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Flickers: Poems
Flickers: Poems
Flickers: Poems
Ebook90 pages38 minutes

Flickers: Poems

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In his latest collection of poems, William Trowbridge explores the fascination Americans have with movies, how “flicks” allow us to temporarily forget our problems and, ironically, to forget that real conflicts are what make us human. The language he uses is the American language of pop culture: sports talk, movie talk, shoptalk, and clichés—all are blended together into carefully crafted lines that are uniquely Trowbridge’s. Readers will be delighted to follow each poem to its effectively understated end.
These poems are dark comedies that capture both the eerie and the ordinary. This balance is not easily achieved, but like a veteran comedian executing a pratfall, Trowbridge makes it all seem natural. His surreal family, the Glads, satirizes life in suburbia and reflects the often absurd margins of our urban lifestyle. By contrast, a group of poems revolving around a packing house in Kansas City (Trowbridge worked there as a young man), reminds us of those darker places in our lives that exist just “across the street from the ledgers and lapels.”
The variety of subjects Trowbridge works with is refreshing. Whether he is writing about Buster Keaton, Fred Astaire, June bugs, baseball, the holocaust, Cadillacs, or old dogs, his eye is always focused on the turn of phrase that will catch us off guard. His well-crafted lines are full of wit and humor. He approaches his subjects like Coyote approaches Fox—smiling, ready to expose his dear friend to the reality of his existence through sleight of hand. And, like Coyote, he teaches us to laugh at ourselves or perish under the weight of our everyday lives.
Release dateJul 1, 2000
Flickers: Poems

William Trowbridge

William Trowbridge is the author of six full poetry collections and four chapbooks, including the poetry comic book Oldguy (Red Hen Press, 2016). His new collection is Vanishing Point (Red Hen Press, 2017). His awards include an Academy of American Poets Prize, a Pushcart Prize, a Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference scholarship, a Camber Press Poetry Chapbook Award, and fellowships from The MacDowell Colony, Ragdale, Yaddo, and The Anderson Center. The former Poet Laureate of Missouri (2012–2016), he teaches in the University of Nebraska Low-residency MFA in Writing Program and lives in the Kansas City area.

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    Book preview

    Flickers - William Trowbridge


    poems by

    William Trowbridge




    Copyright © 2000 by William Trowbridge

    All rights reserved

    Manufactured in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-1-55728-586-7

    eISBN: 978-1-61075-159-9

    25    24    23    22    21        5    4    3    2

    Designed by Liz Lester

    The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48-1984.


    Trowbridge, William, 1941–

          Flickers / William Trowbridge.

                p.      cm.

          ISBN 1-55728-586-1 (alk. paper)

                I. Title.

          PS3570.R66 F55 2000

          811'.54 21—dc21


    For Robert Wallace


    poet, editor, scholar, mentor, friend


    William Frederick Trowbridge

    September 27, 1999


    on his first day in the world


    My thanks to the following periodicals, in whose pages these poems first appeared: Artful Dodge: Box Kite; Barrow Street: Gate; Blue Moon: Honey Wagon; The Chariton Review: Summer’s Almost Gone, American Primitive; The Chattahoochee Review: Shoes, Playing Dead; Chelsea: Fall Guys, Gotta Dance; Confrontation: In Memoriam: Duffy; Connecticut Review: Monster; Crazyhorse: At Sunset Palms; The Florida Review: Stamps of the World!; Flyway: Gorgeous George; The Gettysburg Review: The Art of Vanishing; The Georgia Review: First Book of Shadow, Flickers, Poets’ Corner; Great River Review: His Greatest Moments, Trip to the Middle Ages, Curtain Call; The Missouri Review: Walking Out; The Nebraska Review: Good-by, Angel of Death; New Letters: Pale Riders, The Fuhrer to His Eva, Polacks, Blood, Smell, Glad Wrap, Glad to Meet You, Jesus, Button Your Lip; New Orleans Review: Coat of Arms; Pivot: The Band Director’s Farewell; Prairie Schooner: Suckers, Uncle Miltie; River City: The Glads at Home on Memorial Day, Glad All Over, Glad Tidings; The Southern Review: Dog Tags; Spoon River Poetry Quarterly: Visit, Interview (originally titled Dmitri), June Bugs, Eating the Menu; Tar River Poetry: At the Antique Toy Museum, Losing It; Yarrow: Hard.

    My sincerest thanks also to Robert Wallace, Jonathan Holden, Jim Simmerman, David Citino, David Slater, Catie Rosemurgy, and Beth Richards, friends who lent their time and expertise to help in the making of this book. And thanks to the Anderson Center and the Ragdale Foundation, at whose accommodations many of the poems were written.



    The Art of Vanishing

    Eating the Menu

    Uncle Miltie

    Gorgeous George

    Walking Out

    At the Antique Toy Museum

    Losing It

    First Book of Shadow

    Fall Guys

    His Greatest Moments

    June Bugs

    Gotta Dance

    Summer’s Almost Gone


    American Primitive


    Glad Wrap

    The Glads at Home on Memorial Day

    Glad to Meet You, Jesus

    Glad All Over


    To Be or Not to Be Glad

    Glad Rags

    Dad Glad Has a Conniption

    Glad Tidings




    The Fuhrer to His Eva

    Honey Wagon: An Historical Poem

    Good-By, Angel of Death


    Pale Riders

    The Packing House Cantata

    Trip to the Middle Ages

    Supply and Demand


    Playing Dead

    Stamps of the World!

    Dog Tags

    Button Your Lip

    Poets’ Corner


    Coat of Arms

    At Sunset Palms

    The Kiss of Death


    In Memoriam: Duffy

    The Band Director’s Farewell

    Box Kite



    Curtain Call


    The Art of Vanishing

    "I just don’t

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