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Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Vision
Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Vision
Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Vision
Ebook194 pages2 hours

Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Vision

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Are you tired of trying to figure out your God-given purpose, or maybe you've given up altogether? Do you ever feel that you could or should have more impact? It's quite possible that Heaven is waiting on you to discover and steward all that has been reserved on your behalf. Join Melody, founder of The Id

Release dateApr 1, 2022
Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Vision

Melody Dowlearn

Melody Dowlearn is the founder of Tridentity Coaching & Consulting and The Identity Academy™. She is on a mission to restore the understanding of identity within the body of Christ.For the last twenty years, Melody has empowered and equipped others in the capacity of teacher, mentor, trainer, coach, and consultant. She has served in the public-school classroom, within various ministries, and in private practice. A natural born teacher, she loves to take revelatory knowledge and make it practical for immediate application.When she is not teaching or equipping others, you can find Melody hanging with her family, knitting sweaters, or running the trails of the Palo Duro Canyon. She also enjoys reading the biographies of the early church saints as well as hiking in Colorado.

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    Book preview

    Kingdom Identity - Melody Dowlearn


    This book is dedicated to my husband, Scott, who is my biggest cheerleader and best friend . . .

    to my sons Charles and Noah, who inspire me to keep going for the next generation . . .

    to my parents Kenneth and Cyndi, who always encouraged me to keep writing . . .

    and to all the mentors I’ve had along the way who have taught me so much.



    Foreword By Chuck Pierce

    Foreword By Dubb Alexander


    chapter 1 - vision without identity

    chapter 2 - what is the kingdom?

    chapter 3 - the curiosity of religiosity

    chapter 4 - where it all began

    chapter 5 - own your original

    chapter 6 - reaching back to move forward

    chapter 7 - follow the yellow brick road

    chapter 8 - to respond or to react?

    chapter 9 - engaging the present

    chapter 10 - owning the future

    About The Author



    How do we develop our identity and wholeness? Melody Dowlearn has written an excellent book to help God’s Kingdom remnant understand this pursuit.  Kingdom Identity: Rediscover Your Identity and Align Your Future is an incredible tool to assist you in seeing yourself from a Kingdom view. This book guides you through understanding how inheritance is developed and the concept of building an overall whole identity. Once you’ve built that identity, you understand that within the whole, you have an inheritance—you have a portion. The concept of inheritance becomes very important as we move forward into understanding our role in the Kingdom. Inheritance means my portion. Your portion is linked with a promise.  What Melody shares will also help you understand how covenant is established. Covenant is an agreement formed within a relationship. 

    There are two kingdoms at war: God and Satan. They are warring in you. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS WITHIN YOU!  Once you know the will of God for your life, you war from your prophetic destiny. The presence of God in you causes you to triumph. No matter how you are advancing, you must learn to operate in the presence of God to bring into reality and see manifest what God has for you. You come into the fulfillment of your inheritance through relational agreement with the Lord; your future is dependent upon His presence.  

    The events and interactions of our lives are capsulated in a timeframe. The Greek mind-set sees everything in space—concrete—and not from a time standpoint. By embracing the examples of our past, we enter into a spiritual and relational dynamic with God in our time. The concrete structure of the cosmos we live in loses its blueprint of control, and we begin to anticipate God’s intervention and acceleration.

    This book will help you see yourself NOW! There is an identity for you that is linked to the invisible world, not to the natural. Some of us never tap into our identity in the supernatural, we just stay in the natural. Don’t go through life like that. Discover your identity in the spiritual realm and see how the Lord is conforming you by the Spirit. Identify and activate your gifts. Do not try to be something you’re not. The demons know the identity that is written on you in the spirit realm, so this is the time to become who we are meant to be by the Spirit.  

    As you read Kingdom Identity, let go of old expectations, relationships, and revelations that are not pertinent to your future. Great prophetic acts in the past will not open up the heavens now. We must hear and act today. Isaiah 41:15–20 is a wonderful passage of Scripture, especially verse 15: "You will be a new threshing instrument with many sharp teeth. You will tear your enemies apart, making chaff of mountains" (NLT). You have a changing identity. Remember that all the failures of your past can change with one act of faith today. Embrace your identity for the future so you can thresh, or overcome, all the obstacles that defeated you or blocked your way in the past. Do not forget that the Lord Jesus Christ is a sword (Isa. 49:2; Rev. 1:16). May you come into a new, intimate place with Him and overcome and press through into a new identity.

    A seed is filled with identity. We talk about identity all the time, but it comes in the form of a seed; and until the seed comes into fullness, the identity isn’t expressed. In Hebraic thought, the concept of identity is linked back to the seed, and it involves a supernatural force of being chosen. For example, the seed of Adam was in both Abel and Cain, but Abel was the one chosen and favored. Certain seed will be favored because of its response to its circumstances. The same was true of Jacob and Esau, and Jesus taught the same. You see this principle all through the Word of God. So, it is this supernatural factor of being chosen that causes our identity to come into its fullness. May you and your seed prosper as you read this book!

    The Kingdom of God is Moving Forward

    There are two terms throughout the Bible that we must embrace and understand: the Kingdom of God, and the Kingdom of heaven. Anyone who willingly subjects himself or herself to the sovereign rule of a holy God is aligned with Kingdom principles. The Kingdom represents the rule that God asserts on the earth at any given period in time. This is what links Kingdom understanding to time.

    The manifested rule of God on the earth is ever maturing. The King is moving us from just going to church to understanding His Kingdom in our territory. He is bringing us into a place of dominion, occupation, and ruling with Him in the spheres and places He has assigned us. Jesus taught so much on the Kingdom throughout the three years of His ministry in the earth realm. The Kingdom is good news! John the Baptist and the apostles, too, all announced that the Kingdom of God was at hand. As a matter of fact, the Lord said, The Kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). If this is so, then when the King moves, we must move with Him.

    The Kingdom is not based on needs: "For the poor you have with you always" (John 12:8). We must have compassion for the poor but not allow the needs of the poor to be our only motivating desire in ministry. Jesus gave us a responsibility to work with the poor, orphans, and widows; but on the other hand, He also showed us the necessity to worship Him lavishly as Mary did in Luke 10. The Kingdom cannot be controlled by civil government. Through the ages, civil government has made attempts to govern and rule God’s government in the earth. However, the Kingdom is not based on worldly patterns.

    Another important fact that we must all recognize is that we cannot comprehend the Kingdom with our natural minds. The mind is at enmity with God and longs to be conformed to the world around it. However, as we renew our minds, we break out of worldly conformity and move into seeing Kingdom life in the midst of the societal structures that are molding us. 

    The Kingdom cannot be obtained by ambition. The exciting thing about the Kingdom is that it cannot be postponed! The Kingdom is filled with power. Over these last two decades we have seen a Kingdom government beginning to arise for the next season of God in the earth realm. A Kingdom people understand Kingdom grace. God has appointed Kingdom administrators for every age. We find those gifts listed in Ephesians 4:11–14. The Kingdom is ruled by grace and love, not by rules, regulations, and laws. 

     Melody has a broad scenario of understanding included in this book. Read, and become who you are for this present age. You were born into the Kingdom for such a time as this!

    Dr. Chuck D. Pierce

    President of Glory of Zion International, Kingdom Harvest Alliance, and Global Spheres Inc. 


    The Kingdom should be simple for we are the children of God not the adults of God.  - Brian Orme

    My life seems to be a paradox of extremes. The week may start with a brisk, early morning walk through the hustle and bustle of Manhattan rush hour foot traffic with a hot cup of coffee in my hand, an access badge to the U.N. headquarters hanging from my neck, and a day full of impactful meetings with world leaders waiting for me behind its high metal gates and impenetrable security. This same week can easily end with my wife, daughter, and I turning onto the gravel drive leading up to our best friend’s family farmhouse after an hour-long drive through the flat, windswept prairies of the great plains where the evening holds a family game night full of storytelling and the high-pitched giggles of our little girls.

    One of the few things that these two seemingly unrelated locations and demographics share is the need for Kingdom revelation to be present, understood, and implemented in order for them to manifest the absolute best version of themselves. Whether the ears listening attentively to the sound of my voice belong to the president of a nation or my ten-year-old daughter, the benefits of the Kingdom only become accessible when they are communicated in simplicity and actionable practicality.

    The need for every individual on the planet regardless of age, status, or sphere of influence to realize their true identity as it relates to their Father and His Kingdom is completely dependent upon the level at which these truths can be articulated by the few Kingdom Revelators who specialize on this topic walking the earth. I believe Melody Dowlearn to be one of the most impactful voices in this field today. 

    It’s been a few years since I first saw Melody at a Kingdom Reformers Conference, perched on the edge of her chair, listening intently, and jotting copious notes as I brought definition to my favorite subject The Kingdom from the platform. The brief conversation during the break that followed my session left me with the distinct impression that the tenacious pursuit of truth that she exhibited could not help but culminate in the authorship of a world changing Kingdom resource in her future. And so, the level of Kingdom revelation, the clarity of communication and practicality of application that the pages of this book contain are not surprising to me, but rather highly anticipated.

    The unique creativity of Melody’s writing style partnered with her mastery of language and command of topic of Kingdom Identity makes this book one of the most important books that someone ready to take their Kingdom journey to the next level will ever read. 

    This book contains questions that will facilitate conversations between you and Holy Spirit that will lead to new levels of clarity and language surrounding your personal, unique design which will empower you to walk in your true Kingdom Identity in an unprecedented way. 

    I cannot encourage you, the reader, enough to pause and take full advantage of the processing practices that these chapters contain along the way. As Melody says, Heaven is never in a hurry, so you don’t have to be either. 

    And so, as you enjoy the journey that these pages are inviting you into, may you encounter God in a deeper way than ever before. May you apprehend the articulation and manifestation of your Kingdom Identity. And may the world experience radical transformation as you walk the earth fully engaging your purpose.

    To The King!

    Dubb Alexander

    Founder of School of Kingdom

    Author of From the Cult to the Kingdom

    Available at


    Why is it that some people seem to have a gift for conquering life while the rest of us look on and secretly wish we possessed their fearlessness and success?

    How do some people navigate from mountaintop to mountaintop while the rest of us dwell in the valley of mediocrity that offers us only a partial view of the mountains?

    Why does only a handful of humanity seem to create the news, and the rest of us are satisfied with reposting witty memes on social media?

    If each one of us is sent to Earth with a unique set of gifts, talents, and potential, why do only so few of us ever realize the full potential of our lives?

    If you were assigned a specific identity and purpose, why are you not able to engage them in spite of the fact that everything you need was placed within you to accomplish that purpose when you were born?

    Do you find yourself ever

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