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Buying Love: Maple Run, #1
Buying Love: Maple Run, #1
Buying Love: Maple Run, #1
Ebook211 pages2 hours

Buying Love: Maple Run, #1

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About this ebook

Will money ruin everything?


Nina Warrenton is ready for the next step in her life plan—marriage. Only no one has proposed. Taking matters into her hand, she places an ad in the newspaper hoping to entice a willing stranger. But when she begins to fall for the small-town chef, she realizes how much she wants him to love her and not her money.


Dwight Williams needs fast cash to save the family restaurant. When he sees Nina's monetary offer for a husband, he goes for it. He's determined to save the legacy his dad left him, but can he let it go to prove his love for her?


Can Nina and Dwight find true love, once money has entered the equation?

PublisherToni Shiloh
Release dateApr 3, 2022
Buying Love: Maple Run, #1

Toni Shiloh

Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom and multipublished Christian contemporary romance author. She writes to bring God glory and to learn more about His goodness. A member of the American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and of the Virginia Chapter, Toni loves connecting with readers via social media. You can learn more about her at

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    Book preview

    Buying Love - Toni Shiloh

    Chapter One

    Nina Warrenton checked her watch for the umpteenth time. Her next appointment was late. Part of her was thankful, the other, annoyed. Who makes an appointment and shows up late? Granted living in the D.C. Metro area guaranteed multiple opportunities to be late, but she made every effort to arrive on time to any appointment. Too bad the unknown Mr. Williams didn’t hold the same virtue.

    She sighed. Had she acted prematurely? Putting an ad in the newspaper for a husband had an archaic air. But she also believed it would get the job done. Unfortunately, none of the previous candidates she’d interviewed had panned out. One man had been released from prison a couple of months ago. Another had answered her ad with the hope of moving out of his mother’s place. And the last man answered her ad because the voices in his head had prompted him to. She shook her head. Dodged that bullet.

    Maybe the fact that Mr. Williams failed to show was God showing her he wasn’t the one. Perhaps he was prematurely balding or had the personality of wilted lettuce. Not that being bald was necessarily a bad thing. Of course, she’d been praying God would send her the right man. There was no just guarantee He would acquiesce to her request.

    She tapped her pen on the table and looked around the room. The coffee shop held many D.C. metropolitans taking a break from the brisk autumn air. Still, the bright sunshine and seventy-degree temps made for a gorgeous day. Was it possible that Mr. Williams was already here and hiding behind a coffee mug or laptop, to secretly get a first impression without her noticing? She peeked around the shop, but she was the only one seated alone.

    Another glance at her watch showed Mr. Williams was now ten minutes late. Maybe he took the metro and it was running behind. On the other hand, maybe he drove and couldn’t find a parking spot. The sound of her pen hitting the table seemed to mark the seconds. This part of D.C. wasn’t filled with ample parking, but she wasn’t ready to excuse him yet. Her place was a block away and she’d made the journey with plenty of time to spare.

    She glanced down at her aqua journal to review her notes about the man in question. He’d filled out the questionnaire she’d sent when he first contacted her. So now she knew he was a few years older than herself and lived in Loudoun County, a suburb in Northern Virginia. Coming from that direction, he probably was stuck in traffic.

    A minute had ticked by. Not that she was obsessed with time. However, Mr. Williams would be the third candidate she actually would meet face-to-face. Some of the previous contenders just received a rejection email. But she’d actually thought this guy could be worth her time. Third time was the charm and all that, right? Yet If that was the case, where was he? Why hadn’t Prince Charming swept her off her feet? Shouldn’t she be the one making him wait?

    The door chimed and she glanced up and inhaled sharply. In strode a man, wearing a sweater that matched the color of her notebook, a white-collared shirt peeking above his collar and hanging past the sweater’s edge. His maple-brown sugar skin reminded her of her favorite body scrub. He was gorgeous.

    She shifted in her seat wondering if he could possibly be her missing appointment. Her appointment had agreed to bring a white rose so that she could identify him. However, the bookshelf by the door hid this man’s hands. He scanned the crowd then brought his hands up and took a sniff of the aforementioned flower.

    It was him.

    She wanted to grin but held back. Just because he was good looking, didn’t mean she could get her hopes up. All the other candidates had been so dismal, her dreams had begun to wan. She really wanted to meet her next life goal of having a family, but she kind of needed a husband for that. If Mr. Williams didn’t pan out, what would she do? Her ex-boyfriend had gleefully dumped her a few months ago.

    She shook her head to dislodge the thought. No time to entertain that rabbit trail. Instead, she stood up and waved a hand, hoping to catch the man’s attention. He turned and captured her gaze.

    The electricity that hummed in the air had to be her imagination. He gave a brief smile as he headed her way. She clasped her hands, hoping to present a confident façade and hide the one shaking in her gray suede, ankle boots.

    He stopped at the bistro-style table and cleared his throat. Are you Nina Warrenton?

    The deep timbre of his voice ran down her spine. Yes. Are you Mr. Williams?

    His eyebrows rose. She suppressed the urge to fidget. Had she sounded unfriendly?

    I am. He held out a hand in greeting.

    She placed her hand in his and almost gaped at the shock that went up her hand. Get a hold of yourself, Nina. He’s just a man.

    Nice to meet you. She licked her lips, suddenly feeling the need for a drink of water. She sat down and reached for her cup. Would you like to get a drink? I’ll wait.

    He flashed a smile, wider than his first, and her insides quivered. Her Mr. Williams was really handsome. He’s not yours yet.

    Thanks, I appreciate that. He placed the rose on her journal. For you, Ms. Warrenton.

    Thank you.

    He walked away and stood in line to place his order.

    She watched, noting his broad shoulders and wrinkle-free outfit. Although he wore dark wash jeans, he had on dress shoes. The man was a walking advertisement. Was it for pretense? Did he dress like that often? She wondered if his car and house were as neat as his appearance or if he was a slob.

    She looked down at her notes once more. He worked as a chef. Were chefs messy? She hated clutter and preferred to put everything in its designated spot. Why hadn’t she put that question in her survey? There were other nitpicking ones like Which side did he hang the toilet tissue on? She had felt relieved to find he was an over-type-of-guy. One less argument to worry about.

    After a few minutes, he thanked the barista and placed a tip in the jar. That showed good manners. Could that be attributed to his parents or was he a self-made man? Lord, I pray that You would guide me in this interview. You know how important it is to me to successfully complete the next item on my list. Please, let him be the one.

    Her ex had admired her determination at completing a goal, only to cite it as an aggravating habit when he dumped her. How would Mr. Williams feel?

    She couldn’t think of him as Dwight. Not yet. Maybe if he agreed to get married, but for now, it was vital to view this as a business relationship. Who knew, despite his good looks, he could fail at the interview portion as the other two guys who managed to get that far had.

    He walked back to the table and took the seat across from her.

    What did you get?

    The dark roast with cream and sugar. You?

    So he was a coffee drinker as well. Caramel Macchiato. She stared at him, noting his thin goatee. Suddenly, her mind was devoid of all the questions she had planned to ask. She reached for her cup, hoping to regain her focus.

    So, why the ad?

    Nina watched him as he took a cautious sip of coffee. Should she be completely truthful? She squirmed in her seat. "I like setting goals for business and for my personal life. A husband is necessary for the next goal on my list. I don’t have a boyfriend, so this seemed like the best way to go about it." She cringed inwardly. She sounded like a robot, or worse, heartless.

    He slowly nodded. What’s the goal?

    I’d like to be married and have a child before I hit thirty-five.

    His eyebrows rose again. Was that a facial expression she should start expecting from him? Was he unsure of how to proceed as much as she was?

    Wouldn’t you rather let nature have its way and fall in love?

    She tilted her head. I don’t necessarily believe in ‘falling in love.’ She sighed, using air quotes. Society has diluted the feeling and used it as an excuse for divorce and for not keeping vows sacred. I know my way seems a little unconventional, but I believe that God will guide me through this endeavor. She looked down at her journal. Why couldn’t she relax and speak from her heart? She sounded like she was making a proposal in the boardroom. But you need to be analytical. Hopefully Mr. Williams would understand.

    He sat back and took another sip of his coffee. Then whoever you chose, you intend to stay married until death do you part?

    Absolutely. Wasn’t that your intention when replying to my ad?

    His chest rose then fell while he rubbed the back of his head. She tensed as she waited to determine if he would lie or if he simply needed the rights words before continuing.

    Honestly, when I first applied to the ad, he started it was because of your comment of a monetary dowry upon marrying. I have a family business that could use the financial support. Once I filled out your questionnaire, I prayed to God asking for guidance. It made me uneasy that just any man could apply and potentially be a candidate. Frankly, I worry about your safety.

    His brown eyes met hers. She appreciated his candor. Thankfully, all the past candidates had agreed to a background report, which a coworker conducted. Now she owed him a favor, but it had been worth it. She’d been able to weed out those who did not meet her standards, bankrupt and financially incompetent men, not to mention the criminals who were unfit to participate with society.

    Yet how could a stranger be worried about her? The thought boggled her mind. When was the last time someone truly worried about her? She could count on one hand the people she was close to. Thank you for your honesty. The background check helped, and I haven’t met a single man in a private place. She shifted in her seat. By the way, I appreciate your willingness to drive to D.C. I’m sure the commute wasn’t pleasant.

    Driving in the D.C. Metro area could be a nightmare on any day. Add to the fact, the great temperature and being a Saturday guaranteed stand-still traffic.

    Not a problem. Do you have additional questions to ask me?

    She nodded and turned to the ones listed in her notebook. Here goes nothing.

    Dwight Williams watched Nina Warrenton as she referred to her journal. He’d been floored when he first saw her. He’d half expected her to be ugly. What else should he believe about a woman who’d put an ad in the paper titled, Seeking a Husband? Yet ugly she was not. She was stunning, although he couldn’t put it on one stand-out feature. Her skin reminded him of the pumpkin bread his mother made in the fall. While her haircut reminded him of Toni Braxton’s famous short do.

    Yep. Beautiful.

    When he’d first come upon the ad, he read the whole thing out of curiosity then had a good laugh. However, the idea refused to dislodge itself from his mind. After a week of seeing the advertisement run in the paper, he’d finally sent her an email. He’d expected her to respond back via the phone but instead, he’d received a link to fill out a questionnaire. It was all like something out of an episode of The Twilight Zone.

    Why do you want to get married? she asked.

    He stared at her, pulling his mind from his musings. He didn’t know how to answer that. Be honest, you have nothing to lose. My idea of marriage is to have a life partner. One who would take an interest, if not an active role, in my business. One who I could share every aspect of my life with. To laugh with, to know she has my back, basically someone to do life with. He stopped, trying to find the right words to explain his desires. He met her gaze, once again startled by her beauty.

    That sounds like a dream marriage. Even though we aren’t in love, would you let that allow you to stray from your vows?

    No. He believed in the sanctity of marriage. Even if he found this whole process a little odd. If I commit myself to you, I’ll keep our vows sacred. As I said in the survey, I’m a Christian and would not break the commands God put in place. He wiped his hands on his jeans. Why had he even come here?

    Was he crazy? No, just desperate. He couldn’t let his family’s business go under without trying every avenue available to him. He wanted to ask how much the dowry was, but he didn’t want to be crass. He sighed. This was so bizarre.

    Would you be willing to relocate to D.C.?

    He hesitated. Driving to D.C. from the edge of Loudoun County, where the family restaurant was located, would wreak havoc on what little patience he had. He hated traffic. Honestly, no. My business is in Loudoun County. To move here, and have to travel there every day, would be a nightmare. Not that I’m not willing to talk it over. He settled his elbows on his knee and leaned forward. Suddenly, he realized he knew nothing about her. She held all the cards. What do you do?

    I’m a CPA, working primarily as a consultant, so I don’t have a nine-to-five-job.

    The husky tone of her voice captured his attention, so it was a moment before her words penetrated the haze her voice had created. Wait, you’re a consultant? At her nod, he continued. Then would you be willing to relocate?

    He held his breath, awaiting the answer. Was he really considering going through with this charade? He pictured his ledger and the amount noted in red. His options were limited.

    Perhaps, many of my clients are located in Northern Virginia. But I do have some in D.C.

    He nodded. He didn’t want to argue the point because he still wasn’t sure if he would go through this plan. What did God think? He hadn’t felt a no in all his prayers, but still . . .

    I feel like you know more about me since I did your survey. How about you share a little about yourself? Dwight asked.

    She shifted in her seat. It seemed to be a nervous habit of hers. He wanted to laugh because she looked like a little kid.

    My favorite color is the same as your sweater. My birthday is the fourth of July. I graduated from high school at sixteen. And, that’s about it.

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