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Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series: The Dylen Series, #2
Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series: The Dylen Series, #2
Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series: The Dylen Series, #2
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Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series: The Dylen Series, #2

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From the moment Jennifer Stage and Jared Mortenson met in a business meeting, life seems to be continually throwing them together even though they really can't stand each other. Their family and friends don't seem to agree as they try tirelessly to get them together, with no help from one disaster run-in after another. Between her dad and his sister-in-law, will they ever be able to have a civil conversation that helps right the wrong first impressions left from that meeting room at her family company? They have to get along for business' sake, but what about the career and life goals they seem to have in common, there is no time or need for the distraction relationships bring. They are both beyond busy with their successful careers to have someone else to worry about. So, why is it they can't quit thinking about or wanting to be around each other? Could love really be possible and be able to have a successful career at the same time? Will they ever let themselves feel what's in their hearts or continue to let their heads and assumptions ruin what could be the best thing to happen to them?

Release dateMar 2, 2022
Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series: The Dylen Series, #2

Heather M. Morris

I was born and raised in a small town in Southeast Colorado where I have always been an avid reader. The local library was my favorite place to hang out resulting in the librarian trying to get me to switch genres because I had read all the romance novels available. I still read as much as possible, when I'm not writing. When I'm not reading or writing you can find me making jewelry, crafting, redecorating my house, and most importantly, spending time with my husband, two beautiful daughters, family and friends. I have gotten so many books on my Kindle that my husband asked me one day if I thought I should start writing my own. That's where the writing of my romance novels started, thank you Matt! I love to read the romance series that continue the story on from the first book to the last. That is where the idea of the Colvin Series came from. I am a hopeless romantic and expect to see the happily ever after in each book and even the movies I watch. I have a group of very special women that read my books and act as my second line of proof readers. Without them I'm not sure I could get these books out there for others to read. With each book I pray that those who decide to read it are whisked away into the story and enjoy every page. I know I enjoy writing them and hearing what everyone has to say about the characters. Thank you for your interest in my hobby and making this happen!

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    Book preview

    Our First Impressions- Book 2 of the Dylen Series - Heather M. Morris

    Chapter 1


    Today I start a new position in my family’s commercial real estate business, Stage Properties. My grandfather bought his first building in my hometown of Dylen, AZ when he was twenty years old and spent every night and weekend working to renovate it until it was ready for tenants. The hardware store that is still in business today, happened to be one of those first tenants in that exact building. Grandpa eventually bought, renovated, and sold ten more buildings before moving on to surrounding towns and then bigger cities.

    When it was time for him to retire, he handed Stage Properties down to my father, Bernie. At that time, Stage Properties had over four hundred properties in seventeen different towns across Arizona. Dad has continued to expand the business throughout his tenure as the boss and we now own almost twenty-four hundred buildings in a hundred and twenty-five different towns in the cities all over the United States.

    I don’t have any cousins or brothers that could be groomed to take over the family business, so I left Dylen and went to business school at a big university right after high school. Once receiving my MBA, I quickly came back to learn all I could from my father, eager to soak it all in knowing one day I might be able to be the boss too.

    Our main headquarters are still in Dylen, but things have boomed in Tucson enough that we have opened a second main office there as well. Hence the reason I was just transferred here to Tucson. I think Dad is actually grooming me for the final take over sooner rather than later by moving me to where the bulk of the action is. I would assume burning up the fuel in the company jet to shuffle me back and forth so often had a lot to do with the decision, too. I have been spending more and more time here in Tucson in the past couple of years which leaves Dad less and less time on the road and away from home and of course, Mom.

    I tend to be more of a shark in meetings than Dad anyway, so he’s more than happy to let me take over this part. At least for now. He’s getting soft in his old age and the business world is getting more aggressive, even though you’ll never get him to admit it.

    The only problem with this whole changing of power thing is that I’d like to scale the company back a little and not let it spread any farther across the country. I know that sounds backwards to most people, but Grandpa and Dad spent the majority of their lives in meetings or traveling. They missed so much of the life going on at home with their families in the process. I want to put an end to that cycle. When I have a family (if that ever happens), I want to be able to work and have a happy homelife. That balance is something the generations before me never had.

    I want Stage Properties to succeed well into the future, but not at the expense of family members at home. Granted, that isn’t something on my radar anytime in the near future because I don’t even have time to go on dates let alone be in a relationship. I have to get myself ahead in my career right now and once I’m settled into Stage Properties, then maybe I’ll state figuring out the family part.

    Besides, not many guys can handle my personality for too long. I may have blonde hair and blue eyes, but I am not a dumb bimbo. I have worked way too hard to give all of this up for some man who isn’t secure enough in his own life to change who or what I am. I still have so much more to accomplish, too.

    Chapter 2


    Good morning, Miss Stage. Here’s coffee the way you like it and your messages. Your first appointment is the owner of Mortenson Development and he’s in the board room as we speak waiting for you. Yes, he’s pretty early. She has met me right outside the elevator doors and walks with me towards my office.

    He’s very early. Thank you for the coffee and update Livia. I’m excited to be here full time now. Let’s have a strategy meeting after I’m done with Mr. Way-Too-Early. I smile hoping to ease some of her nerves. I’m really not as intimidating or mean as everyone seems to think when first meeting me. Although Corinne tells me all the time that I am, what does she know?

    The board room walls are made of glass and just so happens to be on the way to my office. As we pass by, I scan the room for a glimpse of this man that can’t seem to tell time. Whoa! Not what I was picturing in my head at all. Most definitely not the age I was expecting to see as we passed by. Dang, that man sitting at the conference table is handsome! I may be on a dating hiatus, but my lady senses clearly are not.

    He looks up and smirks, of course he does. He’s well aware of his looks and most likely relies on them to get what he wants and is used to a woman’s reaction to him. Jerk.

    Count me out of that statistic, buddy. I shake those thoughts out of my head because I need to stick to business mode only. Especially with Mr. Handsome in there. I don’t want nor do I need a man in my life. Remember that Jennifer, men are nothing but distractions.

    I make it to my office and set my stuff down. It’s my first full day here in Tucson and I’m already being tested. I take a deep cleansing breath to calm myself and my thoughts. Livia steps back in the door and hands me some files needed for today’s meetings.

    Thanks Livia, you’re a lifesaver. Let me get this one done and out of here then we’ll have a little catch-up session. I smile and she walks back out of the room to her desk while I peruse the files eager to get a handle on what this Mortenson Development rep is doing here.

    Looks like they were the owners of the newly acquired strip mall in Eastern Tucson. We need to finalize the deal and exchange funds for keys but I’m not really sure why this couldn’t be done by messenger. Must be one of Dad’s old school ways still in place here. I’ll have to change that one for sure.

    Livia, do you have the wire transfer receipt for this? It’s time I get this over with. She hands me the receipt and I head off reluctantly to the board room to meet with Mr. Way-Too-Early-Playboy.

    Before entering the room, I pause and take a deep breath and slowly push open the glass door. As I do, he looks up from his phone and smiles that all-knowing smile again. Dang, he’s so handsome and arrogant all in one. I use every ounce of business professionalism I have to smile back and not tell him just what I am thinking. Although, I’m sure my face is.

    Hello, I’m Jared Mortenson. Nice to finally put a face to the name. Dang, why does he have to look like that and have a voice that smooth and deep that takes my breath away? Get a hold of yourself, Jennifer! Be professional, remember?

    Definitely. Livia gave me all of the paperwork needed to get this deal wrapped up. I’m not real sure why a formal sit-down meeting was necessary though, we could have wired the money and had the keys messengered over. I sit down in a chair far from him and sort through the papers in the files I brough with me.

    You’re right, but we at Mortenson Development like to do things face to face. We like to get a feel for who we’re selling our properties to because we have personal relationships with all of our tenants. I like to make sure they are all going to be taken care of long after the sale.

    Take care of? They pay the rent; they get to stay. They don’t, they get a visit from us.

    Sounds very impersonable. You don’t get to know the people that occupy your properties?

    I don’t, no. They are normally in and out so often, what’s the point?

    The point is that our tenants at the property you’re buying have all been there since we built the place six years ago.

    That all sounds amazing, but we have thousands of properties all over the country. How could I personally know all of them by name?

    Okay, I’ll admit you’re on a much grander scale than we are but when we build these properties, we do extensive research and figure out what’s needed to help the community they’re in thrive.

    I applaud you for that but there’s just no possible way for me to personally spend the time befriending every single person renting a space from Stage Properties. We also look at the neighborhoods and the needs of those who live there, it’s not like we’re heartless monsters. There’s always a project manager on site at each location that, I’m sure, gets to know the tenants like you’re describing. I’m getting mad now while he’s insulting my family’s company and practices without knowing anything about who or what we even are.

    Look, I’m not trying to cause a rift here, we would like to form a strong relationship with Stage Properties not tear you apart. I apologize for coming off like I’m scolding or insulting your way of doing business. You guys clearly know what you’re doing, or you wouldn’t have been in business as long as you have been.

    Thank you, but after this deal is done, I don’t think we would benefit from any further dealings with Mortenson Development. So, let’s get this buttoned up so we all can move on with our busy days.

    Here are the keys and requested paperwork with signatures.

    Here is your wire transfer receipt. Thank you for coming in, have a good rest of your day. I stand up and walk out of the room as fast as these darn heels and pencil skirt will allow. I can’t believe what a jerk he was. Thank goodness I’ll never have to see his smug face ever again!

    Arrogant jerk! I spit out almost to my office which happens to be right next to Livia’s desk where she’s looking up at me with amusement written all over her face.

    Good meeting, huh? She giggles and turns back to work just as she was before I stormed by. I should probably be a lot more professional in the future. Dad would lecture me about my behavior.

    I’m sorry. I mutter and rush into my office slamming the files and keys down before plopping myself into the chair. Most likely too dramatically, but he irritated me so much I can’t help it! Why did he get under my skin so easily? I’m normally not that easy to upset, especially at work. Ugh, move on Jen it’s going to be a long day!

    Chapter 3


    Wow, I sure ticked her off! Livia warned me that Jennifer Stage was tougher than her dad but my goodness, that was an understatement. I probably came off like a judgmental jerk too but, since I started

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