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Escape from La-La Land: Cyber Couple Helps America Defeat Socialism
Escape from La-La Land: Cyber Couple Helps America Defeat Socialism
Escape from La-La Land: Cyber Couple Helps America Defeat Socialism
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Escape from La-La Land: Cyber Couple Helps America Defeat Socialism

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In this novel, two young adults have graduated from college, are out of work and exist in their parent’s basements. Welfare checks from a growing Socialist government have the potential of turning them into permanent wards of the state. As a result of monthly checks, they are not too eager to leave the comfort of the home with all of the videogames in their La-La Land.
A father, Murray Hill, was raised to work hard within the free-enterprise democracy known as America. He buys a tiny house and parks it in his backyard as a new residence for his daughter. It comes complete with a Media Lab for use in job searches. The search convinces Toni and her boyfriend to get cyber science certificates to make themselves more employable.
They interview with IBM and become project scientists with top secret clearances for their first assignment at the submarine base in Kingsbay, Georgia. The tiny house rolls south as the couple’s life really begins.
At the same time, China has developed at huge cyber campus at the former US base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Here, legions of Chinese cyber students trained in America develop a broadcast signal to bring down America’s computers and communications systems on the East Coast in order to complete their takeover of land of the Bald Eagle.
Toni and Cory lead two cyber teams which successfully develops and deploys Operation Fog Horn which neutralizes a Chinese armada of ships broadcasting the control signals.
The success of this operation allows the Cyber Boss, Admiral Wright, to orchestrate a successful coup removing the Socialist government. The couple then helps lead a series of actions to dramatically reduce the size of the government in order to create a federal structure in concert with the Constitution.
The novel ends with the couple reflecting upon the role of the tiny house in their escape from La-La Land to help America once again become a beacon of freedom.
Release dateMar 22, 2022
Escape from La-La Land: Cyber Couple Helps America Defeat Socialism

Jason O’Neil

JASON O’NEIL has published 25 books on subjects as varied as balancing the federal budget to inventing new vehicles to debunking global warming caused by man. A key theme in his works is the elimination of the Slavery of Socialism in America.

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    Escape from La-La Land - Jason O’Neil

    © 2022 Jason O’Neil. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 03/22/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5535-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5534-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022905392

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    Cast of Characters

    Chapter 1 Basement

    Chapter 2 Drop Out

    Chapter 3 Free Lunch

    Chapter 4 Tiny House

    Chapter 5 Delivery

    Chapter 6 Moving Day

    Chapter 7 Conundrum

    Chapter 8 Revelation

    Chapter 9 Curriculum

    Chapter 10 Guantanamo Bay

    Chapter 11 Kingsbay

    Chapter 12 On Boarding

    Chapter 13 Odyssey

    Chapter 14 Neighbors

    Chapter 15 Assignments

    Chapter 16 Guantanamo Bay II

    Chapter 17 Pentagon

    Chapter 18 Tiger Team

    Chapter 19 Proof of Concept

    Chapter 20 Armada

    Chapter 21 Insurrection

    Chapter 22 A Necessary Coup

    Chapter 23 Homeward Bound

    Chapter 24 Dad Was Right

    Cast of Characters

    Toni Hill

    Resident at Parent’s Home

    BA, History, Goucher College

    Age 26:

    Similar to: Young Elizabeth Taylor, Actress

    Cory Mann

    Boyfriend of Toni

    BA.; Economics, Georgetown U.

    Age: 26

    Similar to: Young Steve McQueen, Actor

    Ann Hooker

    Girlfriend of Toni

    Jr. College Student

    Age: 23

    Similar to: Young Halle Berry, Actress

    Murray Hill

    Father of Toni

    Aeronautical Engineer

    Age: 56

    Similar to: Harrison Ford, Actor

    Ernie Hill

    Father of Murray

    Manufacturing CEO, Retired

    Age: 76

    Similar to: Sean Connerly, Actor

    Emilie Ikada


    BA, Social Sciences, Catholic U.

    Age: 28

    Similar to: Zizi Zhang, Actress/Model

    Wendell Werner

    President, USA

    Democrat Socialist (Hand-picked by China)

    PhD, International Relations, Harvard

    Age: 64

    Similar to: Chuck Shummer, Senator

    Admiral Royal Wright

    Director, US Cyber Command

    PhD: Artificial Intelligence, MIT

    Age: 60

    Similar to: Colin Powell, US General

    Capt. Tom Crowley

    Commander, Kingsbay Submarine Base

    Age: 55

    Similar to: Kevin Costner, Actor



    Toni, Cory’s here to see you, and he sounds very excited, said her father, Murray, from the top of the stairs down to the family’s recreation room/studio apartment.

    As the young man rumbled down the steps, he said, Toni, hurry. Turn on the TV. President Werner is about to announce new Socialist programs for unemployed youth!

    The slender, toned woman in a sweatsuit got up from her videogame, crossed the room and turned on the television. Cory came over to her, gave her a peck on the cheek, and, together, they sat down on a hideaway sofa bed.

    Good evening, my Fellow Americans, I come to you this evening with very exciting news. Last night my Youth Omnibus Bill was approved by the Congress. This is an historic moment for the millions of youths who reside in their parent’s basements around this nation. As you know, three months ago we started distributing monies in accordance with the Black Farmer’s Aid Bill. And last month we presented and funded a Senior Caregiver Allowance Act. Now it’s our 25-million unemployed youth’s turn to get a helping hand out of the basement and into the workforce. So, this evening, I’m announcing the immediate implementation of the following programs to serve our needy age group from age 24-34.

    A list came across the screen as the President briefly described each bullet:

    - $1,000 per month lodging allowance

    - $350 per month for supplementing the National Medical System; This includes biological substances for both medical and recreation purposes.

    - $300 per month for recruiter’s fees for up to 6-months

    - $150 per month for on-line services directly related to job searches. Three searches must be validated per week.

    - $200 per month for each dependent, including emotional partners of any sex between the ages of 22 and 36

    - $50 per week food and subsistence allowance which can also be applied to pet food

    - $100 per month, not to exceed $1000, for emotional counselling and/or psychiatric services for a wide-range of ailments

    - $50 per month for personal automobile fuel and/or subway tickets

    And, for our future Breadwinners, last but not least,

    - $5000 new employee, tax-free, sign-on bonus with each offer letter provided at our new Youth Portal

    And we’ve established a new National Hot Line to answer questions about these benefits and several more I do not have time to mention this evening. The site exists to inform as well as resolve problems so there is no delay in benefits. So, with these measures, I truly hope each youth will take advantage of this new social initiative. You have much to offer our new social regime. Don’t squander the opportunity. Good night."


    As Toni turned down the volume on the TV, Cory used a calculator on his phone to report: Wow, do you know what this means, honey?

    No, What?

    It means that you’re eligible for $29,000 of free money during the first year alone!

    Cory, that’s terrific!

    Wait, it gets better, much better.

    How so?

    I will get the same amount. Plus, if we claim each other as a dependent, we’ll get an additional $4,800, enough to pay any taxes. So, unless I’m wrong, we’ll net $57,148 to enjoy this environment and get really good at the videogame we discovered last night!

    "Cory, that’s incredible. It’s three-times more than we’d make working at a fast-food restaurant. Why we could even take car trips around the country, searching for

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