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NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility: Soy autentica. No perfecta.
NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility: Soy autentica. No perfecta.
NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility: Soy autentica. No perfecta.
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NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility: Soy autentica. No perfecta.

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You can also be FERTILE and be HAPPY. That is what the book is about.


Thinking, feeling and believing that you are only fertile when you have a child was one of the biggest causes that provoked feelings of sadness and shame in me, thinking that I could not leave a legacy because I do not have a child added to the feeling of guilt impregnated by ourselves and society. These are the greatest limiting beliefs that women who live with this reality can have.


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Now I understand that you can be fertile and also leave a legacy. This book tells part of my story in a super close, friendly way and with my same way of speaking that you will feel like I am talking to you, you will understand how my beliefs and thought patterns were formed since childhood and that most likely they are the same with which you act, explore and question them.
Likewise, it narrates it from a broad and questionable point of view. With questions to reflect on, and exercises at the end of each chapter that will allow you to connect with your essence and find answers that you do not yet have. It includes 6 guided meditations that you can listen to in its full version in audio format.
This path has been long but at the same time full of satisfaction in my life and in my family, learning to see myself with love, knowing that I can be fertile in other areas of my life and be at peace, are the greatest gifts I have.

A part of my life is in this book based on my story and experience so that it serves as a mirror for you in your own path. 


I'll give you 5 reasons why I know that this book will fill you with peace, love and hope in your life:


  1. You will break with the belief that if you were born a woman it is "necessary" to have a child.
  2. You will break with the feeling of guilt for not having a child.
  3. You will break with the belief that you feel that you lack "something" or feel "empty" for not having a child. When the truth is that since you were born you already have everything to be happy.
  4. You will break with the belief that if you don't have a child you don't have a purpose for living.
  5. You will break with the belief that you cannot leave a legacy if you don't have a child.

You are ready! Because you're already here, and that's wonderful. Click on the basket and get your book. See you inside!
Remind you that you can listen to me on Spotify as: Vanessa Márquez. Thank you very much!

Release dateMar 21, 2022
NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility: Soy autentica. No perfecta.

Vanessa Marquez

Hola me llamo Vanessa Márquez Coach de Vida, Facilitadora profesional, MBA en Administración de empresas, Ing. de Sistemas y Certificada en Thetahealing. Me interese en el desarrollo personal cuando supe que no podía tener hijos lo cual me llevo a un viaje de  transformación, que estoy lista para compartirla contigo, a raíz de ello, comencé a escribir mis primeros libros y ahora me dedico a derribar creencias limitantes de que solo la mujer es fértil a través de la gestación de un hijo. Mi sueño es que cada mujer deje un legado a nuestras futuras generaciones, un legado de amor y de vida. La mujer es la fuente misma de la creación manifestada en miles de formas. Te invito a explorarte, a cuestionar y derribar tus propias creencias a través de mi experiencia, en mis libros encontraras parte de mi alma con el único fin de que mires tu vida y a ti misma con amor y gratitud. Nos vemos Adentro.! Muchas Gracias!! Escúchame también con PODCAST en SpotiFy como : Vanessa Marquéz la aventura de amar.

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    Book preview

    NOT ALL WOMEN ARE BORN TO BE MOTHERS. How i found my purpose in life through my infertility - Vanessa Marquez


    It is a great pleasure for me to be able to write this book. It has always been one of my purposes, missions and dreams as a child. About 5 years ago I discovered that I love to write, I love poetry. As a child I remember reading adventure books in my room. I love reading stories that enrich me, or research. As an adult, I’ve started to connect with that part of myself. Since I’ve been in touch with the essence of that child, wonderful things started to flow through me.

    And from that feeling this book was born Because not all women are born to be mothers. First of all, I want you to start answering these questions: What is your purpose in this life? Why do you want to have a child? and answers can come up like: to be able to transcend, when we are no longer here physically we will know that a little piece of us will remain, and even if we are not with them, we will live on through them. Once I heard A child gives meaning to life and a child is the most beautiful and magical thing we can have in our arms, I am not a mother, and even though it has no point of comparison with reality, I can imagine it is true.

    Only those who are parents can attest to this immense unconditional love. For those of us who, for various reasons, could not have the joy of being parents, we must make decisions and choose how we will live our lives from now on. There are different ways to become parents; surrogacy, egg donation, and even adoption could be one of them if you choose. Whatever your choice is, even for those who can have children but decide not to because they have other priorities, every decision has consequences.

    The world has changed since the last century. It is true that we women have evolved in terms of our priorities; we are now focused on our professions, on occupying important positions. Competition with men, in terms of management skills, has increased and in middle management it is also a reality. This leads to a delay in wanting to be mothers, which has increased the rate of infertility; being parents is a very intimate decision for both women and men.

    But the question goes further and deeper still: Why do you want to have a child? This question is exclusively for women who cannot have a child. Have you asked yourself that question? It might be appropriate for you to answer it yourself now, be honest with yourself. Some may answer like: I am married and I have to have a child to protect my marriage, because being a consolidated family implies having a child, or maybe I hear answers like I have to have several children because I need someone to take care of me when I am older. Are you going to have a child just because of that? We fall into the same trap, to transfer our happiness to something external, and what is worse, to copy preestablished molds of what it is to be a family, or patterns of how I have to transcend and my greatest legacy is my child. This thought-process can be and is fine if you feel this way. But try to look at on what level you are making this statement, whether it’s on the side of love or simply for the selfish fact of thinking that you will be left alone.

    We live in a world ruled by patterns of conditioning. They have led us to create an image of ourselves as a projection of something or someone we call Me. We don’t realize that it is not us, but the expression or projection of what we want others to see .If we show ourselves as we truly feel, we fear that we will not be valued or accepted, and it is because deep down we do not do it ourselves; we are not comfortable with who we are, we have wounds that we have not yet healed and to hide them we put on masks to protect ourselves. This prevents others from seeing our true essence, with our lights and shadows.

    A wound, according to Lise Bourbeaun in her book The Five Wounds that Prevent Us from Being Yourself, can be compared to a physical wound that you have had on your hand for a long time but you can’t see it and whose healing you have forgotten. The bandage is equivalent to a mask. The deeper a wound is, the more you project the pain onto other people or circumstances. We relive our wounds by thinking that they are the ones who are hurting us. We try to protect ourselves by avoiding our own healing process, preventing us from being happy.

    We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with messages, from advertising in different media about how being successful or happy is a synonymous to HAVING. That may be accumulating material achievements, or having a child, but when you achieve it you feel a huge emptiness. So, what are we missing? Are we incomplete? What does it take to be happy? Happiness does not come with a good job or by forming a family or having a child because this state, which you call happiness, cannot come from outside factors, it must come from within you. When you let go and you manage to accept your weaknesses, your most intimate shadows, you allow yourself to embrace them and walk hand by hand with them, accepting them as apart of you. You go through the mourning you have to go, begin your transformation, and you can see life from a new perspective. Beliefs such as to be a woman you must have a child, otherwise you are, productive, standards that create emotional dependence, frustration and emotional emptiness.

    Our education should be based on: Who are we? What is our purpose? We should learn to love ourselves unconditionally, to answer questions like why are we here? But in the traditional education system their focus in on teaching subjects that serve to work and be economically independent, leaving aside the BEING. We operate with 5% of our consciousness. The other95% is unconscious. What would you say if I told you that you can tap into that unconscious and work on it with love, so that you can reach your full potential and shine? you It is part of my adventure in this life, to know and accept my unconscious side because only in that way I am loving myself unconditionally. This book narrates the path to my unconditional acceptance and love for myself that I have begun and intend to continue on.

    10 years ago, I found myself yearning to have a child, without achieving it and after 5 years I decided to start leading my own my life and go from surviving it to fully living it. I decided to follow my soul. Instead of trying to have a child, I decided to find my purpose in life. Now I am dedicated to helping other women with infertility, to find their mission, as I did.

    My greatest pain is my greatest blessing. Imagine the number of opportunities the universe has for you. Maybe you won’t be not able to have a child, but you will be able to give the world your gifts and talents, to benefit humanity. We, human beings, are poisoning children because we do not allow them to know their emotions or identify with them, to know why they act or react this way, and, what is more shocking, we qualify our emotions as good or bad by creating a sense of guilt. All our emotions are valid, let's just identify which one of them is adding up and which one is dragging us down.

    We are letting the electronic brain handle the accounts of

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