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Our Future and Its History: With Insights to the Facts and Knowledge Kept From Humans for Thousands of Years
Our Future and Its History: With Insights to the Facts and Knowledge Kept From Humans for Thousands of Years
Our Future and Its History: With Insights to the Facts and Knowledge Kept From Humans for Thousands of Years
Ebook154 pages1 hour

Our Future and Its History: With Insights to the Facts and Knowledge Kept From Humans for Thousands of Years

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I’m sure you’ve felt that need to know more. That feeling deep inside that something is
missing in your view of the world. You’re not the only one; people all over the globe are
waking up with that primal urge that every human has, to want to know more.
Come with me, Edgar Henrriquez, on my journey into Our Future and Its History. In
this book, discover the facts kept from us for thousands of years! Here you will find a
researched, logical, and undeniable explanation of our origins on Earth and the role that
Ancient Sumeria and its Gods had in shaping our place today.
Learn about the most important details regarding our history on Earth, such as:
● Who really are our ancestors?
● The revelations of the Dead Sea Scrolls
● Evidence of a Twelfth Planet
● Ancient Astronaut involvement in the wonders of the world
● The greatest cover-up known to mankind
● And, the possibility of our creators returning
Lay aside your past beliefs, prejudice, and fear; learn your true origins and what they
mean for our future. Be your own master, your own teacher, and join the enlightened

Release dateMar 17, 2022
Our Future and Its History: With Insights to the Facts and Knowledge Kept From Humans for Thousands of Years

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    Our Future and Its History - Edgar Henrriquez


    If you’ve picked up this book, you’re probably like me. You have a burning desire to learn, to gather knowledge, even that which sounds completely ridiculous at first glance. See, that drive to learn is what separates the lions from the sheep. The easiest thing a person can do is close their eyes and allow themselves to be swept along by the current. It takes true strength to open your eyes and swim against the waves.

    It takes true courage to stand against what everyone else believes.

    It is in our nature to yearn for acceptance. In most cases, acceptance is not in your cards if you don’t believe what the majority of the population believes. Having different views makes you a freak. It makes you different. It makes you weird. The fact that you picked up this book means that you seek other truths; that you are looking for something else because what you’ve been taught is not enough for you anymore. That, my friend, means that you are braver than most people. And for that, I applaud you. Your journey is only beginning.

    How did my journey begin?

    My journey started when I was 11 years old. I remember learning about the evolution of mankind in middle school. At this age you’re given a choice: You either believe what your textbooks tell you or you believe what your church tells you. There is no other option. Being the inquisitive and stubborn child that I was, I decided I’d teach myself about both science and religion. I studied evolution and creation for years without ever really taking a side. For me, it was more important to learn everything I could rather than decide on a team to join.

    As time went on and I studied further into the topic of our being, I found that very few things actually added up. What I’d learned in school and what I’d been told by others didn’t answer all of the questions I had. There were so many holes in their logic and gaps in their explanations. For me, this was inexcusable.

    I’m sure you’ve felt the same, I’m sure you often ask yourself, How can everyone believe in something that makes so little sense? You see, people that claim to be free-thinkers laugh at the idea of questioning our origins. How can they be free-thinkers if they refuse to examine the most important question in our history?

    People take things as they are given. They don’t take things apart. They don’t analyze. They don’t question. Why would we? We were taught not to. We were taught to believe what people in power tell us. We are forced into religions by our parents, by schools, by society. We weren’t made to ask questions. We were made for serving, for worshipping, for following blindly.

    I say it’s time we break free from the shackles we’ve so willingly put on ourselves. It’s time we look to the sky and see beyond the myths we’ve been told to believe. Perhaps there is something else out there. Something that we have themed children’s rooms around: Green men that fly around in glowing, flying saucers; beings from other planets, from other worlds.

    Are you ready to take the first steps into a new world?

    Chapter 1: Anu and His Children

    According to Sumerologists, experts on Sumerian language and culture, the term Anunnaki means: those who from Heaven to Earth came. Of course, when it comes to translating a language that has been dead for thousands of years, many things can be left for interpretation. However, the vast majority of Sumerologists tend to agree that this is a literal translation.

    So, we know that the Sumerians considered the Anunnaki as beings who walked among us on earth. Looking at religions throughout history, this may not sound like a unique incident. Jesus Christ, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, and many others were known for their time spent on Earth among humans, although being godly in origin. What makes the Anunnaki unique though, is that they weren’t heavenly creatures that made their way to Earth to prove a point or get laid. No, they lived on Earth and directly interacted with the priests and holy men of their religion. Or, at least that’s what ancient texts say. Everyone interprets it differently, but I choose to give the original writers the benefit of the doubt.

    What Are the Anunnaki?

    Sumerian history and myths are rich with tales of their gods. Their pantheon was vast and colorful, and their gods were far more human than the gods we know of today. In these tales, their gods destroy and create, murder and give life. They show drunkenness, arrogance, wrath, envy, and lust among themselves and humans. Although, humans often suffered the worst from their escapades. In spite of their described wisdom and power, they showed an incredibly complicated emotional side that made them very human.

    Keep in mind, despite all the wrong they did, they weren’t necessarily evil. No, they helped humans in many ways: they healed, gave life, intervened in wrongdoing, and taught man valuable lessons. In fact, these gods, the Anunnaki, were the greatest teachers man had ever had.

    In terms of their appearance, the Anunnaki are not some cloud of intergalactic miasma, nor are they small grey aliens. In all the reliefs we have of them, they seem to be almost human-like in appearance. They have wide eyes, chiseled features, and masterfully styled hair and beards. One of the few recurring, non-human features of them is their size; Anunnaki are usually depicted as being giants, often being double the height of the average man.

    Those familiar with more obscure biblical texts may be reminded of the Nephilim. This gigantic race of men was washed clean from the Bible you know today but is a common fixture of earlier, unedited texts. Many researchers connect the Nephilim, the supposed product of humans and angels, as actually the product of humans and Anunnaki.

    The Anunnaki Hierarchy

    The Anunnaki have a clearly defined hierarchy, similar to other godly pantheons. They had power struggles and internal politics, heroes, and villains. Despite being godly creatures, they also had bouts of rage, lust, and cruelty.

    To list all of the gods of Sumer would be impossible. There are hundreds of them that we know of, and I’m sure many more that we are yet to discover. What we do know is that these gods had a massive and widely spread pantheon. The most famous godly pantheon in history is that of the Greeks, and in many ways, the Sumerian pantheon can be seen as a forerunner to that. Just like the Gods of Olympus, the deities of Sumer had many defining qualities, both good and evil. They joked and loved, lied and backstabbed, and even committed terrible acts of slaughter and rape. The gods of Sumer were not averse to kinslaying, but while they often treated their own badly, they treated humans worse.

    The entire pantheon descended from the divine couple, Abzu and Tiamat. These primordial deities represented fresh water and salt water. Abzu represented fresh water, which was given a religious fertilizing importance by the Sumerians. The Sumerians also referred to bodies of fresh water as Abzu, these were viewed as more than just natural phenomena, but as godly and divine features of the world.

    Tiamat was the lover of Abzu and the deity that represented salt waters. These great bodies of water were viewed as barriers to man, separating us from the underworld and the heavens. Tiamat and Abzu were in constant conflict despite being lovers; this conflict of divine and earthly waters caused primordial chaos.

    According to Sumerian myth, the god of the sun Marduk, who later went on to become the supreme God of the Babylonians, sliced Tiamat into two halves. From those two parts, the sky and the ground were formed. This brought a final end to the chaos that engulfed the world before.

    Among the Sumerian gods, one stood above the others, this was the sky god Anu. Anu was a lover to the earth goddess Ki, they went on to father the Anunnaki. The most powerful of the Anunnaki (Enki, Enlil, Inanna, Ninkikurga, Nisaba, and Baba) were the direct children of Anu and Ki. It is also believed that Anu had a love affair with Inanna; because of this, she is often described as both his daughter and lover. The progeny of Anu went on to give birth to further generations of divines.

    Enki, along with his sister-wife Ninkikurga and his consort Ninhursag, went on to father the deities Ninsar and Ningal. Ninsar subsequently birthed Ninkurra with Enki, and Enki then fathered Uttu with Ninkurra. Ningal married Nannar, god of the moon, and had Utu and Ninkigal, the gods of justice and the underworld respectively.

    Enlil, with his consort Ninlil, produced the deities Nannar, Nergal, and Ninurta. Nergal, a god of war and the underworld, married Ninkigal. Ninurta, a god of farming, married Baba, goddess of healing, and fathered Ninsumun, a goddess best known as the mother of Gilgamesh.

    The Anunnaki had a lower tier of petty gods who served and cared for them, these gods were called the Igigi. The Igigi were powerful creatures who were tasked with laying the rivers, shaping the land, building

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