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INSPIRED: A Decade of Imagination & Reflection: Poetry & Short Stories Collection
INSPIRED: A Decade of Imagination & Reflection: Poetry & Short Stories Collection
INSPIRED: A Decade of Imagination & Reflection: Poetry & Short Stories Collection
Ebook93 pages1 hour

INSPIRED: A Decade of Imagination & Reflection: Poetry & Short Stories Collection

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About this ebook

I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D. showcases and explores the last ten years of my life’s experiences and creative works through the focused lens of poetry and short stories. The title of this collection, of course, has a dual meaning. I not only felt inspiration to share these pieces but it is also the acronym within I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D that birthed this project. This special decade of reflection is examined through my own creative tools of introspection, narrative, symbolism, perspective, imagination, reflection, entertainment, and documentation. I am thrilled to share this wide spectrum of work that encompasses the journey of fictional tale, cultural identity, spiritual reflection, social justice, the essence of community and other significant elements. I hope this inspires you as well.
Release dateDec 8, 2020
INSPIRED: A Decade of Imagination & Reflection: Poetry & Short Stories Collection

Shemar James

Born in Chicago, IL, Shemar enjoys expressing himself through the arts of storytelling, film, and creative writing. The Adventures of Zorax Zoomster is the first published written work that he has released at the age of sixteen as a sophomore in highschool. Aside from creative writing, Shemar also displays his appreciation for language and the arts through learning Spanish, playing the Alto Saxophone, and singing.  On the other hand, Shemar has an animated Youtube Series entitled, “City Crooks” which mirrors similar adventurous and action-packed elements as the Adventures of Zorax does. City Crooks tells the story of two high school teenagers, Jake and Billy, who live in Cone City, a town rampant with crime and filled with corrupt politicians and criminals. They are working on a science project for school inside Professor Guzzler’s laboratory (Jake’s next door neighbor and the city’s top scientist) when two thugs intrude upon the lab and kidnap Guzzler. After the two men leave with the Professor, Jake and Billy decide to follow them rather than call the police. They discover that the two brutes who abducted Guzzler are henchmen for the sinister Captain Crush, whose lair is located in the sewer beneath the city. Crush is planning to take over the city, kick the mayor out of power, and endeavours to create an army of powerful henchmen and monsters in order to do so. Before Guzzler was taken, he was working on a powerplant that would grant Cone City with the electricity it needs after the countless power shortages around the town. Aware of Guzzler’s project, Crush forces Guzzler to use the energy of his project for his own plot of creating a powerful minion army. When Jake and Billy overhear Crush’s plan, they plan to escape from the villain's secret hideout and inform the police. However, when they later make a daring escape, Billy ends up being the only one escapes while Jake is captured by one of Crush’s henchmen. Season 1, “The Conspiracy” of City Crooks can be found at this link:

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    INSPIRED - Shemar James

    © Copyright 2020 Shemar James, Winsome James, & Samuel James

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 978-1-716-35266-9


    A Decade of Imagination & Reflection

    Poetry & Short Stories Collection

    Shemar James

    Winsome & Samuel James


    This special collection of work contains a decade of poetry and short stories I have written from junior high through university. Some creative, short, and funny, exploring my imagination. Others more reflective and insightful that explore life lessons, experiences, and perspectives of spirituality, and cultural identity. Also included are unique poems authored by my parents from whom I originally received the passion of writing from and am excited to share their voices in this book. I hope that these pieces are enjoyable and that you are able to connect with some of them on a deeper and sincere level.


    If I had known

    If only I had known

    How you would hurt me

    How you would forcibly exchange my security for uncertainty

    Coercing me to see the reality before me

    Imploring me to escape complacency

    And realize my enemy adjacent to me

    If I had known

    If only I had known

    How you would blindside me

    Lacking the high tide wing

    To ride this wild wave that I can’t cling

    How you would force me to transition

    Without my permission to weigh life-changing decisions

    If I had known

    If I only I had known

    How you would isolate me

    And violate my inner thoughts

    So deep where sinners rot

    How you would reveal to me

    So long what’s been concealed to me

    The destructive and hurtful words of those I trusted

    Good memories with them now rusting

    A deep betrayal encrusted

    By a reccouring apathy

    Tainting a once beautiful tapestry

    If I had known

    If only I had known

    How you would swindle me

    And leave me cold with no fire to kindle my hopes again

    Alone again

    To prideful to phone a friend

    My soul would moan

    When my faith reached another dead end

    If I had known

    If only I had known

    How deep you would take me

    How my reality would be shaken

    How you would cripple me with stress

    But push me to press on

    Through the trauma and the drama

    Through the gaslighting and the backbiting

    How you almost took my breath away

    But I still awoke and looked back to yesterday

    If I had known

    If only I had known

    How much I needed me

    How much I needed peace

    How much I needed everything to cease

    How much I needed therapeutic release

    If I had known

    If only I had known

    That you could just well be what I asked for

    This ripened moment of opportunity that I have tasked for

    This unexpected and seemingly infinite pause

    Restructuring my mindset for a gifted cause

    Ascending me higher than my limited thoughts

    Liberating me from tradition’s primitive laws

    If I had known

    If I only I had known

    You were a blessing in the raging storm

    An unfinished chapter with some pages torn

    A reviving light where new faith is born

    If I had known

    If I I only had known


    Corporate Citadel

    As I get closer

    My stomach filled with butterflies

    Sick butterflies

    Wings broken and beaten by utter lies

    My breakthrough I looked forward to began to break me

    And now I want to break the through the bars

    Never would have thought that this is where my misguided dreams would take me

    So many doors

    So many opportunities for a way out

    But only supplied with fake keys

    Now as I look back I understand it was a test

    A test to see how far my faith could take me

    My anxiety swirling

    Depression whirling

    An internal war raging with me against my thoughts

    Wounded by verbal, condescending shots

    Overlooked labor

    Undercooked favor

    Motives savored without flavor

    Confidence wavered

    Attracting haters

    An Incubator of self-esteem aputators

    I cannot take it any longer

    Feeling weary though I know I should be stronger

    I want a way out

    I need a way out

    I want to scream

    I need to shout

    My future is unclear

    Clouded by fear and doubt

    Every chance of escape was only a dead end

    Sinking so deep in this hopeless trend

    But how?

    I don’t care how

    Just tell me when

    Just make it now

    My destiny only known to the sacred clock

    Until then my misery brewed and was free to mock

    How can I get out of this cubicle?

    This sitting hell

    This camouflaged prison cell

    This wretched corporate citadel

    But one day

    With a heavy heart and broken

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