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Shallow Water
Shallow Water
Shallow Water
Ebook212 pages2 hours

Shallow Water

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Natalie Dvorak #17:

On a special assignment out of state, Detective-Sergeant Natalie Dvorak of the Vermont State Police is reunited with her former partner, now a US Marshal. Together, they travel to Minnesota’s Lake Country to interview a man in the Federal Witness Protection Program. A murder disrupts their assignment and the case is worked by the local police. When the prime suspect turns up dead as an apparent suicide, Police Chief Kate Petrovic is not satisfied but the case is closed. She is soon subjected to pressure from the mayor, whose reelection is jeopardized by the murder-suicide, and is forced to reopen the investigation. Kate’s personal life becomes more complicated and is soon tainted by tragedy. A family friend’s dark past is uncovered just as Kate finds the strength to overcome adversity. Natalie returns to Minnesota for a celebration, but she becomes involved in the final act of a dangerous killer.

Release dateMar 19, 2022
Shallow Water

Geoffrey A. Feller

I was born fifty-seven years ago in the Bible belt but grew up in a Massachusetts college town. I am married and my wife and I have moved frequently since we met. We've lived in Minnesota, Massachusetts, and New Mexico, as well as a brief residency in Berlin, Germany. I have worked peripherally in health care, banking, and insurance. In addition to writing, I have done a bit of amateur acting and comedy performances. I am afraid of heights but public speaking doesn't scare me. My wife and I live in Albuquerque with our chihuahua.

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    Book preview

    Shallow Water - Geoffrey A. Feller



    by Geoffrey A. Feller

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2021 by Geoffrey A. Feller



    Natalie Dvorak found the baggage claim area for her incoming flight. It was on a Northwest Airlines jetliner from Detroit but she had embarked on this journey from Bradley Airport outside Hartford, Connecticut. Of course it had really started with a drive down from where Natalie lived in Vermont, a small town up in the eastern slopes of the Green Mountains. Natalie’s husband Dan had taken her to the airport but she was traveling alone on assignment.

    Natalie was a detective-sergeant in the Vermont State Police. At forty-five, she had been with the VSP for almost eleven years, more than seven of them as a detective.

    The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport (in the city of Bloomington) was a busy place and Natalie was not used to crowds of people like this. Being so short didn’t help matters; at 5’1" Natalie kept having her view blocked by travelers, airline workers, and airport employees who walked around oblivious to Natalie’s presence. But she had managed to get through these giants and walked from the arrival gate down to the claim level.

    Natalie imagined the instructions that might have been given: Look for a short, middle-aged woman with dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, and dark complexion. She’s built like a gymnast; you’ll notice her muscular shoulders and flat chest. Then there’s that prominent nose; she was called Birdy in high school because of that beak.

    But the person meeting her at the baggage claim wouldn’t need any such description. He already knew Natalie well.

    She looked around for her contact, didn’t see him, and then heard the buzzer going off at the stainless steel carousel. So Natalie watched for her two suitcases, waiting with the other people who had flown here from Detroit. People reached and grabbed at luggage as the conveyer belt rotated towards them. Natalie found her checked items at a five-minute interval.

    She turned, carrying the dark gray suitcases with one handle in each hand. Only a few steps past the plastic chairs that bordered the claim area and she saw him. Tall, athletic and darkly handsome, ten years younger than she was. And he was holding up a cardboard sign in both hands. In black magic marker it read: DOVRUK.

    Very funny, Natalie said as the cardboard sign was shoved into a trash barrel. Johnny Billings…

    She set her suitcases down to accept Johnny’s offered embrace. He lifted Natalie to her tiptoes and then took the suitcases before she could object.

    Welcome to Minnesota, Johnny said.

    Think I dressed warmly enough? Natalie asked, walking alongside him.

    It’s March. Average low is only a few degrees below freezing.

    The pilot announced it’s 41 degrees.

    Then you’re fine in that wool coat, Sergeant.

    Damn it, we’re not in the same agency anymore. You can call me Natalie now.

    US Marshals Service at your service.

    Johnny was wearing a black trench coat. Unlike Natalie, he was getting respect from the airport pedestrian traffic. He stood out among them and they made way for him. Johnny walked at a brisk, purposeful pace and Natalie had to work at keeping up. For that reason, she didn’t mind that he’d taken her luggage.

    They said little else as Johnny led Natalie to short term parking on the second level of a ramp, just a brief exchange about how the flights had been for her. His car was a black late model Buick Regal.

    The Feds must pay you well, Natalie commented as Johnny unlocked the car.

    The more I’m paid the more ways I find to spend it, he replied as the trunk popped open. Never do get ahead.

    Natalie loaded her bags into the trunk and closed it. Then she got in next to Johnny.

    Live-in girlfriend, you told me?

    Nikki, Johnny said, turning the ignition key. She’s dying to meet you, my old boss at the VSP.

    Boss, hell, Natalie scoffed as she fastened her seat belt. Sweeney’s the boss. I was just your partner who had all the experience and a slightly higher rank.

    Johnny chuckled as he backed out of the parking space.

    So glad they sent Sexton up to the North Woods, he remarked, slowing to join the line of cars waiting to pay their exit fees. Gives us some reunion time and we get paid for it.

    Undercover at a resort, no less.

    Just a lakeside cabin, really.

    Sounds good to me.

    After driving off the airport grounds and up to Highway 62, Johnny resumed the small talk.

    How’s Dan?

    Doing fine.

    Still content being the one-man police force for Holbrook?

    Why not? The whole town loves their Officer Dan.

    Especially the ladies.

    Oh, shut up!

    Unless he’s let himself go in, what, almost a year and half?

    Oh, no. Dan’s still the Holbrook Hercules. As long as my stepdaughter keeps wrestling, Dan has to keep up appearances.

    Speaking of appearances, I saw a match Elaine had last December.

    You did? She didn’t mention that to us.

    I never had the chance to meet her and talk. I was just in the arena long enough to see her wrestle.

    Did she win?

    Yeah. They were billing it as a grudge match between Elaine—The Mighty Maple, that is—and this local gal. Something Brunhilde…

    The Beltrami Brunhilde, Natalie said. We have a tape of their last match. I think Elaine let the other girl win.

    "Not this time. She threw Brunhilde right out of the ring. Not a push, either: Elaine lifted that girl straight up above her own head with one hand! Hurt the other girl’s pride more than anything, I bet. The floor outside the ring is all padded."

    See why Dan keeps hitting the weights?

    I’m sure you still do it, too.

    "Well, yeah. But that’s for work, really. That and my tae kwon do. A little cop needs that kind of help. I’m not a great shot with my gun, either."

    You didn’t bring your revolver, did you?

    No. Just need to get his statement. If Sexton raises any hell I’ll have you right there with your 9-mil if I can’t stop him with my bare hands.

    He’s pretty subdued these days, I’m told.

    Natalie nodded, thinking of her ex-husband. Johnny didn’t mention that name.

    How’s that new partner of yours doing? he asked instead. Learning everything you have to teach her?

    "Sharon’s fine. So eager to be a good cop she doesn’t always realize that she already is a good cop."

    I liked Sharon from what little I saw of her.

    Natalie snorted.

    What? Johnny asked.

    You saw quite a bit of her as I recall.

    Jesus, Natalie! Can’t you get over that?

    I was never so angry with you. Making me meet my new partner coming out of your bedroom, naked.

    As I recall, she was wearing a T-shirt.

    Whatever. It was bad enough getting such a young partner in the first place and then having to meet her like that!

    I’m sorry that happened.

    Was Sharon a good lay at least?

    Not really.

    Oh? Natalie grinned.

    Sharon was, well, adequate. Hell of a body, of course. But she was just naïve, I suppose.

    Oh my God! You didn’t take Sharon’s virginity?

    I didn’t. But whoever took care of that got there only a little before me, I bet.

    I think she only had one long-term relationship that started in high school, Natalie said. He was probably as naïve as Sharon and didn’t teach her much. I was wrong about her being a slut. Seems like every Field Force trooper at Rutland hit on her, even the married ones. But Sharon shot them all down. Now she’s got a white-bread boyfriend who worships her. He asked Sharon to marry him but she said no. They’re having sex but Sharon wants to wait longer before they get married.

    Old-fashioned girl except for the pre-marital sex part.

    Not your typical Billings Blond, after all.

    It was dark out by the time Johnny drove from the crosstown highway up the Interstate and onto the exit ramp. He took them through the city streets, up tree-lined Lyndale Avenue and then west on Lake Street. There was more commercial property along this stretch: store fronts, restaurants, and bars.

    This is the Uptown area, Johnny explained.

    You live here?

    A little farther west.

    Johnny turned in to a supermarket parking lot after taking a fork in the road to the right.

    What? You need to pick up some milk?

    No, Johnny said. I want to show you some of Nikki’s work.

    Nikki’s work? You said she’s in advertising. Some product display in the store?

    Johnny pulled to a stop at the end of a parking aisle, straddling two empty spaces.

    Roll down your window, he told Natalie, and look at the billboard on the roof of that building to your right.

    Natalie looked up through the open window at the billboard, illuminated by a set of flood lights. It was an advertisement for what apparently was an upscale clothing brand in the Midwest. A stunning young woman was modeling a long sleeved sweater that was probably nice and warm for the local winter deep-freeze. The model’s face had a radiant smile and she sat in a bit of a slouch.

    Casual Beauty was the tag line; Natalie read it aloud.

    Nikki designed that billboard? she asked, looking back at Johnny.

    Nikki’s the model, he smiled. That’s part of advertising…

    Natalie snapped her head back towards the billboard.

    Well… she said, giggling from the exhaustion of her long trip. Well, now! That girl is the ultimate Billings Blond!

    There was only a short drive to Johnny’s place from the supermarket parking lot. On the way he told Natalie that Nikki Michaelson was twenty-six years old, was a native Minnesotan, and the winner of a dozen minor beauty pageants by the age of twenty-one. As Miss Wadena, Nikki had been first runner up in the Miss Minnesota competition of 1983. That had been enough to get a modeling contract. The following year Nikki was modeling pantyhose and started dating one of the richest men in the state. There was a bitter end to that romance and Nikki filed a palimony suit against the wealthy boyfriend. He settled out of court for something in the low seven figures.

    How Johnny had met Nikki was during a photo shoot near the Federal courthouse. He stopped to watch as Nikki reclined on a granite block while wearing a miniskirt. When she sat up, Johnny’s eyes moved from those traffic-stopping legs to her face. Their eyes met. Nikki later claimed she’d fallen in love with Johnny in that instant; she sent an assistant to give the handsome stranger her business card.

    Natalie took Johnny’s story in without comment. She wondered how much of what Nikki told him was true. Had Johnny tried to confirm any of it? But what would Miss Wadena have to gain by deceiving Johnny? Obviously she didn’t need his money. Natalie almost asked whether there might be some reason why Nikki wanted an armed boyfriend but decided against it.

    That skyscraper up ahead, Johnny announced, activating the right turn signal. That’s us.

    Natalie stared up at it. The building was the only high rise in the immediate area and it loomed far above the street. Each unit had a small balcony. Natalie glanced to her left and saw the dark surface of Lake Calhoun, part of the chain of city lakes that gave Minneapolis distinction.

    You have a lake view?

    From twelve stories up, Johnny said with a nod. It’s a condo.

    After guiding the Buick into a reserved space in the underground garage, Johnny popped open the trunk again.

    Just need the smaller suitcase, Natalie said, removing her seat belt. It’s pretty much my overnight bag.

    After they boarded the elevator, Natalie asked, So what did you tell Nikki about me that she’s so eager for us to meet?

    That you’re my mentor and the best detective I know.

    I see.

    I said you’re like a sister to me. A much older sister, of course.

    Of course, Natalie said with a wry smile. You wouldn’t want Nikki to think we’re sharing a bed up at the cabin.

    She knows I’m too big for you, Johnny said as the elevator doors opened.

    Dan’s bigger, Natalie replied with a smirk.

    I wasn’t talking about overall size. I meant—

    "I know what you meant, Johnny."

    That stopped him in mid-step.

    But how could you know?

    Girls have their own locker room talk, Marshal Billings. Back when you were seeing Peggy I overheard her with a couple other ladies on the clerical staff. They asked Peggy to tell them your measurements and she did. My, my, my! So that’s gonna be close, but no cigar.

    Close, huh? Johnny said, forcing a smile.

    Fairly close unless Peggy was exaggerating.

    Listen. At this point, I don’t want to know.

    Remember who brought it up, Natalie said, pulling her suitcase out of Johnny’s grip. And which one of us was being pretty damn inappropriate. What, were you trying to tease me? Embarrass your old mentor?

    I never could embarrass you, Johnny admitted as they continued to the condominium door.

    Don’t really make me mad or I’ll embarrass you with Nikki.

    I consider myself warned.

    After unlocking the door and ushering Natalie into the foyer, Johnny was greeted by the woman on the billboard. Now she was wearing a purple robe with black trim and ran barefoot across the carpeting to give him a hug and a kiss.

    Missed you! Nikki gushed.

    Then she looked down at Natalie, who estimated Nikki to be just under six feet tall.

    Oh, sorry, Nikki said. I just love Johnny so much! You’re Natalie, of course?

    Yes. Maybe we can hug later after getting better acquainted.

    I did make a scene, didn’t I?

    It’s okay, baby, Johnny said, tousling Nikki’s hair.

    They kissed again and then Nikki pushed against Johnny’s chest.

    Enough! Take your coats off, both of you.

    When Johnny shed his trench coat, Natalie saw he was wearing a blue suit with the red tie she’d already

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