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Love You Always Forever: Short and Sweet Series, #25
Love You Always Forever: Short and Sweet Series, #25
Love You Always Forever: Short and Sweet Series, #25
Ebook75 pages52 minutes

Love You Always Forever: Short and Sweet Series, #25

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About this ebook

This time Brian McConaughey kissed me like I was the air he needed. A passionate, intense kiss with pent up feelings that could finally be revealed.

And this time I didn't think that perhaps he was only kissing me because he was lonely. Because I was here. Because he wasn't thinking straight.

Instead I thought about how amazing this man was...

...and how much I want to kiss him again and again.


ANITA wants to buy her dream house and prove to everyone that she can be happy without a relationship.


BRIAN has just been kicked out of his apartment by his crummy landlord and desperately needs a place to stay.


When Anita finds her dream house to rent her plans get ruined when the older woman renting it out has a strange requirement. The tenants must be a married couple. Not willing to give up on her dream house Anita comes up with a plan.


Find a pretend husband.


And her brother suggests his sexy best friend, Brian. But Anita has always had a crush on him and it would be awkward to room with him, right? But when another married couple threatens her chances of getting the house she decides to do it. But the more time they spend together the more feelings develop.


Soon Anita can't tell the difference between pretend and what's real.   

Release dateApr 8, 2022
Love You Always Forever: Short and Sweet Series, #25

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Love You Always Forever - Luna Moon


    We stopped in the middle of the entrance hall again.

    I really love this house, I said repeating myself for the hundredth time.

    I couldn’t help it though. This house was truly spectacular. It was everything I wanted in a house. Beautiful views, big open windows, a fireplace, a beautiful swimming pool, a lot of trees, the perfect secluded area, and so many rooms and bathrooms.

    This was the house I imagined as a kid. The house that made me think of my dollhouse that I’d spend so many hours on every day.

    And all of this can be mine. All I had to do is convince this woman to sell it to me.

    The older woman seemed really nice. She welcomed me in and spoke to me as if I was a grandchild. She showed me around the rooms, telling me stories and anecdotes about the place. I could see she loved this house a lot. The way she decorated it was so homey and lived in.

    Yet it still felt too clean and in order. She did mention she lived here alone. I know I’d love to live here but the thought of living alone in such a big house wasn’t something I was up for.

    I was planning on getting a roommate or two to live with me. The house was in a secluded area but still close enough to the town so at least it would be safe enough.

    I wasn’t looking forward to the hassle of trying to find the right roommates. Perhaps I could still convince my older sister to come live here with me. But I doubted she’d give up her apartment. She was obsessed with that little space for some reason.

    We went into the dining room and sat by the table to discuss the finer details. She went over the price and asked me a few questions. Afterwards seemingly approving of everything I said she said,

    Oh, I almost forgot to mention the most important thing.

    Oh no.

    I have one requirement for the new owners of this house.

    Please don’t have a weird requirement, I silently said over and over in my mind.

    This property is only for rent for a married couple.

    I blinked repeatedly.

    A married couple?

    Yes, I want to have a family live here that will eventually have kids and really live in the place. After my children moved out the house pretty much just stood here with just me around. I want this place to have life again.

    So if you’re not a married couple, you can’t rent the house?

    That’s correct.

    She had an intense look in her eyes as she asked me the question I dreaded,

    Are you married?

    I swallowed hard.

    This was the deciding question. The one question that will either make my dream house mine or take it away forever.

    I didn’t want to do it. I knew it was wrong. I knew my grandmother would rise from her grave if she knew I did what I was about to do.

    But I had no choice.

    Yes! I blurted out. Yes, actually. I am married.

    That’s lovely, she said looking relieved by my answer even though I felt like dying inside. So how long have you been married?

    Uh, I said trying to think quickly. We’ve been married for four years already.

    Oh that’s really nice, she said. And are you planning on having children?

    I felt the urge to hurl.

    We’re planning on having soon. We want...five?

    The idea of having four children absolutely horrified me. But I needed to make this as realistic as possible.

    She seemed to accept my answer. Gushing about her children and her late husband. She told me about the things her children used to do in the house as kids. All their hide out places that would one day possibly become my children’s too. I only nodded keeping a tight smile on my face.


    Why did I lie? Okay I knew why. I didn’t want to lose this house. But was it really worth it. Because how the hell was I going to prove to this women that I was married.

    Could I convince her that my husband died this evening? Would she allow me to rent the house out of pity for me? No,

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