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Ebook183 pages3 hours


Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Grey -- Desperate times call for desperate measures, otherwise I’d never have signed a contract with Knox’s Pleasure Emporium. Selling myself for a few hours once is far better than my other option -- letting my mother’s loan shark use me however he sees fit in order to recoup his money. I can’t even be angry with Mom since she’s no longer with us. She did what she’d thought was best at the time, but now I’m paying the price.

I didn’t count on a biker changing my life forever. Not only did we have a slight miscommunication that ended up leaving me with an eighteen-year commitment, but he’s my only hope of escaping my son’s father. Why do I keep getting tangled up with bad boys? It never ends well for me.

Samurai -- I can admit my past has left me screwed up. I’d never thought I’d pay to be with a woman, but not just anyone can handle my needs. The little goddess I purchased isn’t anything like I expected. The way she gives into me so sweetly, and comes apart in my arms, makes it damn hard to forget her when our time is over. I didn’t realize I’d be seeing her again, under less than favorable circumstances.

She needs my protection. What do I do? Act like a bastard and call her names. Not my finest moment. Now I need to fix things before my cousin, Phantom, decides to step in and claim her for himself. I might have some issues to work through, but Grey is mine, and no one is taking her from me. Not Phantom, and not the man threatening Grey and her son. Because once I’m in, I’m all in. I’ll kill anyone who tries to take her from me. I promised Grey I wouldn’t get sent to prison. I didn’t promised to be good. I just won’t get caught.

WARNING: There are scenes with bad language, adult situations, violence, and talk of abuse that may bother some readers. No cheating. No cliffhanger. And a guaranteed happily-ever-after. Samurai is part of the Devil’s Boneyard MC series. While the series may best be enjoyed in order, each book can be read as a stand-alone.
Release dateOct 14, 2021

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    Book preview

    Samurai - Harley Wylde



    I didn’t know why I’d agreed to this. It was utter insanity. If it hadn’t been for the bills piling up, and the collectors knocking at the door, I wouldn’t have even considered doing something so… wild. I took shallow breaths as I smoothed my hands down my dress. I looked more like a girl fresh off the farm than someone who’d sold herself to the highest bidder.

    You understand what you’ve agreed to? Mr. Knox asked.

    Yes, sir. I’ll be his to use as he pleases, as long as he doesn’t permanently scar me or… I swallowed hard. Or kill me.

    He nodded. Right. And should things go too far, all your debt will be canceled, and your child will be taken care of for the rest of his life.

    Ryo. I had to make it through this for him. Money couldn’t replace his mother, and his father… I wouldn’t even think about that night. I’d do anything to keep Ryo away from that monster.

    Where and when? I asked. And what do I need to wear?

    He smiled. Ms. Lumare, there’s a reason I asked you to wear something you already owned. The client likes your girl-next-door sweet look. He’s already in the room and waiting for you.

    Oh. Oh! My hands shook as I fisted the skirt of my dress. I hadn’t realized we were doing this right now. I’d told the neighbor I’d be back for Ryo within an hour or two. Would it take longer? As much as the man had paid for me, I didn’t know if this would be an all-night sort of thing. I’d thought I’d have more time to prepare, get some sort of warning a day or so in advance.

    How long will I be here? Ryo is with a neighbor. I didn’t realize…

    Mr. Knox waved me off. If Mr. Samurai wishes to have you past the time your son needs to be retrieved from the sitter, we’ll handle it. Leave the details with me.

    I scribbled down the neighbor’s name, address, and phone number. Then as an afterthought, I added a short note and signed it, giving Mr. Knox permission to pick up Ryo. I didn’t have a choice but to trust him. I knew Mrs. Wilson wouldn’t keep Ryo longer than the two hours. She’d been hesitant even then.

    Right this way, he said, ushering me back into the front entry. He pointed to a door. Go in there and get yourself ready.


    He pinched the bridge of his nose. It’s like you’re a fucking virgin, in which case I could have gotten a lot more money. Take off your undergarments. Pinch your nipples. Use the lube on the counter if you need to in order to prepare yourself for him. You’re clearly not turned-on right now.

    Oh, God. I was really doing this. I swallowed hard and entered the room, feeling slightly better when I realized it was a bathroom and not some strange sex room. I felt so out of my element. I removed my panties and bra, my cheeks flaming at the thought of being bare under my dress. I couldn’t bring myself to pinch my nipples like he’d said, but I did eye the lube. Would the man pounce on me the second I met him? Since he’d paid for my time, I doubted he’d care if I was wet.

    I slicked my fingers with the lube and eased them inside my pussy, wincing slightly at the pinch. Since having Ryo, I hadn’t exactly had anything inside me. I’d have thought giving birth to him would have stretched me permanently. It didn’t seem to be the case. I washed my hands and saw a few small lockers on the wall. I placed my bra and panties into one of them and hoped no one would mess with them.

    Stepping out into the entry again, I followed Mr. Knox up the stairs and down the hallway. The second floor of the building looked more like an old-fashioned brothel, or what I assumed one looked like. Heavy red wallpaper covered the walls. The dark-grained wood floor gleamed under faux gaslight sconces.

    He pushed open a door and I stepped inside, freezing when I saw the back of the man who’d bought me. He wore a leather cut, like the bikers I’d seen around town. In fact… exactly like it. I wasn’t sure I could do this.

    I heard the door click shut behind me and realized it was too late.

    Devil’s Boneyard MC covered his back, along with a frightening image of a skull with horns. His dark hair had been buzzed short on the back and sides. The color reminded me of my son’s hair. It was the reminder I needed. He was the reason I’d agreed to this. If I didn’t get the bills paid, I’d lose our home, our car, and possibly my baby -- and even myself. The car was the least important of those, and I had a feeling I’d have to let it go.

    You still agree to be mine for the sum I paid? the man asked, still not facing me. He had a slight accent I couldn’t quite place, although it was familiar.


    Did you dress the way I’d asked?

    I looked down at my cotton dress. It flared slightly from my waist, stopping at my knees. The cream fabric had dainty pink flowers across it. I didn’t get a specific request. I was told to wear one of my regular dresses. I’m not sure if this is what you wanted or not.

    He didn’t say anything, and I clenched my hands at my sides. Had I already displeased him? If he walked out, would I lose the money? I couldn’t remember if the contract said anything about the client leaving before anything happened.

    I’m sorry, I said. They didn’t even tell me you were here. I’d thought I was coming today to sign some papers or something. I… I don’t know how all this works.

    That got his attention. The man turned and my breath caught in my throat. I should have made some demands on my own. Like not having an Asian man claim me, especially one who was Japanese. Now I knew why I’d heard that accent before. My heart began to race, and my palms grew damp. The room spun a little.

    I whimpered and staggered back a step, nearly collapsing to the floor. I heard his booted feet draw closer, but all I saw was my apartment door being kicked in and Ryo’s daddy busting into the place. My lungs nearly seized as fear crawled up my throat, leaving an acid taste in my mouth.

    Don’t hurt me, I whispered, holding my hands up to plead with him. Please. I’m sorry. So sorry. I’ll do whatever you want. Don’t hurt me again.

    His steps halted immediately Again?

    I scrambled back farther, tripping and landing on the floor. I blinked rapidly. The room came back into focus, as did the man in front of me. I took deep, calming breaths, as heat settled in my cheeks.

    I… I looked away. How did I explain what just happened?

    He knelt in front of me, reaching out to place his hand on my calf. The warmth of his skin against mine brought my attention back to his face. Who hurt you?

    It doesn’t matter. It was a while ago. I’m sorry I freaked out.

    He studied me, not saying anything. Slowly, he inched his hand up my leg. At my knee, he hesitated, his fingers toying with the hem of my dress. He pushed it up a little, sliding his hand up my thigh. When I didn’t stop him, he kept going. It didn’t take long before the material pooled at my waist, leaving me exposed to him. I fought the urge to slam my thighs closed and let him look. He stroked a finger over my pussy, making me shiver. The contract had stipulated I get waxed, and the Pleasure Emporium had staff to make sure it was done to Mr. Knox’s standards.

    The man who hurt you. He looked like me? Or he was a biker? he asked.

    Gang member. I audibly swallowed. But… he was Japanese. Like you.

    The man froze again, his fingers still covering me. With shaky fingers, I unbuttoned the top of my dress, letting the material gape open. Cool air caressed the swells of my breasts, and I paused a moment before unfastening more buttons. The material gaped, exposing me to him.

    I needed this man to know I wasn’t backing out. I couldn’t afford to walk out of here empty-handed, and if he demanded a refund, I wasn’t sure what Mr. Knox would do to me. I had to make this work. His gaze locked onto my breasts, and I felt my nipples harden. Looked like I hadn’t needed to pinch them after all. I wasn’t sure if it was from fear or if the heat in his eyes turned me on a little. I couldn’t remember anyone ever looking at me like that.

    Last chance, he said, his voice deeper and raspier than before. Walk away right now, or you’re mine until I’m finished with you.

    His words sounded ominous, but I didn’t have any choice in the matter. I’d signed a contract, and I desperately needed the money.

    I shook my head. I’m not leaving.

    He stroked my pussy again and I bit back a whimper. I’d never enjoyed a man’s touch before. Why did I react to someone like him? I should be terrified, and on some level, I was. And yet… I couldn’t deny the ache already building inside me.

    The papers you signed. It means you’ve consented to anything that happens in this room. Understand? he asked.

    Y-yes. I think so. I licked my lips. You aren’t allowed to leave scars or kill me, but… there’s an extra clause in case something happens. Mr. Knox said he can’t guarantee my safety if you were to get out of control.

    He nodded. There’s a reason for that. I typically have someone with me, to make sure I don’t go too far. Since I paid for your time, I’m letting myself off the leash so to speak. I don’t usually do this. In fact, never. But doing things the usual way hasn’t been as satisfying. So, it’s just us. If you’ve been hurt before…

    I can handle it. I hoped I sounded braver than I felt.

    The contract promised you’d be clean. I saw your test results myself. I’m clean too, in case you were worried, he said. Got tested a week ago and haven’t touched anyone while I waited for today.

    Right. Because he’d paid a lot of money to do what he wanted with me. But once he left, he’d go right back to sleeping with other women. This was a transaction. By signing my name on all those papers, I’d become a whore. His whore, at least for this one day. I wasn’t sure I could look myself in the eye tomorrow. I didn’t have another way to dig myself out of the hole.

    He reached down and unfastened his belt and jeans, shoving the material down. I refused to look at his cock. I saw the motion of him stroking himself, but I didn’t look away from his face. He lowered himself over me and I felt the head of his cock push against my pussy. Slowly, he sank into me.

    My nails bit into my palms and I took deep breaths. It burned and not in a fun way. He stopped, his intense gaze holding mine.

    Samurai reached between us and rubbed my clit. I flinched at first, not having been touched like that… ever. It startled me and I felt my body tense. He used slow, soft strokes and I felt the warmth start to build inside me again. A whimper escaped me again and my hips lifted of their own volition.

    That’s it, beautiful girl. It’s only fun if you enjoy it too. He kept rubbing as he pulled his hips back and sank into me again. He thrust into me, slowly. The drag of his cock went from being uncomfortable to being something I craved. I needed more!

    I… I don’t… I haven’t… I blinked and gasped as the most incredible sensation swept over me. I reached up and gripped his biceps, digging my nails into his skin. I cried out, my pussy clenching down on him as I came.

    Samurai gave a soft growl. His hand came down around my throat, squeezing slightly. He drove into me harder. Faster. His fingers tightened as he yelled and flooded me with his release. The warmth of his cum registered in my addled brain and I tried not to panic. He hadn’t used a condom. When he’d mentioned being clean, it hadn’t occurred to me why he’d brought it up. No one said anything about…

    He released me but kept our bodies joined.

    Fuck me, he muttered. You didn’t fake it, did you? You really came.

    I nodded, then realized he could take that either way. I didn’t fake it.

    A smile curved his lips. That means all those other bitches did. Never felt anything like your pussy squeezing me and coating me in your cream. I’m keeping you as long as I can… until Knox comes and throws me out.

    You go without a condom often? I asked. He’d said he was clean, but if he did this all the time… what if the tests were wrong? Or worse. What if he’d given Mr. Knox fake results? Could such a thing happen?

    No. He smoothed my hair back. Never. It’s why I told Knox to make sure the girl I bought was clean and on birth control. I wanted the full experience. Looks like I got all that and more with you.

    Birth control. I didn’t remember seeing anything about it in the documents I’d signed. But if it was in there… it meant I was in breach of the contract. What would happen if either Samurai or Mr. Knox found out? My stomach knotted and I tried to keep calm. I didn’t need Samurai knowing something was wrong.

    I’m going to fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk the next few days. Or sit. He squeezed my hip. You ever let a man fuck your ass?

    I shook my head, too stunned to speak. I’d thought they only did things like that in porn movies. Men really enjoyed that? Did the women? I felt a flutter of both fear and curiosity. If he planned to enjoy me as long as possible, then I should do the same. After today, I’d go back to avoiding men. I’d store up a lifetime of memories and experiences in the next hour or two. Or however long he kept me up here.

    He lowered his head, his lips near my ear. "I’m going to make you so needy, you’ll be begging me to fuck you. You’ll let

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