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Hypnotist from Outer Space
Hypnotist from Outer Space
Hypnotist from Outer Space
Ebook72 pages58 minutes

Hypnotist from Outer Space

By S.B.

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About this ebook

An online content creator reacts to a cult classic sci-fi movie from the 70s for an audience of tens of thousands around the world. The problem is that anyone that watches said movie tends to suffer strange hypnotic consequences and he's no exception.

First conceived as a piece of flash fiction inspired by the rise of movie reaction channels during the pandemic, this concept was expanded twice into two additional sexy versions where happy endings are guaranteed.

This book contains all three versions of "Hypnotist from Outer Space" for your enjoyment, so sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the movie. The show is about to start

Release dateMar 24, 2022
Hypnotist from Outer Space


Simple Being, middle name Creative. Writer and artist with a penchant for stories involving Female Domination, Hypnosis and Mind Control. My thoughts are my own except when they're not.

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    Hypnotist from Outer Space - S.B.

    Hypnotist from Outer Space

    By S.B.

    Copyright 2020-2022 S.B. All Rights Reserved

    Cover Design by S.B.

    (Atmosphere image by Daniel Olah on Unsplash)

    License Notes – Smashwords Edition

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law. This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work and creativity of this author.


    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. All characters are over 18.

    It's time for some movie magic.

    Thank you to all patrons of Spell… B-O-U-N-D for believing in my creativity.

    Table of Contents

    - Author's Note

    - Hypnotist from Outer Space

    - Hypnotist from Outer Space – Uncut Reaction

    - Hypnotist from Outer Space – Unrated Version

    Part I

    Part II

    Part III

    Part IV

    - About the Stories in this Book

    Author's Note

    The world of Hypnotist from Outer Space began in October 2020 with a piece of flash fiction I first posted on my Patreon. It was inspired by the rise of YouTube movie reaction channels during the pandemic. I thought it would be fun to write about a hypnotic movie from the reactor's point of view and the strange things that happened to him while he watched it. The first concept has a lot of intentional cuts to emulate the edited reactions you can see online to avoid copyright infringement. At the time, it was supposed to be a one-off but after writing that first impression, I started thinking I could do a lot more with it, and that's exactly what happened.

    On the following month, Hypnotist from Outer Space – Uncut Reaction was born. The idea for this expanded take was to fill in the gaps of the original flash fiction concept. Many of these online reactors usually have a Patreon page or equivalent to which people can subscribe to check out the full-length videos among other things and that was the basis of this new version. It was the first time our main character was given a name and I also included reactions from other players in the form of a live chat accompanying him during the livestream. It should have been the end of it, but life had other plans.

    I still had ideas for this world so in late January 2021, I conducted a poll among my patrons asking them what they would like to see afterward. Hypnotist from Outer Space – Unrated Version was the poll winner, basically another expansion of the original concept with more sexiness, more chat sequences, and above all, a new character – the reactor's girlfriend – who also happens to be affected by the hypnotic movie as it goes along. I had never written three versions of the same story before, yet there's always a first time for everything.

    For the purposes of this release, I've included all three versions in chronological order so that you may grasp how the original flash fiction piece evolved throughout the months. I hope you enjoy the journey and its numerous happy endings. Have fun.

    S.B., March 2022

    Hypnotist from Outer Space

    Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the channel. Today, I’ll be watching and reacting to ‘Hypnotist from Outer Space’ by Samuel Brown. This movie came out in 1973 and while it’s considered to be a cult classic by many, I’ve never seen it nor am I familiar with Brown’s work, so don’t really know what to expect. Going by the title alone, it seems to be a sci-fi movie (obviously!) but I have no clue what the story will be all about. A lot of you recommended I watched this movie and, so far, your judgment has been spot on, so let’s do this. Reaction starts in 3, 2, 1...

    This opening credits sequence is very interesting. By now, you guys know I’m not very fond of these longer intros in older movies, but I really like the clever use of light and shadow against the starry backdrop. There also seem to be a lot of spirals in-between. I guess that makes sense since the titular character is a hypnotist and...


    "Oh wow! That’s a fantastic transition to the UFO

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