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I Knew I Loved You: Short and Sweet Series, #24
I Knew I Loved You: Short and Sweet Series, #24
I Knew I Loved You: Short and Sweet Series, #24
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I Knew I Loved You: Short and Sweet Series, #24

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"I hope you know that I'm not going to make this easy for you. I'm not interested in having a wife and especially not one Natasha picked out."

I nodded, not knowing what to say.

"If I'm to marry someone, it will be my decision. Do you understand?"

"Y...yes. Of course."

"Good," he said. "And, you have a thing there."

He came closer to me and I took in a breath again, feeling my legs go shaky. He reached up to my hair and, focusing, took something off. He threw the piece of clothing fuzz on the floor. The moment between him putting his hand down and backing away felt like ages for some reason. All I could do was stare into those beautiful eyes. I didn't even notice my mouth was slightly open, or that I was looking at him as if he was a thanksgiving turkey.


ANNA is a poor fashion student working at a crummy newspaper wishing for her fashion career breakthrough to happen so she can give the life she's always wanted to her younger siblings.


ALEX is the son of a self made billionaire, Natasha Maxwell, the CEO and Editor of a well known fashion magazine who more than anything wants his mother to accept his wishes when it comes to finding a future wife and to not be in the shadow of his mother's success. 


When Anna gets an interview with Natasha Maxwell at her dream magazine she gets more than she bargained for her when instead of a job she's offered a deal. To find the perfect wife for the billionaire's son in exchange for a position. But Alex isn't planning on marrying someone his mother approves of and soon Anna has no choice but to change the rules of the game.


Feelings start brewing between the two but can their relationship survive with a controlling mother standing in their way?

Release dateApr 8, 2022
I Knew I Loved You: Short and Sweet Series, #24

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    I Knew I Loved You - Luna Moon


    I was sitting on the uncomfortable couches - more for decoration than sitting - in the reception area, nervous and pulling constantly at my pencil skirt.

    I checked my handbag again just to make sure I had everything I needed. I went over my notes again that I wrote for myself to prepare for the interview.

    I sneaked a peek at the other girls sitting down as far away from me as possible, stealing glances at me and snickering to themselves. They were dressed in expensive looking clothes I’ve only seen in magazines or on runways on the television.

    They looked like they came from money. But I smiled to myself. They didn't have the passion I had for fashion.

    I’d been dreaming of this job since I was six years old. This job was made for me and I was planning on getting it, no matter what.

    My mind drifted off to my ex and my smile disappeared. My brothers and sister were so happy to hear about my interview. That alone made all the months of scraping money together for my studies by working as a waitress worth it.

    If only everyone could be happy for me.

    You can go in, I heard a voice snap me back to reality.

    M... Me? I said hesitantly, pointing to myself.

    Yes! Of course you! she barked at me.

    I reached for my bag to pack away my notes.

    Sorry. I'll just...

    The woman rolled her eyes.

    Just go, she said and walked away.

    I walked towards the office where I’d be

    Interviewed and knocked on the door.

    After a long while of being ignored, I opened the door and peeked inside.

    Uhm, excuse me? Miss Maxwell? I said.

    The woman looked at me over her glasses, then looked away.

    She looked like someone who once was a model and looked younger than her years. Her dark black hair cut in a stylish bob. She had a bit too much makeup on and bright red lipstick. Around her neck was an expensive pearl necklace and bangles on her wrists.

    She was dressed in a dark navy outfit that looked as if it came straight off the runway and killer high heels could be seen underneath her desk.

    The room smelled like expensive perfume and the wall were covered with frames containing magazine covers from over the years. Her desk was neatly organized, even down to the pens on it. Even her office looked expensive and straight out of a magazine.

    The office of a stylish, beautiful woman that could ruin me with one word.

    She wasn’t just any other woman, either. This was Natasha Maxwell, the CEO and editor of Kiss Magazine - the most famous, well-respected fashion magazine in the industry.

    Come in, she said in a bored British voice.

    I stood in front of the desk.

    Is there something wrong with your legs? she said, pointing to my legs with her pen.

    Excuse me? I said, confused.

    Sit down, she ordered.

    Right! Sorry! I said quickly and almost fell into the chair.

    Natasha Maxwell picked up my resume. Then threw it down dismissively. My heart nearly leaped out of my chest.

    She tapped her manicured fingers on the desk while looking at me.

    Who dressed you? she asked in that same bored tone.

    Uhm I’m sorry? I said.

    It’s a question. It's not that difficult, she snapped. 

    Uhm, I dressed myself.

    Right, she said, as if it explained everything. You are aware that we are one of the most, if not the most, highly respected fashion magazines in the world?

    Yes and it would be an honour to work for you. If you'd look at my resume, I...

    You have no fashion sense, you're dressed in cheap clothing, you have a rip on your blazer, your shoe size is too big, and I don't like the gap between your two front teeth.

    I blinked, taking in her words.

    And please don't give me that shocked look. I know that you're well aware of my reputation in the industry.

    I am, I said, defeated.

    I don't sugar coat, I don't beat around the bush and I don't hire people with no fashion sense.

    Please, I begged. I really love fashion. When I was a little girl, I’d watch my grandmother make dresses...

    Cute story. But I’ve heard it a million times.

    She held out my resume to me and said without looking at me,

    Close the door behind you.


    We’re done. Leave.

    I got up, feeling as if the room was spinning, and took my resume from her. My breath was shaky, and I realized I was about to cry.

    Before I left out the door, I gave one last look, but she didn’t even look up at me and I knew if she did she’d look at me unfriendly.

    I was nothing to her. Just a woman with no fashion sense and no career. Like gum on a shoe that she scraped off and ignored once again.

    And when I entered the elevator, and it started riding down, I gazed in the big mirrors looking at myself and cried.


    Zoey, my friend and colleague at the New York voice - a small newspaper that no one ever knows about - came over to do a movie night to cheer me up.

    I was still heartbroken about what happened and couldn’t stop crying about it.

    Zoey was trying to cheer me up with encouraging words, but it wasn’t helping.

    It’s not the end, she said. You can still make it. You don’t need that magazine.

    Working for that magazine has been my dream job for years. It’s the reason I studied journalism in the first place.

    I know,

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