as the stakes grew higher. No goals other than overrunning the world with your monsters? Gee, that’s disappointing, but I must stop you anyway! On guard!

    A surge of adrenaline surged through Maven as she took a step forward, her resolve setting her on a collision course with the looming darkness. I’ll help you, Father Nigel!

    But her words were met with a resolute rebuttal, Nigel’s voice carrying the weight of a protector’s concern. What!? Maven, Declan, stay away from this!

    However, the tempest of conflict had been unleashed, and it was a force that would not be easily halted. Yzleid’s sinister laughter echoed, a symphony of malice that reverberated across the hills. Oh, some kids join in? I better send my big monster to deal with you, meddlesome maggots! Attack them!

    Nigel’s voice cut through the turmoil, a beacon of guidance amidst the chaos. Mave, Dec, fight the giant monster! I’ll handle the witch!

    Maven and Declan, armed with little more than knives and a humble wooden stick, stood resolute against a menacing force of nature. The Giant Queen Mantis, a monstrous creature with serrated limbs and malevolent, gleaming eyes, loomed above them. Around it, a legion of flobbers, grotesque jelly monsters, slithered and oozed, their formless bodies quivering with anticipation. A few giant spiders, their hairy legs tapping a sinister rhythm, encircled the bizarre assembly.

    Stay with me, Mave! Declan yelled. Remember our training! Father Nigel counts on us!

    Err, right, Brother! Maven responded. But they’re too many!

    To that, Declan only curled a confident smile. Don’t worry. Father will come to aid us when he’s done with the witch.

    The sun hung low in the sky, casting elongated shadows across the battlefield, as if nature itself held its breath, awaiting the outcome of this extraordinary confrontation.

    Maven’s elven agility came to life as she darted forward, her twin knives gleaming like twin stars in the twilight. With a deft and fluid motion, she slashed at the closest flobber, its gelatinous mass quivering in response. Her blades cleaved through the jelly-like substance with a satisfying squelch. But as one fell, more oozed forward to take its place, an unending tide of bizarre adversaries.

    Declan, standing steadfast beside Maven, twirled his wooden stick with an unexpected grace. His strikes, though less lethal than her knives, were no less effective. With each swing, he sent waves of magic-infused energy rippling through the air, slamming into the approaching flobbers and sending them sprawling.

    The Giant Queen Mantis, an apex predator of the insect world, unleashed a deafening chittering sound, its mandibles snapping menacingly. With a lunge, it closed the distance between itself and the duo. Maven danced between its slashing limbs, her knives finding purchase in the creature’s chitinous armor. But the mantis was no pushover, and its sheer size made it a formidable adversary.

    Amidst the chaos, Declan summoned a burst of energy, creating a shimmering barrier that momentarily shielded them from the advancing tide of flobbers. Mave, watch out! he called out, his voice carrying the urgency of their situation.

    Maven, in the heat of battle, pivoted gracefully, her knives gleaming as they sliced through the air. She managed to evade the mantis’s deadly strikes, but its determination was unwavering. With a swift and unexpected maneuver, it clamped one of its serrated limbs around her, lifting her off her feet.

    Declan, eyes wide with fear for his companion, channeled his magic with unyielding focus. The wooden stick in his hand ignited with a brilliant, swirling light, and he unleashed it upon the mantis with a resounding cry. The beam of energy struck true, forcing the mantis to release Maven with a tortured screech.

    Gasping for breath, Maven landed on her feet, her knives ready for the next onslaught. But something had shifted in the battle’s favor. The flobbers, scorched and fragmented by Declan’s magical onslaught, quivered in disarray, their numbers dwindling.

    Seizing the moment, Maven

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