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The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard: Short and Sweet Series, #30
The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard: Short and Sweet Series, #30
The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard: Short and Sweet Series, #30
Ebook68 pages41 minutes

The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard: Short and Sweet Series, #30

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And then suddenly the voice changed. It wasn't his anymore.

It was a woman.

And it was then that I woke up. Only to see her. A strange woman standing next my bed.

Looking at me.

I screamed.

Joe came rushing from his room with a shirt and his boxers.

"What happened!" he said.

Then saw the woman and we both just stared at her.

"Well, now that you're both up," the woman said. "I'd like to introduce myself."

"How did you get in here?" Joe asked.

"With this," she said and held up a key.

"Where did you get that?" Joe asked confused but trying to look threatening.

"From your dad, actually," she said looking at me. "I'm a solicitor."


ALICIA has gotten everything her whole life. Living in her rich father's estate she can't see her life every changing. But that's until her father becomes ill.


JOE has worked hard for what he has his whole life. Growing up less fortunate he learned to appreciate everything he has. HE respects Alicia's father and feels a duty towards Alicia because of him, but the two of them will never see eye to eye.


Alicia finds out her father left everything to her in his will when he suddenly dies of a heart attack. But there's one condition. She can only get the money if she's married and stays married for twenty days. Not wanting to lose all her comforts Alicia decides to marry her father's body guard, Joe, for the time being so she can go on as usual with her life. But things don't go as planned when the solicitor moves in with them to make sure they're really a married couple that are in love (a big clause in the contract). But as they spend time together as a married couple feelings start growing between the two.


But what happens when Alicia finally gets the money?

Release dateApr 14, 2022
The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard: Short and Sweet Series, #30

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    The Spoiled Rich Girl, the Fake Marriage and Her Sexy Bodyguard - Luna Moon



    People say it makes the world go round. For me it was my world. Everything I’ve ever had, experienced, wanted was all because of money.

    But it was also something I took for granted.

    I’d never even thought of the possibility of it every disappearing.

    But then my dad died.

    And now I was sitting in a boardroom with my horrible family and we were all staring each other down for one reason.


    My dad’s money to be specific. And suddenly there was a possibility that the supply of money that was always there would dry up. And I knew these people would do anything to get that money.

    I wasn’t close to my family other than my dad. He was my whole world apart from money. He was the only one that actually cared about me. I was always a little bit of a daddy’s girl.

    And that was something that my family hated. My aunts and uncles and cousins and their partners all wanted a piece of my father’s money. They always resented me for being spoiled by my father. Whenever I wanted something my dad would always spend money on it for me.

    Personally I didn’t think they deserved any money really. My dad was always just good for his money when it came to them.

    And to be frank, I wasn’t planning on sharing my inheritance with a bunch of money hungry vultures. So I silently prayed my dad would give me the most of his estate.

    But even I was surprised when the solicitor read the will.

    She gets what! my aunt said slapping both her hands down loudly on the table.

    She gets 95 percent of the estate.

    So we’re just supposed to get the 5 percent! That’s ridiculous! my uncle said.

    There must be a mistake, one of my cousins said. Can we see the will?

    But even after seeing the will they had to accept the hard truth. They weren’t getting a cent more from my dad.

    Everything was mine.

    I knew my dad would make sure I was alright.

    I couldn’t help smiling and my aunt scowled at me from across the table.

    Now I have to ask the rest of you to please leave the room. We have some things to discuss with Miss Alicia.

    My aunt didn’t want to leave but her husband reluctantly guided her out.

    I gave her a sweet smile when she gave me one last evil look.

    And then things went downhill.

    What do you mean I can’t get the money? I asked. You said it was mine!

    It is, the solicitor said. But your father has stipulated a few requirements.

    Like what? I said crossing my arms.

    You can only get the money once you’re in a stable marriage.

    What! That’s insane! What does that have to do with getting the money!

    I’m sorry but that was what your father wanted. We can’t waiver that clause.

    So what do I do now?

    Well, are you married?

    No! Of course not!

    Then unfortunately you’ll have to wait until then to receive the money.

    I don’t have any money! What, am I just supposed to live on the street?

    I’m sure your family wouldn’t mind helping you out a bit.

    I raised an eyebrow.

    Are you kidding me! You did see them a minute ago?

    There isn’t much I can do for you, he said. "Unless you’re married

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