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Nicki: A Novel
Nicki: A Novel
Nicki: A Novel
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Nicki: A Novel

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Nicki Sharice Jamison is a beautiful well-educated spoiled seventeen years old. Who comes from an upscale neighborhood on the north side of Chicago? Who believed life experience that she yearns awaits her in the streets? Come go with her on her journey of love, heartache, and pain as she discovers her dark side. That takes her to the threshold of madness, where she uncovers a family secret that none of them wants to face.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 6, 2022
Nicki: A Novel

Fe L. Alberts

I’m Felicia, Johnson-Alberts… I’m now 59 years old and have been married to Rickie Alberts 20 years, he is my greatest supporter and an exceptional husband. We have a blended family with two grown children I have a son and he have a daughter who now has three daughters. I’m blessed to have worked at the University of Chicago Hospital fulltime for over 20+ years even through the pandemic. I now look forward to retirement to travel more and continue my passion of writing poetry, songs, and books fulltime.

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    Nicki - Fe L. Alberts


    Hi! I am Nicole Sharice Jamison; I prefer you call me Nicki. I am a well-liked, fun-loving seventeen-year-old. Do you know me or just think you do after hearing my story from your teenage daughter or son? As you listen, you probably shook your head in discuss. Well before you pass judgment, hear me out and remember everyone has an alter ego. I call mine Honey.

    My parents being wealthy I live on the north side of Chicago in a privately owned sector called Logan Square, where the houses range from midsize to expansive mansions occupied by middle- and upper-class professionals. We are from homes of ambitious parents who work so our households run by our parent’s checkbooks. We are fortunate to have nannies and housekeepers, making us privilege and spoiled.

    We occupy one of the expansive mansions with the big rod iron gates, lined with unending well-groomed hedges that continue around the entire front of the property. Then the well-manicured lawn extends upwards to the front of the house that is surrounded by decorative flowerbed and roses arranged perfectly to enhance its beauty. Inside the entryway, you will find an area dedicated to the discarding of coats, shoes, and other accessories. You then walk on wood floors that are so shiny the smallest hint of sunlight coming through the massive front window reflects a perfect silhouette. The living room modestly furnished with traditional exquisite antique furniture, vase and statues that are breathtaking, but your eyes drawn upwards as they are captivated by the remnants on the walls.

    If that sounds interesting you need to see my room, mom had it redone for my thirteenth birthday to suit my taste and style and it is simply beautiful. The bright pink and white striped walls accent my white high post canopy bed, matching dresser and chest set perfectly. The mode of comfort is complete with two identical swivel armless chairs in the sitting area, where you find the large T.V. and stereo system. My walk-in closet now has floor to ceiling mirrors to admire myself in my princely cloths and shoes. The update to the bathroom included a Jacuzzi tub to make it heavenly. To someone on the outside looking in you would assume my life perfect, but I can say I have learned being privilege may or may not be an ideal situation depending on the road you chose to follow.

    For some reason with all that’s been afforded me I’m nowhere near content, and for the past four years I seem to be battling something deep inside me that needs to be set free, and it has made me grow incisively intolerant of doing what’s expected of me. My first problem, being surrounded by all girls for eight hours a day and saying, Yes sister so and so, was wearing on my nerves, a situation that I have tried to conform to for the past nine years."

    Secondly, I think someone screwed up when defining what privilege means, we are above others. So how it that I must wear an ugly, plaid, two tone blue uniform daily, while kids that are considered underprivileged and go to public schools get to wear regular clothes.

    Not that I’ve seen any of them in styles that I would want to emulate but I believe it’s totally unfair that those of us who can afford the finer things in life only get to show off our wonderfully, expensive designer clothes on the weekends. It should be just the opposite. I am not as bother during the winter months as the privileged gets to dress to the nines in our winter gear but when spring comes my discontent is reawakening. Seeing the beaming sun as I awake each morning or feeling the heat of a hot day brings dread of having to put on my school uniform and cast a shadow on my sunny disposition making my day gloomy.

    To preserve my joyous mood, I decided going to school on a regular basis was not my style that coupled with the fact of being smart and a quick learner I pass every test without much studying. My third and most impacting factor, School is the most boring thing in my life.

    Dreaming big I believed whatever I wanted was obtainable. I know there is life to live, experience to gain and I felt life experience awaited me, so dropping out of Our Lady of Resurrection Catholic High School was essential for my maturity to begin.

    October 16, 1980, during dinner with my parents I announced, I don’t want to go to Catholic school anymore.

    Looking astounded harmoniously, they both ask, Why not.

    I frond stating, I need to be independent making my own money and decisions.

    My father’s face tightening with tension speaking slow and precise he stated, Darling you have less than a year before finishing high school so settle down and get your education, which is most important thing in life and what’s required of you. You constantly see your mother and me bettering ourselves through education, how can school (your only job) be so dissatisfying. And the notion of you needing your own money and independence, when we provide everything, you could ever want and work hard so your life can be worry free, where is this coming from?

    Mom, the voice of reason tries to calm dad down by reminding him, Steven we have always allowed our daughters freedom of choice with the promise to be there when they need us.

    She smirks with a; you know this will not last long face.

    More composed Dad asked me, Please expand on your grand ideals.

    I inform them, I plan to work part time and go to night school for my diploma.

    Repeating my statement to work and go to night school dad giggled before saying, That’s idiotic, then asked, So you don’t mind missing out on the best part of reaching the end of high school era like prom and graduating with your class.

    Angry that he found it funny I said, I just need to do things my own way,

    My eyes getting teary dad conceded saying, Okay, you’re free to explore but as soon as you discover your way of doing things are wrong, I expect you to stop being so wild and settle down making decisions for a real future.

    I had a pain in my heart because I knew they really loved me and that I was about to destroy the relationship between us. I tried to convince myself it as okay I had eight months before turning eighteen. I could make my own decisions. I felt quilt and freedom not sure which one to lean toward. I was blowing my opportunity for my car at graduation, my trust fund, a college degree, and loss of my parent’s love. I still decided to move forward no looking back adventure waits; this was happening to me for a reason. Feeling confident about my decision and knowing I have plenty of time to alter my life if needed. My assurance of my parent’s love guaranteed they could not stay angry forever.

    I thought of Dessi away at college securing an outstanding adult life. I wondered, "What she would think about my decision."

    She always told me I was trying to live to fast! Saying, You are given stages of life for a reason.

    I never liked to listen to Dessi reasoning. Her statements seem to fit her and her friends but for some strange reason I was curious to know what she thought. Not wanting no more negative talk about my decisions I decided to let her find out about my new life situation when my parents tell her.

    I was ready for this, and no one was going to stop me.

    Climbing the stairs heading to my room I felt an overwhelming sense of freedom flowed through me, calling Sondra, I cheerfully share what I had done.

    She said, No way, with intense disbelief.

    Shocked I rebut, That’s called trust, I’m sure you’ll never know what that feel like when your mother hold’s such a tight noose around your neck. Living through my experiences keeps your life from being boring and helps you make the right decision for your life. See we need each other. I say with sincerity. I love you Sondra, we’ll always be tight and best friends forever."

    She replied, I love you too, so be careful I need you to stay around, adventure isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be.

    I felt tears waling up in my eyes and say, Hey! I will talk to you later. I have some stuff I need to do right now.

    She said, Okay, we’ll talk later.

    Not hearing a respond from me saying, Bye, she hung up.

    As the tears rolled, I wondered, "Why is everyone trying to bring me down about this?" I felt I had to cease this moment. I know everyone has my best interest at heart. I plan to hold their feelings close inside my mind letting their concerns carry me through my journeys. But I was born for adventure."

    Not having to lie or sneak around anymore, I felt like I had crossed the grown-up threshold.

    I sat contemplating which club I felt worthy of such a Hugh accomplishment. I giggled unable to decide, thinking I have so many favorites.

    I decided to write three down on strips of paper and pull one from a hat. Placing the names in the bag I began shaking it up, glancing around my room thoughts of what happened to me along with the sin of my past flooded my mind.

    I close my eyes to clear my thoughts. My father’s voice fills my head telling me slow down you have nothing but time. Suddenly I recall mom speaking those words when I was young.

    My mother stayed at home and raised me and my older sister until each of us entered preschool at four. When I turned, five we got the nanny slash housekeeper. Maria, who took us to school and picked us up, she did the mothering thing five days a week from nine to five. Then our mother came home to feed us, read to us, and put us to bed. Maria did this until Dessi was twelve and I turned eight, keeping mom’s dream alive, of owning her own Real-estate business.

    Janice Lynn Jamison- aka- Lynn, my mom, she still looked great at forty-two. She is tall with a slender built and a sexy stride that makes men of all status gulk as she walked by flashing her killer smile. She is light brown skin with Jet-black shoulder-length hair. Eyes squinted at the corner like a cat. To keep her figure, she exercised thrice a week. Getting her hair done is important; she always dresses like a businessperson. Her saying is, You should always look your best. Meaning you never know who you may run into on an outing. She obtained her real estate license at twenty-eight. Opened her agency at thirty-two and has been very successful. My long leg and great shape came from her.

    My father Steven Kale Jamison, forty-four, stood six three built with muscles, has at least a two pack with no seeable belly fat. He has wavy hair with a well-groomed beard and mustache, fair skinned, he is good-looking, works in cooperate world as the CEO of a software company. Love his job and family, having eyes for his wife only. We saw our father once in the morning and on the weekends. On Saturday’s we would have family time, going to the movies or father to the park to swim and play, it was a great time. I never realized we only spent two hours a week with our; we just loved having fun with him.

    Desiree Kallie Jamison, nick name Dessi! My elder sister by four years took after Dad, she had very striking features as he has, and men stare at her when she walks by them, hoping it is their lucky day. She is brown skin, standing five ten, with silky straight hair, regular size breast, and a slightly larger waist than mine. A size seven, her butt is not as big or as nice as mine is. She is what you call a pretty girl. Very friendly, but shy has a set circle of friends and that is that. She, Dessi, I mean knows what she wants out of life, and I do not think anything, or anyone can stop her.

    I wish I were so focus. Well! I am the youngest. Born Nichole Sharice Jamison on June 15, 1963, everybody calls me Nicki. I’m five eight, with ample breast, a small waistline with a very nice, shaped ass, which is probably what gets me into so much trouble. I have always looked older than I am. My shoulder-length hair, caramel skin tone and Chinese squinted eyes caused people to ask if I am mixed. I say yes just to create drama sometimes. My legs are long and slender with enough muscle to make sexy. I have never had a problem getting others to notice me; I have always been very popular with males and females. I usually get my way with others. I believe that what makes me act the way I do. This makes me seek stronger individuals to challenge me. I wonder what will happen to me if I continue this course, and if the way I acted had anything to do with the fact that my zodiac sign is Gemini. You know the sign of the twins. I concluded I just love to have fun and doing things my own way.

    Chapter I

    For you to understand my story I must go back to 1971, I am eight and overly energetic I told my mother about the new school activity I had joined.

    Mom cautioned me about trying to live my whole life in one day it was okay to save something for tomorrow.

    I laughed because I really believed my talents were limitless.

    During my adolescent years, I spent majority of my time with my best friend Sondra who lived down the street from me. We were so inseparable we stayed over each other house every weekend. Sondra being shy attending the same catholic school I made her joined every athletic team at St. Agnes Catholic School, soccer, track, and tennis. Knowing this was impossible for the regular kid to juggle I believe we were invincible and unstoppable. I was tired daily and end up having to give up track and tennis well, because I suck at both, and they involved too much sweating. I loved soccer, but it was too physical for me. Sondra quit everything except track, which she grew to love. I decided to stick with the one thing I had talent in singing. I was a soprano alto so I could sing almost anything, and I got solo singing part in every assembly, people would tell me how nice I sound, and I loved it. Somehow, it was never enough for me. I wanted to do something else all the time.

    My parents encouraged me to keep striving until I found what please me. I have nothing, but time. I always’ felt like I needed to do everything I could fast as possible. Two days after celebrating my ninth birthday, mom set me down and said, "Sondra’s parents were getting a divorce and she and her mom would be moving on the weekend. I was devastated feeling bad about losing Sondra, moping around in my room I cried for days. Sitting on my bed mom stroked my hair to comfort me as she did when I was a little girl.

    She asked, Would going to spend the weekend with Sondra cheer you up?

    Overjoyed I packed as if I was staying a week or more. Visiting the red brick, one story, two-bedroom ranch home in Brownsville felt strange but I didn’t care I just wanted to be with my friend.

    Chapter II

    Through my preteen years I found myself very competitive against everyone, I ran up against, believing no one was supposed to do better than me in anything. I would join groups or teams just to learn the routines, then get bored and quit. I was competitive with everyone, except Dessi. She was so perfect to me. She did everything according to the rules. She was the model daughter. I admired her for as long as I could remember. We were close as sisters could be. She always made plans to spend time with me, I did not like hanging with her. It was then I realized I was a loner in a certain way. I wanted to be the one everyone wanted to be with not the other way around. I guess that was why Sondra was my only real friend. Right before I turned thirteen. my breast had filled out my legs became shapely while my butt was becoming too big for my regular length pants. Guys were starting to notice and so did mom who said, Your cute little shape is making me nervous. We need to go shopping and do we need to have the talk?

    I smile saying, No, Dessi shared the facts of the real birds and bee’s right after you told her, she makes sure I know whatever she does. Mom, I have one thing on my mind fun and more fun, not boys.

    That was probable two weeks before Sondra and I was hanging out in the park around her house on a Sunday where she and was doing her usual talking about school and her wonderful grades, while I was checking out the boys. I saw a group of boys tossing around a football I interrupted Sondra, "look out in the field and pay attention to the tall, brown skinned boy that’s catching and throwing the ball with precession every time.

    Sondra agreed stating, "He is good.

    I grin and say, Yes, he is. I wondered if a body builder or something is his arm had muscle that was out of this world. I could not take my eyes off him.

    It took a lot of pleading, but I got Sondra to introduced us, I thought he looked good from a distance, but up close he is fine as hell and has the cuties set of dimples I have ever seen.

    Speaking with a pleasant voice he said, Hi pretty girl my I am Jason, age fifteen and a sophomore at Martin Luther King High school.

    Smiling I tell a half lie, I’m Nicki also fifteen and I attends St Mary of the Angles Catholic School, The High school I will be attending. I was totally into him, and I listened closely as he told me about being a football player at his high school and received great grades because he was smart. He intrigued me, we walked briefly I gave him my phone number saying, It’s best to call after six p.m.

    Saying bye, as Sondra and I left the park he was all I wanted to talk about, grabbing her head Sondra shook her it like she is going crazy then asked, Please stop describing him and his dimples.

    Laughing I did for about fifteen minutes then started right back, causing Sondra to make her speech of, Catholic school isn’t doing you any good.

    Laughing I say, You’re the one that should still be in Catholic school because you’ll probably become a nun.

    We laughed as we headed back to her house so she could say bye to her mom before she left to do her weekends work hours of three to eleven p.m.

    We caught her as he was coming out the door, she stated dinner was on the Stove.

    I said, Bye Mrs. Walker, I hope you have a great evening.

    Saying, Bye, she looked at Sondra and said, ‘You know what I expect. I’ll see you both later."

    Responding, Yes maim, she repeated, See you later.

    I wondered what Mrs. Walker really thought of me she acts excited to see me but then she gives me looks that indicate otherwise. I wondered if she though I questioned Sondra about how they went from living in the lap of luxury with stylish furniture that was untouchable. To a bright orange couch and armchairs set, we were free to sit on with all wood cocktail end tables. I loved the change.

    Entering the eat in style kitchen I found the soft yellow walls soothing and brought out the brown modern wood cabinets of different lengths to fit along the wall where the white microwave was. The white refrigerator, stove and porcelain sink shined as if they were brand new. Finding the fried chicken, rice and gravy, Mrs. Walker is a great cook, so we cleaned our plates as usual. We cleaned the dishes then sat at the small square, Oakwood kitchen table that seats four to play a game of 1500, gin rummy. After our second game, we were tied one game apiece. We had just begun our tiebreaker game when my mom arrived blowing her horn at six p.m.

    Standing on the curb we said, Bye.

    My mom hugged and kissed Sondra, getting in the car our ride home starts off the same each time with her standard question, How is Judy and did she ask about me?

    I give my same response, Mom, I told you I don’t see Mrs. Walker that much on my weekend visits, she’s usually at work.

    She said, I was just checking maybe she surprised you by taking the weekend off.

    She looked at me waiting on an answer. Irritated by constantly being asked the same questions when she could call Mrs. Walker, I paused before replying, Mrs. Walker wasn’t off, and she didn’t ask about you.

    Smiling she asked, Now was that so hard.

    I smile back stating, No it wasn’t! Sorry, I didn’t answer the first time you asked.

    Then she ends the conversation with her same statement, It’s okay baby, I’ll call Judy later. She then changes the subject, Well the real-estate business is doing well. Me and my junior associates have sold so many houses."

    Uninterested I said, That’s great mom.

    She continues with talk about school and her potential goal for my future of finishing college and becoming a partner in either her or my dad’s business. It amazes me how we have the same conversation once a month when she had to pick me up. I love my mom, but we really do not have much to talk about, and I have always glad when she hits the button turning up the radio I sing, and she hums to the songs.

    Getting home, I look at my watch the time is six-forty, dashing into the house saying, Hi dad, I rush up to my room hoping Jason calls like he said.

    To occupy my time, I put away clothes I had purchased on a shopping trip earlier in the week. As I was finishing the phone rang, I looked at the clock on the wall it was seven p.m.

    I answered after the first ring ecstatic it was Jason. I asked his last name and he proudly stated, Jason David Willis.

    I in turn told him mine. After talking three straight hours, we became boyfriend and girlfriend instantly.

    Knowing my parents would probably freak out about the boyfriend thing at thirteen, I told him, My parents are very strict so it would best to see him around Sondra’s house, my friend that introduced us.

    Saying, Cool he stated, As long as we can see each other."

    On our first couple of outings to the park I made Sondra tag alone, she would sit in the swings as we walked around holding hands or sat talking and playing with each other. Before we part way’s, he would always peck me on the lips. Something I looked forward too.

    I think it was our third outing when Sondra stated, I’m tired of being a chaperone."

    Understanding I said, I’ll see you after we finish our date. To express his gladness of Sondra’s absence the hugged me giving me long pecks on the lips while trying to stick his tongue in my mouth saying, Lets French kiss.

    To shield the fact that I did not know what I was doing. I played around sticking my tongue out touching his at the same time until I figured out French kissing is sucking on each other’s tongues. Getting the hang of it, I did not want to stop and believed this was the beginning of real teenage love.

    I only saw Jason once a week, but I began wanting to see him more. The tingles I was feeling inside my body started telling me he was the one I wanted to take my virginity.

    My plan to remain untouched until marriage was fading fast. Dessi came home for summer break and fell back into her old routine of dropping me off like clockwork. I loved having her home but there seem to be something different about her even though she convinced me it was because I had not seen her in almost five months.

    Chapter III

    I will graduate from eighth grade on May 21, 1976. The significant of the day is diminished by the fact that I will be going from one Catholic school to another with the same scenario of all girls, when will it end? My mom believed a structure-learning program would bring about an easy transition from adolescent to young adulthood. Her belief, ‘teaching of proper etiquette, discipline, and study technique will provide the stability needed to handle college environment. At this point in my life, college was nowhere in my plans, and it was not a necessity to reach my goal. I planned to be a singer. I had the talent I just need my lucky break, so High school would be the last of my schooling.

    I wanted to celebrate graduating with a bang, but not with the family. A few days before graduation greeting my parents as they lounge in the living room I stated, Don’t plan anything extravagant I ‘m going out with some of my classmates.

    They seemed a little disheartened but said they would respect my wishes.

    My plans were exclusively for Jason, me, and going all the way. I had not told Jason yet as I try to figure out how to pull this off without revealing my real age. Unable to come up with a plan the day before gradation I told my parents, I changed my mind I’ll go to dinner with the family," they rejoiced with happiness. We went to the yacht club and dined on a huge three-course steak and seafood dinner. I was glad I did not pass on the chance of spending time with them. My mom and dad gave me a heart shaped diamond necklace, earring and bracelet set Dessi bought me my first bottle of grown-up cologne and a card that contained three hundred dollars that I plan to spend on me and Sondra shopping next weekend.

    After graduating, I mentally mapped out how I would split my free time between Sondra and Jason. I forgot was the end of school for me was final test taking time for them. In addition, Sondra would be graduating she wouldn’t be released from her classes until three days before graduation day, which I thought was stupid as hell, if you meet all requirement to graduate you should be released.

    I considered this the number one drawback of attending public schools.

    It was a painful two weeks; well, I only waited a week in a half for Sondra but by the time she was free I had suffered miserably. Jason on the other hand although we had not been going together that long I was ready to take it to another lever. The few times we had been alone together he had shown resilience and patients and promised he would wait until I was ready. I couldn’t figure out why my signals didn’t tell him I’m ready, like when French kissed, I sucked his tongue as if I could change its texture, or how closely I cuddle up to him even when we’re standing, and there’s no way he hasn’t heard my seductively moans with every little touch. I tried to let him take the lead, but it was time for me to take charge.

    Knowing my parents would be going away on one of their get-away weekends and Dessi would be out for the day. I told Jason I needed him to meet me at my cousin’s house at two p.m., Saturday, June 12, three days away from my fourteenth birthday.

    I had planned to become a woman, his woman. I left out the fact he was coming to my house. I was scared if he knew my parents were wealthy, it would change the reason he is with me. I told him, It’s very important that you be on time. I have something to show you.

    He agreed.

    For my big day, I put my hair in a bun, wearing a red tank top, a red knit skirt and red and white wedge sandals feeling nervous I constantly checked my watch as I pull back the living room curtain hoping he was at the door. I wanted my first time to be special as I had heard and read about in the Harlequin romance books. I thought of him not wanting to do it with me, but unable to come up with a reason of why it fades away and I proceed with my plan. Seeing him approach the front door giggling I quickly closed the curtain so he would not see me. Panting I wait to hear the doorbell.

    Answering the door with a wide smile I say, Come on in. I’m glad you’re here.

    He showed up looked good with his neat afro, stripe polo shirt and flair leg blue jeans and blue high-top converse gym shoes. We hug and he kisses me quickly, afterwards he confessed, This is my first time in this area, your cousin’s parents must have money this house is dope.

    Thanks, I love their house my uncle is well off. He nods yes then asked. Where are your cousins?"

    Not expecting his response, I laugh nervously saying, My cousins went to the store. We have thirty minutes for me to show you, my surprise.

    He looked puzzled.

    I continue, Don’t worry; it won’t hurt come with me.

    I gave him a quick tour of the first floor his eyes wide with fascination he said, Your aunt has great taste, as he walked through the house.

    Following me upstairs to my cousin’s room, he said, Wow this room is decked out. I can’t wait to see how your cousin’s dresses.

    We both started laughing. I felt good hearing he loved my taste even if he thought it was my aunts doing.

    I said, Trust me she’s nothing like her room.

    Standing to face him, I shared my true intentions, Right now I need you to focus your attention on me. I’ve decided it’s time for you to take my virginity.

    His mouth open he stood silent; my heart sank as I contemplated being turned down in the face. I sat down on the side of the bed giving him time to mole over my request. His face expressing amazement walking over standing in front of me and smiles saying, Ah man, I was hoping that’s what was going on and I’m willing and ready to follow your lead.

    Delighted I jumped up and kissing him. We had kissed before, but this time was different. He held my face with his hands as we kissed and the sounds he made while sucking my tongue was very different. I could feel his dick getting hard pressing up against my cookie (new pet name for my vagina.) I thought about what was going to happen and I felt good about it. I was with Jason, and I was in love. He started squeezing my titties through my top finding no bra his eyes pops as he squeezes my nipples.

    Grinning hard he asked, Can I pull down your top?

    Go ahead, I want you to touch them, take your time we don’t have to hurry.

    After pulling down my top he steps back looking at my titties mumbling, they look so nice. I smile glad he like what he was. He tapped them to make them giggle, and then began squeezing, kissing, and sucking on them.

    Thrilled by what he was doing I feel myself getting moist as he played with them. Wanting him to know what I am experiencing I take one of his hands guiding it down toward my cookie. Saying, It’s okay for you to touch down there.

    Asking, Are you sure, he waited for my permission."

    I said, Very sure!

    Believing this was going to be as exciting as I have read about, I envisioned Cuming with the same excitement you get watching beautiful fireworks exploding. Putting his hand under my skirt discovering bareness saying, Oh, he rubbed my ass before slowly inserting his finger into my cookie finding it moist. His fingers felt so good I moaned, Ah.

    I did not know what a dick would feel like, but I could not wait. I started pulling at his pants eager to see what he had for me. All I really knew about a penis is it was supposed to make you feel good in the end, causing you to sweat and cum. We stood back from each other and removed our bottoms; he looked at my hairless pussy and then looked at me. I started to panic thinking, "He going to figure out I’m only fourteen that is why I barely have seeable pubic hairs. I said quickly, The hair just started growing. My mom said I’ll probably get a lot more soon.

    He said, It’s okay the ones I’ve seen had way more hair. He stroked them and smiled saying, They’re silky, I can’t wait to see it grow in."

    He pulled me closer. Relieved I had gotten past that hurdle I focused on his dick. It looked very long and super hard. I was wondering if it would fit right inside my cookie. Refusing to think of anything happening except this I shake my head saying,

    I’m going to close my eyes and I want you to stick it inside me.

    He stuck a couple of fingers in one more time and said, Okay, eyes closed?

    I halve close them saying, They’re closed, as I peak trying to see what he is doing. Somewhat scared I closed them for real. Feeling his dick touch my cookie knowing the moment was near I started to shake excitement.

    Feeling me shaking he asked, You, okay?

    Opening my eyes, I said, Yeah! I have a slight case of jitters but I’m ready, so continue.

    Kissing me he said, Relax it’s going to be fine, just keep your eyes closed until I say open them. Okay.

    Okay! I replied.

    Jason became silent then I felt an unexpected pain that caused my eyes to pop open. Not expecting the pain sucking my teeth

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