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Nightingales and Handgranates
Nightingales and Handgranates
Nightingales and Handgranates
Ebook79 pages47 minutes

Nightingales and Handgranates

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About this ebook

This is a collection of queer poetry across the multiverse.
So beware!
Hardly anything straight here.

Be taken from a galaxy far far away to murderous Oxford.
From the "Beach Divorce" in Cuba to the Indefatigable.
Hear poetic tales about heroes and villains;
Real or just living in another dimension

With ships like Cherik,Obikin and Merthur this book is one of a kind.
Release dateAug 11, 2020
Nightingales and Handgranates

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    Nightingales and Handgranates - J.E.L. Lehnsherr

    Nightingales and Handgranates

    J.E.L.Lehnsherr an author portrait by the author himself

    Born under a dying star on a cursed day in the summer of 97, Mr Lehnsherr began writing as a comfort, to escape realities cruelties, at a young age. Loud and proud child of Scottish and Hungarian hereditary.

    He lived in many places but only called Brecon home.

    His first poem dates back to an unknown date in 2005, a short frustrated limerick about not being allowed to watch Revenge of the Sith.

    Now 15 years later, and about 100 times of having watched said movie, he is presenting his first book of collected queer and nerdy poetry.

    Hear yee the first of many!

    Will the world be ready?

    We will never know.

    Currently living at a haunted house with the cats and lots of plants, who are all called Fred (the plants not the cats) plotting murder mysteries and more poetry.


    Text© Copyright by J.E.L.Lehnsherr

    Cover © Copyright by J.E.L.Lehnsherr and Mels Losechester

    Original cover art © Copyright J.E.L.Lehnsherr

    Cover design  © Copyright Mels Losechester




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        You are now reading


    Nightingales and Handgranates

    a selection of Queer poetry across time and space

    An ode to the two men that made me last!

    Who made the gloomy days ,filled with dysphoria,

    bright with only one smile.

    Turning said mess into past tense.

    Endeavour Morse aka Shaun Evans

    and James Norton

    Who always drag me to the save shore,

    when I'm drowning in real life's cruelties.

    Hoping they will never find out about this....

    Snitches get stitches!!!

    and the other folks at the end of the book....

    J.E.L.Lehnsherr  13rd of June 2020

    (A way too hot Saturday)


    Hey there reader

    I boldly assume we are either friends or complete strangers who share a exquisite taste for poetry and fandoms and general queer stuff

    Well hello there!

    Enjoy the ride

    Want some cocoa for the road or will tea do just fine?

    The following poems were mainly written on a small computer spot in the Brecon library and almost all of them read out loud in the poetry club.

    Huge shout out to those fantastic people

    Del, Tilly, (Agnes), David, Tim, Judy ,Andrew, Sian...

    love you all!

    Fandoms are my shelter, OTPs the family I never had.

    My holy Hain

    I've written those stories to honour them

    and to share the love they inspired

    So don't start with shipping wars!

    You don't have to be in these fandoms to appreciate the poetry.

    They are quite universally.

    The words are all mine

    Enough now

    Let's begin humbly with the introduction of your host

    Ladies, Gentleman, Non binary pals, here are :

    Mark Me and Traveller

    Mark me

    When people ask me what the E stands for;

    A soft smile conquers my lips

    Admitting most likely Embarrassment

    That I share my name with a ship and a detective

    Would be an unusual kind

    It stands for the endeavouring of becoming me

    That’s what the E stands for

    When people ask me what the L stands for;

    I reply Lethargy

    ´Cause it creeps slowly upon thee that I’m not like thee

    For a good childhood memory

    I stole this name

    This is now long forgotten fame I shall reclaim


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