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Wanting What She Has
Wanting What She Has
Wanting What She Has
Ebook53 pages37 minutes

Wanting What She Has

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About this ebook

Beth grew up in an abusive home, most of her early life was a living hell. The one shining spot in amid all the horror was her beautiful neighbor Marcy. Marcy bestows love upon the young teen unlike any she had ever experienced before.

Too soon, Marcy moves to take a job thousands of miles away. Though the two remained in contact, Beth still battled deep dark depression remnants of her childhood. Desperate to shed the depression, Beth makes numerous bad choices, and sinks even further into even more dangerous and risky lifestyles with drugs and prostitution.

The nadir of Beth’s life arrived as she was attempting to score some crack in a shady area of town, a place targeted for a long overdue drug bust. By chance a cop she had had several run ins with, took pity on her and rushed her out of the house and away from the bust. Jumping into an Uber to escape, she meets the beautiful driver, Cheryl. Little did Beth know this woman would be the catalyst for Beth finding happiness once and for all.

PublisherTenth Muse
Release dateApr 11, 2022
Wanting What She Has

Candice Christian

Candice was born in Paris KY on 9 January 1988. Her parents, George Bertrand Christian, an attorney who once aspired to be an actor, and Frances Hollowell insisted that Candice and her sister Simone, be sent to a Catholic school. Candice was deeply religious as a child, at one point thought of becoming a nun.

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    Book preview

    Wanting What She Has - Candice Christian

    Wanting What She Has

    Copyright 2022 Candice Christian

    Published by Candice Christian at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Adult 18+

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    About Candice Christian

    Other books by Candice Christian

    Connect with Candice Christian


    Sandy West

    Chapter One

    My dad was an alcoholic!

    The crack of his quick calloused hand against my face was one of the most horrible sounds I'd experienced in all my years. I was injured, dazed, and more determined than ever to flee the house I lived in.

    I'm Elizabeth and I'm half Irish and half German, raised by a loving Mom who taught me art, music and made me get good grades in school. When I was 16 I had the body of an older girl for sure. My figure had begun to come into its own. I was around a 34 26 34 shape, and because I was on the swim team, I had the body of a young athlete. Now at 18, I'm more of 36 26 34 and still enjoy working out and all sorts of sports, especially swimming.

    My cell phone rang one afternoon it was my brother Chuck telling me our dad had been incinerated in a blast furnace at the steel mill. He'd been seen drinking on the job again that afternoon.

    What a shock.

    The family was always moving around when I was young, and now, once again we were on the run once more. What were we running from? A few weeks later, my Mom went back to work and I was alone in the house. I could see our neighbor, Marcy, a single mother returning home from taking her two kids to school. She was always into healthy stuff like yoga and making good meals for her family. I noticed she was already dressed for her yoga workout she normally did in the mornings..

    She had asked me several time to join her. I just never got around to it. On impulse, I open the door and yelled to her. Still up for teaching me yoga Marcy?

    Why sure Sweetie. Going to start in about fifteen minutes. Come on over. She said with a wave and a smile while heading inside her house.

    I remember this time so well because it was my first time with another woman. Marcy was showing me a few yoga poses and we were stretching on the floor sitting upright, flexing our hamstrings. She gently touched my arms, stroking them as

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