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Live Love and Eat
Live Love and Eat
Live Love and Eat
Ebook183 pages1 hour

Live Love and Eat

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About this ebook

Bernadine Otto is a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach & an EFT Practitioner and the Managing Editor of Live Love and Eat. ​After coaching thousands of people on Health and Wellness and struggling with her own health and weight Bernadine founded Live Love and Eat to reach even more people that are interested in health, nutrition, and spirituality. She created a magazine that has content from health coaches and professionals who have all overcome their own personal life and health challenges. We at Live Love and Eat strive to reach out and touch all people with a message of love and wellness. Live Love And Eat is a monthly magazine dedicated to celebrating life, nutrition, self-care, and wellbeing. The magazine features insightful articles, simple and healthy recipes, health news, motivational quotes, and regular book features.
Release dateMar 31, 2022
Live Love and Eat

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    Book preview

    Live Love and Eat - Bernadine Otto

    Book Feature Brian Gryn


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    Bernadine Otto


    Brian Gryn

    Copyright © 2022 Bernadine Otto. All rights reserved.

    Published by Live Love and Eat


    A R

    P I

    R L



    April Fool's Day is on the 1st of April and it is an opportunity for playing jokes or tricks on one another.


    Earth Day is an annual event celebrated

    around the world n April 22nd to

    demonstrate support for environmental

    protection. First celebrated in 1970, it now

    includes events coordinated globally by the

    Earth Day Network in more than 193



    Easter begins on Sunday, April 17. Good Friday is

    therefore April 15th, and the Easter Monday bank

    holiday is on April 18th.


    Founder of Holistic Health & Wellness

    ''I am passionate about

    helping others live

    healthier, happier lives. I

    know firsthand what a

    difference healthy lifestyles

    and nutrition can make and

    strive to empower my

    clients with the knowledge

    and belief that they can

    achieve their goals"

    Heidi lives in Rolling Hills Estates, California, USA, she is a Married Mother of two grown children

    You can learn more about Heidi here:



    Business Phone: 424-396-0206

    How did you get started in your career? In What Year?

    My jump into the Wel ness Industry came after a climbing accident left me with a shattered heal, excruciating pain, and a facing long road to recovery ahead of me.

    The year that fol owed consisted of foot reconstruction, excruciating pain, addictive pain pil s, months of bed rest, missed work, physical therapy, and complete reliance on my family for every detail of my life, unable to do even simple tasks on my own. As time went on, my bone healed, and I slowly began to regain the strength in my leg. Little did I know however that the ordeal was far from over. The frustrations would continue nearly a year fol owing the accident when after just a few weeks of brief freedom, and the ability to walk without a walker, I col apsed in pain after stepping out of bed. Once again, I found myself unable to walk. A visit to my surgeon would confirm what they had anticipated would occur, Arthritis had begun attacking my destroyed joint. I was now facing a second surgery, with the possibility of a third in my future.

    Refusing to accept the thought of additional surgeries, pain, pil s, shots, and further loss of mobility I was determined to get my life back and immersed myself into countless hours of research looking for a different solution. I knew there had to be another way.

    What I discovered, was that not only were some of the foods I was eating causing harm to my body, accelerating arthritis in my injured joint but the nutrients I wasn't getting was slowly causing my bones to thin making me vulnerable to a break. I dug in, made massive changes to my diet, and haven’t looked back.

    5 years later, I am happy to say that I have yet to have any further surgeries. I can now walk again, hike again, do not take pain pil s of any kind, and have even gone back to climbing!

    After seeing how Nutrition and Lifestyle changes helped me get my life back, and avoid additional surgeries, I decided to change careers in the hope to help others find a healthier version of themselves.

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