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Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish: Short and Sweet Series, #31
Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish: Short and Sweet Series, #31
Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish: Short and Sweet Series, #31
Ebook65 pages38 minutes

Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish: Short and Sweet Series, #31

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"You made me look like a crazy person. And I'm not a crazy person!"

I yelled that last part.

Okay, so I might actually look like a crazy person right now, standing here screaming at a man in the middle of a grocery store.

And the fact that he stared at me with those beautiful eyes looking like a damn swimwear model made me even angrier.

"I thought this was my chance. I was gonna meet someone really awesome. I mean, yes, we didn't have much in common at first. But I thought we could work on that! But no! You decided to play with this girl,"

"But this girl is not gonna take that lying down! And I know you think you did nothing wrong and you're probably not gonna apologize but..."

"I'm sorry."

I pointed a finger in his face.

"See I knew you were gonna... wait, what?"

"I'm sorry," he said. "I shouldn't have left you there at the restaurant like that. It was really wrong of me. I should've let you know that I wouldn't be able to make it."


"A beautiful woman like you should never be stood up by a person. And if you'd allow me I'd love to make it up to you with a much better date."

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes," he said and nodded. "Please, let me make it up to you."

And I don't know if it was that beautiful smile, the sincere look in his eyes, or that dreamy voice that made my legs weak.

But, well, you can guess what I said.


ERIN hasn't had the best luck with dating. But she's finally ready to enter the dating world again hoping to find the one. But the one might not be exactly who she thought it would be.


COLE's last relationship had left a bad taste in his mouth when it comes to dating. But a strange encounter might just force him to look at love in a whole different way.


When Erin goes on a date with a guy she met online she thinks this is her big chance. But the guy ends up standing her up. Disappointed she leaves telling herself he wasn't the one. But when she sees him face to face in the grocery store she can't help but to confront him voicing her disappointment. But to her surprise he immediately apologizes and even promises to make it up to her with a date. And as she gets to know him things couldn't be better. The problem is he's not the guy. He's the guy in the picture alright but not the catfish she's been talking to.


Will Erin still like Cole when she finds out the truth?

Release dateApr 15, 2022
Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish: Short and Sweet Series, #31

Luna Moon

LUNA MOON is a writer (or professional chatter - because she cannot SHUT UP! - whichever one works for you) who writes Contemporary Romance Novellas and short stories. She loves coffee, her beautiful shiny cat and her two possibly insane dogs and reading all day long.

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    Online Dating, White Lies and My Sexy Catfish - Luna Moon


    It was a Friday and I was going home early. I was talking to my co-worker and friend, Josie, after having another furry patient at the vet clinic where I worked.

    I was telling Josie about the date I had planned this Saturday.

    I don’t know, Josie said. Meeting a guy online is kind of scary. What if he’s not who he says he is.

    Don’t worry, I said. He has a Facebook and Instagram and I’ve even seen his graduation photos on his old high school’s website.

    Wow, she said impressed. You’ve really done your homework.

    Yeah, the last thing I want is to show up there and have him be like Uncle Vic.

    Ugh, she said with a shiver. Don’t remind me of that guy. I honestly can’t believe Phoebe has such a horrible person in her family.

    Well, she did end up marrying her second cousin, so...

    She rolled her eyes.


    She leaned over the counter.

    But, show me how he looks, she said then pulled a face. Knowing you he’s probably a computer nerd.

    Actually this time around he’s way out of my league.

    First off, no one is out of your league, honey. Don’t ever say that again and...

    I showed her the picture.

    Sweet baby Jesus, he’s absolutely beautiful.

    I thought you would say that, I said and laughed.

    Wait, and he contacted you first?


    Okay, don’t take this the wrong way but... what if he’s a catfish?

    I pulled a shocked face.

    You think I can’t get a guy like this to message me first?

    No, no, no, she said quickly. I didn’t mean that. It’s just he looks like a friggen model.

    I know, I said. That’s why I did my research. I thought it was a bit too unreal too. But he’s not a catfish and has a hundred friends on Facebook.

    Only a hundred? she joked. Pfft, weak.

    Stop it, I said and laughed. We’ve been talking for four weeks. I would know if he was a catfish.

    You do know a month isn’t that long?

    Yeah, I guess, I said. But we had an instant connection. There’s something different about this guy.

    Hopefully it’s not his face, she said. Please tell me you’re meeting him in a public place.

    Of course, I said. This isn’t my first rodeo.

    This is why I’m glad I’m married. I don’t have to worry about being killed by a serial killer.

    I laughed.

    At least it’ll make a good story, I joked.

    Josie rolled her eyes.

    Remember to take pictures, she said and laughed.


    I was one of the youngest CEO’s in the city. My business’ success has put a lot of attention on me and my personal life.

    I was being interviewed this afternoon by a popular television lifestyle show.

    I showed them around my house that I decorated myself.

    I wanted a live in homey feeling.

    The interviewer ooh'd and aah’d for everything I said and showed.

    Afterwards we sat down for the actual interview. I was asked a bunch of the usual questions. Like how did I start the business and about my upbringing and plans for the future.

    "Is there any special

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