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God’s Answers to Difficult Questions
God’s Answers to Difficult Questions
God’s Answers to Difficult Questions
Ebook174 pages2 hours

God’s Answers to Difficult Questions

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This book reveals God’s answers to complex questions. The first sermon deals with what is the primary business of the Church. The primary purpose of the Church is to witness to the world about Jesus. The second sermon shows the fantastic likeness between physical birth and spiritual birth. The third sermon explains how God speaks to Christians. The fourth sermon tells what it will be like when Christians stand before God. The fifth sermon tells what the marks of a Christian are. The sixth sermon tells how to get joy from God’s Word. The seventh sermons tell us where God lives. You will be amazed to find out where God lives. The ninth sermon tells what the bible teaches about overcoming worry. The tenth sermon will teach you fantastic truth concerning foot washing.
Release dateApr 1, 2022
God’s Answers to Difficult Questions

Pastor Daniel Jones

Pastor Daniel Jones preaches the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He married Wanda Atkinson of Waynesboro, Mississippi after finishing college. Daniel lives in Phenix City, Alabama, which is a twin city to Columbus, Georgia. He pastors Cross Road Baptist Church in Columbus, Georgia. Daniel graduated from Central High School in Phenix City, Alabama. He studied Bible at Clarke College in Newton, Mississippi. Then he went on to study Bible Theology at William Carey College in Hattisburg, Mississippi. After graduating college, he studied Bible Theology at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he finished with a Masters of Divinity. He has pastored churches in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Georgia.

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    God’s Answers to Difficult Questions - Pastor Daniel Jones

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    Scripture is taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4091-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-4104-2 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 03/21/2022


    This book is dedicated to my loving wife and Eric Mitchell.

    Eric is a young man who has grown in the Lord under my

    ministry. My wife and I love Eric and appreciate his work in

    God’s ministry. He has been a blessing to me in my ministry.

    These Bible messages find answers to complex questions. The Answers are found in God’s Word from Genesis to Revelation. Every book of the Bible has answers from our Creator. You can take any book of the Bible and find solutions that you may overlook if you are not carefully reading to find them. Every book is God’s Word which gives us answers. Even science could have advanced quicker if scientists only had believed and trusted God’s Word. This book shows many answers to questions that the world took thousands of years to discover.

    I love God and His Word. Throughout my ministry, I’ve searched for answers and found those answers in God’s Word. My studies have brought many answers to light in preaching God’s Word. I’ve learned and discovered solutions that thrill my soul every time I preach. God’s Word is a storehouse of truths that if the world only knew a little of the facts the Bible holds, it would be astonished.


    Chapter 1 What is a Church’s Primary Business?

    Chapter 2 How is the Physical Birth like the Spiritual Birth?

    Chapter 3 How Does God Speaks to You?

    Chapter 4 What is the Judgment Seat?

    Chapter 5 What are the Birthmarks of a Christian?

    Chapter 6 Is There Evidence for God?

    Chapter 7 How Can I to Enjoy the Bible?

    Chapter 8 Where Does God Live?

    Chapter 9 How to Overcome Worry

    Chapter 10 Why Do We Need Our Feet Washed?


    What is a Church’s

    Primary Business?

    Genesis 24:1-3, "And Abraham was old, and well stricken in

    age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things. [2] And

    Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled

    over all that he had put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:

    [3] And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven,

    and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my

    son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:"

    The longest chapter in the book of Genesis is a love story. Twenty-five verses speak to the creation of the world; six verses are devoted to man’s making; sixty-seven verses tell how a man found his wife.

    It is humorous to see some men’s lengths to get a woman. One man was sitting on an airplane, and a beautiful blonde sat down next to him. He thought he would try to introduce himself to her, and, at the same time, find out what type of men she liked. He said, Tell me, what kind of men you are interested in? She said, Well, I like Indians because of their high cheekbones and strong chiseled features. Oh, he said, that’s wonderful. She said, But I also like Jewish men because they are so brilliant, and they seem to be so financially successful. Oh, he said, that’s very interesting. She said, But I really like good ole boys from the South. There’s just something about a southern boy that really gets me going. Oh, he said, that’s fantastic. She said, By the way, what is your name? He said, Well, my name is Geronimo Bernstein, but my friends just call me Bubba.

    In the book of Genesis, the 22nd chapter, we can see that Abraham is illustrated and pictured as a type of God the Father. Isaac got his wife the right way and the best way. He waited on God to bring her to him. Isaac and Rebecca is one of the greatest loves of history. It looks like all romantic stories; boy meets girl, girl meets boy, boy and girl fall in love, boy and girl marry, and then boy and girl live happily ever after. There is far more to the story than this.

    Genesis 22:11-12, "And the angel of the Lord called unto him out

    of Heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am

    I. [12] And He said, lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do

    thou anything unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God,

    seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me."

    In these verses, the scripture paints Abraham as a portrait and type of God the Father.

    Genesis 15:2 "…...And the steward of my

    house is this Eliezer of Damascus?"

    The eldest servant of Abraham’s house is Eliezer, a type of the Holy Spirit. Eliezer sought a bride for Abraham’s son, just like the Holy Spirit sought a Bride for God’s Son. We have also seen how Isaac is a picture of God the Son.

    Genesis 22:12, "….seeing thou hast not withheld

    thy son, thine only son from me."

    We also know from the New Testament that just as Abraham sought a bride for his son Isaac, God the Father is seeking a Bride for His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus was teaching and said in Matthew this.

    Matthew 10:9-10, "Go ye therefore into the highways,

    and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. [10] So

    those servants went out into the highways, and gathered

    together all as many as they found, both bad and good:"

    The Holy Spirit guides God’s servants to people who are willing to invite Jesus into their hearts and become part of the Bride of Christ.

    Revelation 19:7-8, "Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honor

    to Him: for the marriage supper of the Lamb is come, and His

    wife (Church) hath made herself ready. [8] And to her was

    granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and

    white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints."

    Rebekah is a type of the Church. The Church is a New Testament building, body, and Bride. Revelation 19:7, ….and His wife (Church) hath made herself ready… Here, we see a beautiful illustration of how God the Father calls out the Church to be a Bride for his son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    I. Comparison of Abraham and God the Father.

    A. Abraham Wanted a Bride for His Son.

    Genesis 24:4, "But thou shalt go unto my country, and to

    my kindred, and take a wife unto my son Isaac." Genesis

    2:18, "And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man

    should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him."

    I have heard husbands say they are half a man without her. A wife completes a man as a companion to share his life and dreams. Genesis 24:1 says that Abraham is an afflicted person. Someone has said that there are four ages of a man. First, when he believes in Santa Claus, secondly, when he does not believe in Santa Claus, thirdly, when he is Santa Claus, and fourthly, when he looks like Santa Claus. Well, Abraham had reached that fourth stage. He is now at the ripe old age of one hundred forty years old. Abraham is getting old, he has been through many exciting adventures, and now he is on his final journey. But there is still one piece of unfinished business that he must accomplish before he can rest forever. Abraham’s significant desire is to get a bride for his son.

    B. God the Father Wants a Bride for His Son.

    The main business of the Church, and the main business of any Church, is to bring back the Bride for the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Bridegroom, and the Church is His Bride. We must bring back the Bride.

    A little boy talked to his father about a place he did not want to go and said, I ain’t going. The father did not like this kind of language from his son. So, his father said, Now son, you’re not supposed to use the word ain’t because that’s not proper English. Then his father gave him a little English lesson. His father said, First-person singular is, ‘I am not going.’ Second-person singular is, ‘You are not going.’ Third-person singular is, ‘He is not going.’ Now son, do you understand this? The little boy said, Yea, it looks to me like there ain’t anybody going.

    There was a man named Peter Apples. He was a soldier during the Civil War who went into enemy territory. Now Peter Apples did not know much about being a good soldier. He just knew that when his superior officer said, Charge! he was supposed to charge the enemy. He was the kind of man who would never come back until he had made contact with the enemy. One day his superior officer said, Charge! and he charged. But they came under such severe fire that the superior officer called his soldiers to retreat and come back. But Apples did not hear the command to withdraw, so he just kept charging forth.

    He went across ‘no man’s land’ and finally into enemy territory. He went down into a ditch where the enemy soldiers lined up one behind the other. He took hold of the first one he could reach in the ditch. Then Apples hit him two or three times, grabbed him by the nape of the neck, drug him out of the ditch, and started back toward his camp with him. The enemy soldiers aimed and began to shoot. Apples started dragging the soldier behind him so that his enemy could not fire at him without hitting their soldier. About the time his enemy thought they had a clear shot, their soldier would get in the way. So, the enemy stopped trying to shoot at him.Apples continued to travel with the soldier. Finally, he dragged him across ‘no man’s land’ and back into his own territory. When Apples reached his camp, he dropped the soldier at the feet of his superior officer. The officer looked at him in amazement and said, Where in the world did you get him? Apples said, I got him over yonder in the ditch. There are plenty of them over there. All of you could have had one if you had wanted one.

    John 4:35, "Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then

    cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and

    look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest."

    The Bible teaches the world is full of unsaved people. Christians should go out into the world and tell them about Jesus.

    You may say, We didn’t bring back the Bride, but we raised the budget. Someone else may say, We didn’t bring back the Bride, but we had a thousand in Sunday School. Are you a part of that kind of church business, and if you are, then is it all in vain? There is nothing that moves the heart of God more than bringing back the Bride for His Son. Are you a soul winner? All the work of the Church is to help us bring back the Bride. The Church has failed if we don’t bring back the Bride for Jesus. The greatest desire of God the Father is to get a

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