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Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return: Fast Cash – the Beginning of Better Days Cash Cowboys – Rich Through & Through Return – a Tale of Revenge
Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return: Fast Cash – the Beginning of Better Days Cash Cowboys – Rich Through & Through Return – a Tale of Revenge
Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return: Fast Cash – the Beginning of Better Days Cash Cowboys – Rich Through & Through Return – a Tale of Revenge
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Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return: Fast Cash – the Beginning of Better Days Cash Cowboys – Rich Through & Through Return – a Tale of Revenge

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Book 1:
Title: Fast Cash
Subtitle: The beginning of better days.
Charlie leaves jail after spending seven years behind bars, he rejoins his younger brother’s Jimmy and Scott on the outside, after several days of partying and meeting Jimmy’s new fiancée he tells them of his plan that he devised in jail. Lady luck is finally on Charlie’s side, he rekindles his love for Ericka after coming to her rescue from an abusive relationship. After finally convincing his family to go through with this plan, tragedy strikes the band of brothers once the wealth comes into the picture. The brothers preserve through their circumstances and pull together as a family to overcome all that is thrown at them. Even with what the wealth has provided for the brothers Charlie makes a fatal mistake and returns back to the one place that he swore never to return to.

Book 2:
Title: Cash Cowboys
Subtitle: Rich through and through.
A group of teenage boys observe a robbery taking place in their hometown, which is set in Texas during the 1880’s, this then aspires the young men to fantasize about their future to a similar life. Fast forward approximately ten years later, each young man is travelling on his own path to what he believes to be his fullest life, they have successfully maintained their friendship throughout this tough era. Tragedy strikes the friends to their core, and they reevaluate their personal lives and consider the teenage fantasy of becoming bank robbers once again, dreaming of life on the edge with adrenaline running through their veins. They experience the wilder side of the west when they encounter natives of the country and adapt to a new lifestyle and a path that they could never have dreamt about.

Book 3:
Title: Return
Subtitle: A tale of revenge
A tale of modern-day Egyptian treasure hunters, a father and son on the quest of a lifetime, after years of research they finally succeed with their life dream. This dream comes with a high price attached, one pays the ultimate price and the other endures a rollercoaster of mixed emotions, with love, loss, betrayal and intrigue. After returning home to a shell of a life that he previously lived, how will he endure what life has planned for him, and can he succeed with what the future may hold.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateApr 6, 2022
Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return: Fast Cash – the Beginning of Better Days Cash Cowboys – Rich Through & Through Return – a Tale of Revenge

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    Fast Cash Cash Cowboys Return - Damien McMahon

    Copyright © 2022 by Damien McMahon.

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    Fast Cash

    Cash Cowboys



    Hi, guys! My name is Charlie, and guess what today is – I’m getting out of Georgia State Prison after seven long years. That’s enough to send anyone crazy. It’s gunna be hard to say goodbye to all my friends in prison. Nah, just playing. Can’t wait to get out.

    My brother Jimmy is meant to be picking me up, and guess what? I’m out the front, and Jimmy is nowhere to be seen.

    So I suppose I should tell you guys about how I got in here. I went to pick up my pay from a job and everything, and on the way home, I pulled up at the local convenience store and went to go and get myself a pack of cigarettes. As I was leaving, cops came from everywhere, guns out yelling at me to get on my knees and hands on my head. Then they cuffed me and stood me up. They searched my car and found $40K of stolen money, one kilo of coke in the trunk, and an unregistered handgun in the glovebox.

    Two weeks later, I was in court.

    The judge said, ‘You’re not willing to tell me where the drugs and the money come from?’

    Me being a smart-arse all those years ago, I replied, ‘Ya momma!’

    The judge said, ‘Well, I have no choice but to sentence you to seven years in a high-security prison and no chance of parole.’

    I just said to the judge, ‘You’re a dickhead.’

    The judge, looking mighty pissed off at my smart-arse remark, turned to security and yelled, ‘GET HIM OUT OF HERE NOW!’

    So I just started walking. Here he came now in my beast – my dark navy blue charger with a big bonnet scoop on the front and big black shiny mags. Jimmy pulled up in the car and got out.

    Jimmy said, ‘Hey, bro!’

    I responded, ‘Hey, little brother, where have you been?’

    Jimmy replied, ‘You know me, always late.’

    I said, ‘Anyways, give us a hug.’

    So we got in the car and headed for home.

    I asked, ‘How are my babies?’

    Jimmy said, ‘Scotty got them serviced, so they are ready to ride hard.’

    I asked, ‘How is Scotty?’

    Jimmy responded, ‘Well, when you went to prison, he stuck to me like glue, you know, like one of those bad smells you can’t get rid of.’

    Then noises came from the back seat.

    Scotty said, ‘What’s up, my bitches?’

    I said, ‘Hey, Scotty, how you are going?’

    Scotty replied, ‘Good, man, good, but don’t listen to Jimmy. He’s a bit of a tosser.’

    I asked Scotty, ‘One more thing before I get home, can we see Mum and Dad?’

    We arrived at the cemetery. We got out of the car and walked over to Mum and Dad’s graves.

    I said, ‘Hey, Mum, hey, Dad, how have you both been going? Sorry I haven’t been round, but now I’m out and a free man. I will come and see you a bit more.’

    Scotty walked up behind us and placed his hands on our shoulders whilst we were kneeling down at Mum and Dad’s headstone.

    Scotty said, ‘Now that I have you both here with your Mum and Dad, I have to say that when I was a young kid in the orphanage alone and scared, I would wish and pray for two brothers like you, and now I can say I found them.’

    I then stood up and told scotty, Your know we have been through a lot together but I already considered you a brother and I think so does Jimmy.

    Jimmy replied yeah I do bro, lets go.

    I then said, ‘See ya, Mum and Dad,’ and we then headed home.

    Scotty said, ‘One more thing, I have a surprise in the car. Shots of rum! Toast to a new start.’

    I had thought to myself, Old habits never die.

    Scotty said, ‘Let’s go. We’ve got a big night ahead of us. Got the night all planned out! It’s going to be awesome.’

    Scotty then poured us a shot each, and we raised our glasses.

    Scotty said, ‘Here’s to a new start.’ Down the hatch it went. Scotty then continued to say, ‘Because you went to jail for seven years, I tried to have a vow of celibacy. It only lasted seven days. Seven years was too long!’

    Jimmy said, ‘I can’t wait for you to meet my girlfriend. She’s away with her parents. Things are getting serious. She’s home tomorrow.’

    We arrived home and hit the showers to get ready to go out for the night.

    I had said to Jimmy, ‘Gees, it’s good to be home.’

    Scotty said to me, ‘It’s good to have you home, bro. Now let’s go and party.’

    First, we hit the club. Scotty said he was gunna go pick up some chicks. He walked up to the first one, and Scotty said, ‘You’ve got nice legs. What time do they open?’

    Her jaw dropped with shock, and she smacked him to the left side of the face. Scotty walked over to another woman and said, ‘Ya know ya got nice legs. Wanna wrap them around me?’

    And smack to the right side of the face. Scotty then walked up to the third girl and said, ‘You’ve got really nice lips. Wanna wrap them around my cock?’ And bang, he copped a knee to the nuts, and he went down.

    I walked over to where Scotty was and said, ‘Hey, Scotty, how ya going? Not too good I see.’

    Scotty replied in a high-pitched, squeaky voice, ‘I’ve been better.’

    He was just lying there, holding his groin in pain.

    I said to Scotty, ‘I think we better go before all the women want to castrate you.’

    We ended up at the strip joint. Scotty was blind! He became fixated on one stripper. He ended up on stage. They danced, and then she did the worst thing ever; she bent over in front of him, and he thrust her head first off stage. It was so funny. Security came flying over and tackled Scotty off the stage and threw him through the table. An ambulance was called to attend to him and the stripper.

    Scotty went from drunk as a skunk to sober as a judge. Jimmy then got a text from his girlfriend to say she was coming home early, and he needed to pick her up from the airport. So Jimmy left.

    You will never guess what else happened that night. Scotty chatted up the stripper and took her home, neck brace and all.

    When we got home, I pulled out a joint and lit it up.

    I said to the boys, ‘Do you guys want some?’

    Scotty said, ‘Nah, I’m gunna go to bed and have some fun. See you guys in the morning.’ So I was just sitting there, and about twenty minutes later, Scotty’s door opened, and the stripper came out.

    The girl said, ‘Oh, Charlie, you’re still awake?’

    I replied, ‘I’m about to head to bed. How’s Scotty?’

    She replied, ‘Oh, he passed out, so I’m gunna let him sleep it off.’

    I said to the girl, ‘Righto. Bye.’

    I woke to a scream in the morning. It’s 7am. What’s he want? So I jumped up and went to his room and opened the door. Scotty was standing there naked, reading a letter. He turned to me with tears in his eyes and said, ‘Look what the bitch did to me.’

    Scotty screamed. Bam, he fainted and went down like a $2 hooker.

    So I did what any good friend would do – I went to the fridge to grab myself a beer and sat down to read the letter and waited for Scotty to wake up. It took him about five minutes to come round.

    Scotty said, ‘She was laughing and giggling as she was doing it to me.’

    Scotty then looked down and said, ‘See what she did to me?’

    She had stapled his penis to his stomach and nailed his balls to a plank of wood. I was so glad when Jimmy got home ’cause I didn’t know what to do. I was reading the letter and thought it was as funny as shit! I went outside to tell Jimmy and Maddy what had happened so Maddy wouldn’t go in and see.

    I asked Scotty, ‘Tell me something, did ya even get it in?’

    Scotty replied, ‘Nah, I passed out!’

    Jimmy came in to see Scotty.

    I said to Jimmy, ‘Here he is. Look at our Scotty!’

    Jimmy fixed up Scotty, and then Jimmy said to us, ‘Come out and meet my fiancée.’

    Jimmy said excitedly, ‘I just proposed. I was so happy. My brother’s got out of prison, and my girlfriend has come home early. I proposed right there at the airport! I’m so happy!’

    I said to Jimmy, ‘Congratulations, brother!’

    Scotty also said, ‘Congrats, bro!’

    Scotty being so excited jumped on Facebook and shared the news about his brother and also stated there was an engagement party on tonight at Jimmy’s place.

    I said to Scotty, ‘Stay away from the girls tonight!’

    Scotty replied, ‘Yeah, man.’

    ‘That’s so good you proposed. I’ve always wanted a sister.’

    I asked Jimmy, ‘How’s Ericka going by the way?’

    Maddison was like ‘Who’s Ericka?’

    Jimmy said, ‘It was Charlie’s first love. Everything went to shit, and he went to jail. She hung around for about a year, and I think she moved away. She might be back, I’m not sure.’

    Maddison asked, ‘How did they meet?’

    Jimmy informed Maddy, ‘Charlie was always the older cool kid with the nice car, so he always had her attention. She turned eighteen, and then she had his attention.’

    I said, ‘I should go see her parents and find out where she is, but for now, I’m gunna see my babies and go for a ride!’

    Scotty winced, ‘I would come, bro, but I’m in so much pain, and I can only take so much pain.’

    I laughed and said to Scotty, ‘Okay, man, you rest your twig and dingleberries, and I will go for a ride.’

    I opened the shed. There were my babies: 2 x 250cc and a YZ426.

    I jumped straight on the 250 and went flying down the road, and I hit a jump and went flying into the air! I headed back to the shed.

    Scotty came outside and asked me, ‘What’s up?’

    I said to Scotty, ‘Now that’s a ride I’m never gunna forget and won’t have a sore dick and balls. Anyway, I’m going for another ride. See ya, man.’

    With that I took off over the tabletop and jumped over the big forty-foot jump.

    I came back and said to Scotty, ‘Shit, that was close. I nearly crashed. Anyway, I’ve really been thinking I should go and see Ericka’s parents to see where she is.’

    I parked the bike in the shed and jumped in the shower. Got to town and found her parents. I knocked on the door. The front door opened. It was Ericka’s dad.

    Bob greeted me and said, ‘Hey, Charlie, how you going, man? It’s good to see you.’

    I said, ‘Hey, Bob.’

    Bob asked his wife, ‘Hey, honey, Charlie’s here. Do you wanna come see him?’

    She’s replied, ‘Nah, not really.’

    I leaned in the door and called out to Ericka’s mother and asked, ‘What did I do to you, you cranky arse? I wanted to see you. Where’s Ericka now?’

    Bob said, ‘She is back here living. I will go get her address. I’m sure she’d love to see you.’

    Bob handed me Ericka’s address that was scribbled down on a piece of paper.

    I then said, ‘Righto then! See ya later, Bob. See ya, cranky arse.’ I turned and left the house.

    I headed off with the address and tried to find where she lived. It took about a half hour, and guess what, I got there, and she wasn’t home. I waited there. Thirty-five minutes passed, and I had to get home, and then I spotted her in the park with a young kid. I went over there; she was happy to see me and everything.

    I said to Ericka, ‘Why did you cut your beautiful hair off? I thought you didn’t want any kids.’

    Ericka replied, ‘Nah, it’s not my kid. It my fiancé’s kid, and it’s much easier with short hair.’

    My heart sank. She has a fiancé.

    Ericka explained to me, ‘After you went to prison, it was like a big wake-up call for me. Now I have a few qualifications, I have a job in Seattle, and I met a man while I was over there. He proposed, and he wanted to make a new start, and I wanted to go home.’

    The kid then yelled, ‘Ericka, get your lazy arse over here and push me on this swing!’

    I said to her, ‘Well, that pretty much tells ya how the relationship is that is coming from your fiancés six-year-old son.’

    I then said to Ericka, ‘Stay here a minute, and I will go and have a chat to him.’

    I spoke to the kid for a few minutes and went back to Ericka.

    Ericka asked, ‘What did you say to him?’

    I said, ‘Just to start treating others the way you like to be treated and respected.’

    Ericka said appreciatively, ‘Oh, thank you, Charlie.’

    I replied, ‘No problem.’

    Ericka said, ‘Anyway, we decided to move back.’

    I enquired, ‘So how are you going? What are you doing now?’

    She replied, ‘Just looking after this little critter till his dad gets off work at five thirty.’

    I said, ‘Well, it’s been so good to see you, girl. I’m back out on the farm. You know where it is if you wanna catch up.

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