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Love Will Find You: Short and Sweet Series, #26
Love Will Find You: Short and Sweet Series, #26
Love Will Find You: Short and Sweet Series, #26
Ebook64 pages43 minutes

Love Will Find You: Short and Sweet Series, #26

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"I'm so excited to meet that boyfriend of yours."

Ashley couldn't help saying,


I looked up at her gesturing for her to be quiet.

Crap! I completely forgot about that lie. I was supposed to have told them already that it was just a joke. But I'd been so swamped with work and I completely forgot.

"Yeah," I said. "He's excited too."


I dialed Ashley's number.

"Hello?" she said on the other side of the line.

"I changed my mind. Let's find me a boyfriend."


ANDREA is a math teacher who specializes in facts and wishes her mother could get off her back about getting married.


HE'S a doctor who hasn't had the best of luck with woman and just came out of a really horrible relationship.


When Andrea accidentally gets her mother to believe she has a boyfriend she tells herself she'll fix it later. But month later when her mother reminds her again about it and how excited they are for her to bring her new boyfriend home this Christmas, Andrea has to find a stand in as soon as possible. After a series of blind dates she finds the perfect fake boyfriend.


But her fake boyfriend has a little secret.

Release dateApr 8, 2022
Love Will Find You: Short and Sweet Series, #26

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Book preview

    Love Will Find You - Luna Moon


    Oh yeah, Ashley said. Remind me to tell you about my date when it’s lunch time.

    I nodded.

    We both disappeared back into our respective classrooms, the hallways cleared and I stood in front of my class.

    Welcome everyone, I said. Today we’re going to work on algebra.

    My whole class moaned and one kid even hit his head against his desk.

    I turned around and walked towards the whiteboard.

    Okay everyone, open your books to page 35, please.

    When it was finally break time I met up with Ashley in the teachers’ lounge.

    So how was the date, I said both of us huddling close together.

    It went amazing! she said dreamily. He was so sweet and such a gentleman. He opened the door for me and pulled out my chair and brought me flowers and chocolates.

    Wow, he really went all out, I said.

    She nodded.

    He really did. I have a good feeling about this guy.

    After she ran through the whole date with me and went on a bit of a ramble about how amazing his eyes were and how perfect his butt was, Ashley said,

    You know, you should start dating.

    I laughed.

    It’s not that easy. You know I suck with talking to people.

    Oh come on, she said. It’s as easy as just saying hi.

    She looked around us and noticed a male teacher, Wilson, who was about to walk past.

    Hi Will, Ashley said cheerful.

    Oh, hi Ashley, he said.

    How was class? she asked. Having a busy morning again?

    Oh, as busy as ever. The kids are driving me mad.

    Oh, she said and hinted. That’s something you and Andrea have a lot in common."

    She looked expectantly at me who just stood there with my mouth slightly open.

    Will turned to me.

    Hi, Andrea.

    I gasped and Ashley bumped me, softly enough not to be visible, with her elbow.

    I like your sandwich! I blurted out then slapped my hand over my mouth.


    Why did I say that?

    Will gave me a confused yet amused look and looked down at his sandwich in his hand and Ashley stifled a laugh.

    Thanks? Excuse me, he said and then left as quickly as possible.

    I groaned.

    See? I said. I told you it isn’t that easy,

    You just have to relax, she said placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. And not make it into something big.

    But Ashley would never understand. Social skills weren’t something I was good at. Give me a math problem and I can show you the meaning of the universe. But give me a person to talk to, especially a guy, and I’d ruin it within the first second.

    And that’s why I’m not ever going to date. I’ve been down that road before in my younger years and it was horrible and full of embarrassing moments.

    I was happy being single. Yes sometimes it was lonely and sometimes I wanted more than just to cuddle up with my cat, petunia. But the time and energy it took to get from first meeting to a settled relationship was something I wasn’t willing to go through.

    If only there was a way to just skip the meeting things and just go straight to the marriage. But then again, wouldn’t that just be an arranged marriage?

    It was hopeless. And Ashley would just need to accept it.

    I sure have a long time ago.


    I was on my way home when mom called me.

    I put her on speaker while I was driving.

    Hi, mom, I

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