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A Federal World Government
A Federal World Government
A Federal World Government
Ebook13 pages12 minutes

A Federal World Government

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A Federal World Government is like the USA giving green cards to all people of the earth to join it. Right now the USA gives green cards to individuals. Now think of a day when a whole country is given a green card. Nearly all people of the world love to have a US green card. A Federal World Government is like expanding the USA to fit all the planet. Or it may be like expanding the EU to fit the whole planet.
The way the USA or EU are run and managed is proven to be the best way compared to the rest of the world. The formation of the Federal World Government gives other parts of the world a good transparent way of managing their social, political, and economic affairs. Above all, it has a BIG Advantage: it turns “us and them” into a big unified “us”.

Release dateMar 19, 2022
A Federal World Government

Mahnaz Javaherynikou

My focus of interest is Big Picture Cosmology. It took some three decades for me to develop this worldview. Once we broaden the scope of our view, meaningful patterns start to emerge. In a large-scale worldview, mankind, especially, assumes a meaningful place in the cosmos. By cosmos, we mean Mother Space or Hyperspace (Multiverse). Each one of us is a brain of the cosmos. Because the cosmos is infinite in her spatial and temporal stretch, she cannot have one infinite-sized brain floating in space. Rather, Mother Space (= cosmos) has no choice but to have numerous smaller brains. That is where my brain and your brain come into the equation. Your face and my face are two of many faces Mother Space has. Your life story and my life story are two of many life stories Mother Space experiences her existence in the form of sentient persons. Enjoy your eternal existence because you are brilliant.

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    A Federal World Government - Mahnaz Javaherynikou

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    A Federal World



    Mahnaz Javaherynikou

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