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I Ching Diary:: Growing Through Change in the Age of Corona.
I Ching Diary:: Growing Through Change in the Age of Corona.
I Ching Diary:: Growing Through Change in the Age of Corona.
Ebook101 pages45 minutes

I Ching Diary:: Growing Through Change in the Age of Corona.

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When the pandemic hit the country in February 2020, Kirk Chernansky opened a book she had often turned to for guidance when faced with overwhelming challenges. The I Ching or Book of Changes: A Guide to Life’s Turning Points by Brian Browne Walker became just the antidote. She began writing about her experiences in the radically changing world of COVID and the sage advice she was receiving. With the hope that sharing this ancient Chinese wisdom might help others as well, it became a weekly blog and now this book.

By including her art with her writing, Kirk’s book becomes a metaphorical storyboard of change. The image of an apple striving to become a tree merges with the miming of Marcel Marceau whose facial expressions and body language are incorporated into each illustration. Together, the images and writings capture the humble, steadfast approach to change inherent in the writings of the I Ching.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 28, 2022
I Ching Diary:: Growing Through Change in the Age of Corona.

Kirk Chernansky

Kirk Chernansky is an alumna of the University of Kansas School of Design. Following graduation, she worked for fifteen years in advertising art direction that took her to New York where she honed conceptual and design skills at the School of Visual Arts. In 1995, she left the for-profit business world and made the leap to social work, acquiring a master of arts degree from the University of Chicago and in 2007 began taking courses at Northwestern in art therapy to bridge the two paths. Kirk’s artwork is an important component of her writing. The result is a combination of her two careers using the skills and tools of a commercial artist in her visuals that accompany her writing to enhance a narrative story. Themes often reflect a synthesis of opposites that is inspired by her previous work as a dialectical behavior therapist and personal experience of coping with change.

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    I Ching Diary: - Kirk Chernansky




    Growing through Change in the Age of Corona.

    Kirk Chernansky

    Copyright © 2022 by Kirk Chernansky. 839299

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

    or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic

    or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by

    any information storage and retrieval system, without

    permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and

    incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination

    or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual

    persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely




    Rev. date: 03/28/2022




    Ken / Keeping Still, Mountain

    P’i / Standstill (Stagnation)




    Ku / Work On What Has Decayed

    Ming I / Darkening Of The Light

    Huan/Dispersion (Dissolution)

    K’an / The Abysmal (Water)

    Chen / The Arousing (Shock)

    Chun / Difficulty At The Beginning

    Shih Ho / Biting Through

    Kuai/Breakthrough (Resoluteness)


    Chung Fu / Inner Truth

    Ching / The Well

    Ch’ien / The Creative

    Hsu/Waiting (Nourishment)


    Pi / Holding Together (Union)

    Shih / The Army



    Chia Jen / The Family (The Clan)


    Ting / The Caldron

    Sun / The Gentle

    Ming I / The Darkening Of The Light


    Ta Yu / Possession In Great Measure

    K’un / The Receptive


    Chun / Difficulty At The Beginning

    Meng / Youthful Folly

    Po / Splitting Apart


    Pi / Holding Together (Union)

    T’ung Jen / Fellowship With Others

    K’ung / The Receptive






    "To every thing there is a season, and a

    time for every purpose under heaven"

    Ecclesiastes 3


    It is not uncommon that the antidote to something unpleasant exists within reach, if we only knew where to look. Jewelweed, after all, often grows near poison ivy and has the ability to neutralize its sting. For me, the I Ching has proved to be the antidote for the emotional toll of social distancing during the pandemic. Perhaps it is no coincidence that China, where the virus first took hold, is also the birthplace of this book of wisdom for coping with change.

    The Art of Change

    I began creating art based on I Ching hexagrams over twenty-five years ago using the image of an apple for inspiration. My family has a tradition of venturing every fall to a favorite apple orchard, and over the years, I had come to appreciate the apple as a symbol of regeneration and life. The little apple tree images seemed to work well with the hexagrams from Brian Browne Walker’s I Ching or Book of Changes: A Guide to Life’s Turning Points that I had begun to study at the time.


    The writing of my blog was a response to events as they unfolded during 2020 using the I Ching as a guide for coping. The images of an apple tree’s struggle to overcome the obstacles to growth served as an artistic device

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