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Vision Of Ardiane
Vision Of Ardiane
Vision Of Ardiane
Ebook420 pages5 hours

Vision Of Ardiane

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About this ebook

Having a crazy continuous dream like a drama series during my childhood, I realize I’m in the body of a character named Airis Absalom, daughter of the Absalom duchy. She happens to be an introvert, respectful and beautiful lady, but she died a miserable death, killed by the heartless mad future emperor, Aiden Alexander Ambrose. Not only her death, but also Ardiane empire’s total downfall. In order for me to not meet the same end and prevent the disaster I’ve seen, I made a deal with the hero, Azher Alexander Ambrose, the 4th prince. I promised to make him the next emperor in return for him to sponsor my world travel – trying to find a way to return. Living in this dream-reality, will I be able to return and succeed in saving Ardiane?

PublisherDaphne Blaze
Release dateApr 11, 2022
Vision Of Ardiane

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    Vision Of Ardiane - Daphne Blaze


    There are several people who I wish to thank for helping me in making Vision Of Ardiane a reality. For instance, the person I want to thank first is my little sister, Qaisara. Thank you so much for listening to my crazy ideas and proofreading my story countless times. Your feedbacks are either the best or the harshest I’ve received to this day. Thank you too for your encouragement. And foremost, thank you for being my first biggest fan.

    Second, I express my most thanks to my beloved parents. Thank you for supporting me all the way. Thank you too for helping me publish Vision Of Ardiane. Vision Of Ardiane wouldn’t be possible without your help.

    Next, my thanks go to my last three little siblings. Thank you for letting me use the laptop for who knows how long (it’s silly, I know, but yeah. Thanks)

    Thank you too to my Naruto. Thank you for hearing my chatters regarding reading, writing, and especially Vision Of Ardiane even though you might not understand a single thing. Thank you too for reviewing my story before it’s published and for your positive useful feedback!

    To my dear friends, thank you so much for being my early readers and helping me promote this. Of course, I will not forget my dear readers. Thank you so much for reading and your support! I really appreciate it.

    Lastly, I wish to thank my past self. Thank you very much for doing your best in writing Vision Of Ardiane and not giving up along the way. Thank you for overcoming all the obstacles and not being dispirited one bit. Thank you… for making this day possible for me.

    Those all mentioned, I express my sincerest thanks once again and I love you all so much!


    MEMORY 1: Meeting the Main Character

    MEMORY 2: Beginning Of Our Tale

    MEMORY 3: Opening The Curtains

    MEMORY 4: New Technology

    MEMORY 5: Unwanted Attention

    MEMORY 6: Theron

    MEMORY 7: Training And The Knights

    MEMORY 8: Purple Tears

    MEMORY 9: Her Majesty’s Banquet

    MEMORY 10: Frank Disclosure

    MEMORY 11: Dancing Into A New Light

    MEMORY 12: Crown Prince Election Parade

    MEMORY 13: Killian Enzo

    MEMORY 14: Surprise Apology And Thanks

    MEMORY 15: Redhead’s Past

    MEMORY 16: Attack That Caused Me To Commit Arson

    MEMORY 17: Sincere The Hazy Passion

    MEMORY 18: Investigation On Phantom

    MEMORY 19: Small Crack Between Us

    MEMORY 20: Clearer Picture

    MEMORY 21: Dinner Hangout

    MEMORY 22: Two Hearts

    MEMORY 23: Escaping The Friendzone

    MEMORY 24: Our Picnic

    MEMORY 25: Behind The Mask

    MEMORY 26: The Enemy Under My Nose

    MEMORY 27: Kill Or Be Killed

    MEMORY 28: Final Battle

    MEMORY 29: It’s ‘See You Later’

    MEMORY 30: Found You

    MEMORY 31: How It Ends



    MEMORY 1: Meeting the Main Character

    My lady, Lord Julian is waiting for you downstairs.

    Okay. Please tell him I’ll arrive in a bit.

    Yes, my lady.


    The sound of Mina – my personal maid – closing the door of my room rings in my ear. Eyes glancing once more at the reflection in the mirror, I smile in satisfaction. The reflection of ‘me’, wearing an extravagant navy blue tulle dress, sewn with sparkly white chiffon and a dozen of blue roses, matched with pearl-designed jewelry accessories. It suits exceptionally well with ‘my’ radiant silver hair and deep mysterious purple eyes.

    Finally, I can meet you, the true heir for the throne, Azher. I mumble, can’t wait to start the show.


    I fasten up my pace like a little child merely running as my gaze lands on Julian, ‘my’ brother, who is patiently waiting and standing in the lobby of our mansion. Julian notices my edgy appearance and turns to me. I stop right in front of him, catching my breath.

    I-I’m sorry… Did you… wait long? I ask, panting. It’s hard to run in this kind of dress and I definitely deserve an award for my success.

    No, I just arrived. Julian answers with a smile of reassurance.

    Liar. You called for me after waiting for at least 30 minutes, didn’t you? I accuse, totally aware of the hidden truth behind his words. Next time, call me as soon as you’re done. I don’t take eternities to get ready, you know?

    Don’t ladies usually take a long time to get ready? He asks.

    I shrug nonchalantly. Depends on the occasion, but how can I make my handsome appealing brother wait long? That’s just cruel.

    Julian smiles hearing my response and tenderly pats my head to ensure not ruin my hair. It took almost an hour for Mina to style it – long neat braids with pearls and flowers stuck in between.

    That’s the least I can do to return your favor, Airis. You hate attending balls, yet you agreed to my request. Thank you.

    I chuckle looking at this brother of mine. He’s handsome. Very handsome. Shining silver hair with deep purple eyes, he’s the exact male version of ‘myself’. Wearing a navy suit to match with mine, adding a suit pin of our family’s emblem proudly displayed – he’ll make people think he already inherits the duke’s name without announcing it to the public.

    As I’m lost in my thoughts, I notice Julian’s eyes move at me up and down, as if thoroughly scanning my appearance. Is there something wrong with my dress? I ask.

    No. You look gorgeous.

    Feeling somewhat satisfied, I grab his hand and walk forward to the mansion’s door. Shall we go now, dearest brother?



    Entering the young master and lady of house Absalom, Lord Julian Absalom, and Lady Airis Absalom.

    As the guard announces our arrival, all eyes automatically focus on us. To Julian, yes, they’re the admiring and respecting gazes, but to me, the mocking and insignificant gazes. I clearly feel the heat of the nobles whispering about me.

    Is that ‘the’ Lady Airis? I didn’t think she would show up.

    She never attended any balls or social gatherings after her coming-of-age ceremony, no?

    Maybe she has finally come to her senses.

    Or she’s trying to find an ideal husband.

    Daringly, I glance at those gossipy nobles. I hear you loud and clear, speakers!

    Julian’s grip on my shoulder tighten. Don’t bother about them. Let them talk about what they want. Only cowards talk behind peoples’ back.

    Hearing Julian’s comfort, I nod. My mind gets back on track. There’s only one objective as to why I came and I must achieve it at His Majesty’s birthday ball tonight.

    Though, that doesn’t mean you can let them mock you. Julian adds, furiously glaring towards them.

    Noticing our glares, the nobles instantly stop chattering like their mouths had been sealed.

    Don’t worry. I’m not that weak-minded. Go meet the other houses’ sons. I say. Or perhaps find a pretty sister-in-law for me? I add in a joking tone, pressuring him to find a bride.

    He flushes to beat red. I let out a small laugh since I came here with a reputation – can’t let it hit rock bottom after the ball ends. Who’d expect the mighty Julian Absalom, the heir of the glorious Absalom duchy, would easily flush to his little sister’s tease?

    Stop teasing me. He says.

    Oh, trust me. I’m not even trying.

    A dissatisfied look appears on his face as I laugh again. Man, I can’t get enough of this!

    Our conversation comes to a stop as we hear the arrival announcement of the imperial family. Entering, the honorable Ardiane’s imperial family, Alexander Ambrose!

    All the guests that attended bow down. I slightly glance up to the terrace where the imperial family will be entering. The first one to make the entrance is none other than His Majesty, the emperor – someone in his 60s, ready to pass the throne to his 3 sons. Despite his old age, his face isn’t that wrinkly or bad. Next to him is the empress – a woman who has no strands of white hair in her middle 50s. Behind them, followed the rest of the imperial family, the second, third, and fourth princes with the emperor’s wives.

    As the last prince makes his entrance, I carefully observe his appearance – in case I assume the wrong person to be Azher. Black hair as the sleepless night sky, grey eyes like a hazy shadow. A face that’s definitely worth airing on-screen and a charismatic finest aura that fits perfectly for the emperor’s role.

    Yup, I definitely guessed the right person. I mumble underneath my breath.

    All the guests remain silent as the emperor starts his welcoming speech. I don’t hear a thing for my attention is too focused on only Azher, the hero in my Vision Of Ardiane.


    My answer is no. Get out from my eyesight while I’m being nice. He shoves me right away, turning his back to me.

    I’m very stunned that my eyes blink a few times in disbelief. I haven’t yet said anything and was kicked out instantly?

    Pardon me, Your Highness. I’m afraid you have gotten the wrong idea. I’m not here to confess. I dare to correct Azher’s assumption.

    His feisty eyes lay on me as he turn around. Fine. What brings you here rather than the ball downstairs? Make it fast. He demands grimly, arms crossed.

    I want to draw a deal with Your Highness. I speak my purpose straightforwardly without any filter.

    Not interested. He shifts his head to his side.

    Please go before I call the imperial guards. He shoves me away once again.

    Please listen to my proposal first. How could you answer me without hearing it first?

    ‘Gosh! How can a prince be so arrogant? Does he thinks he owns the world or something?’ I rant on the inside but keep on a calm manner on the outside.

    …Your way of talking is quite informal to a prince of the empire. Daring and bold must I say.

    I flinch, realizing my mistake. Well, in the 21st century, we normal citizens don’t learn about specific middle-era royal etiquettes, dear prince!

    Forgive me, Your Highness. I didn’t mean to, but please hear me out. I’m sure you’ll be interested. I bow my head down in the utmost respect. Fake respect, of course.

    For the hundredth time, get out from my sight. He walks right past me out from the balcony, perhaps already tired and irritated from my non-stop persuasion.

    I clench my fists in frustration. Urgh, seriously! This guy doesn’t hear a thing about what I have to say! By then, an idea popped into my mind. Fine, proud prince. Don’t want the easy way? Then let’s use the hard way.

    I know the truth behind Her Highness Amira and Prince Zane’s death. I so daringly declare, turning around to him.

    He halts a bit but then scoffs in an instant. Hah, keep bluffing.

    Piece of advice. He turns his head to the back a bit. Don’t act like you know something if you know nothing.

    I grit my teeth hearing that mocking ‘advice’. My hands are itchy from wanting to smash his brainless head and mountain-high ego.

    You need him to stay alive. A sentence whispers in my mind as if there is an inner voice within me reminding of his importance. Thanks to that, I take a deep breath and search for the right words to say.

    Her Highness Amira didn’t kill Prince Zane, rather His Highness tried to save Her Highness. But in the end, both of them were killed.

    Suddenly, a shining light entered the corner of my sight. It is the light reflected from a sword being aimed at my neck. In a blink of an eye, Azher is in front of me, wearing a grim cold expression. I should have killed you the moment you disobeyed my orders.

    His tone is as icy as the north pole. Cold sweat starts to rush down from my body as I feel the sharp sword barely touching the veins in my neck. Fear and uncertainty fill my mind.

    ‘…Calm down. In this kind of situation, the best thing to do is remain calm and don’t act recklessly.’

    P-Please calm down, Y-Your Highness. I’m not here with any bad intentions nor ulterior motives. I say, trying to calm him down, barely managing to not stutter.

    Ignoring what I said, he slowly pushes his sword onto my neck. All spies would say the same. Talk if you value your life. How did you know the truth about my mother and Zane’s death? He asks with a gaze that is more than enough to kill me if it were weapons.

    With the tension and fear running through me, my mind goes jam. I can’t come up with any fake believable answers. How should I explain?! Saying that I knew from Vision Of Ardiane, the name I gave to a dream I continuously had when I was a child? Nonsense! Even I will not believe such a fact despite being the truth.

    I-I accidentally found some documents about it in the forest while hunting. I spontaneously lie, saying whatever runs in my mind.

    Found some documents about it while hunting? He asks again with a small sense of doubt.

    Yes. I found it while hunting with my father and my bro-

    Why should I believe you? Even His Majesty doesn’t know the truth, or… He leans his head closer to mine, whispering right beside my ear. Was it you who sent the assassins?

    No! I strongly deny. It’s a long story, but believe me. I’m not the one who sent the assassins nor am I here to threaten Your Highness. Besides, I was only 7 at that time.

    Because of his question before, I can’t help but wonder. He’s a prince, one of the candidates for the crown prince position. In order to achieve that, he must remember all the noble houses’ names, reputations, and functions in the political world and governments. I’m the duke’s only daughter, first in power of the young ladies’ world. Is he not aware of my identity?

    The vivid grey eyes that are piercing through me are getting sharper for every second that flies by. Perhaps convinced by my lie, he finally puts away his sword, but still has his guard up. I sigh out of relief, but my heart is still pounding fast. Gosh, I didn’t know having a sword aimed for my neck was that terrifying…

    Tell me what you know.

    Umm… Long story short, the assassins tried to kill Prince Zane. Her Highness Amira happened to see the assassins circulating him at the park, then immediately ran for help. The assassins noticed her presence and killed them both. The case was closed after finding the ‘killer’ after 3 weeks of investigation. I explain briefly.

    He looks somewhat surprised hearing my explanation. Seeing that, the end of my lips rises a bit. I guess Vision Of Ardiane was true.

    …! Abruptly, he redraws his sword at my neck. Not even a single minute had yet passed!

    What you said just now was true. I have no choice, but to eliminate your existence within the empire.

    W-What?! I told you I’m not the one who sent the assassins! I yell in panic. This guy really isn’t aware of my identity!

    The sharp blade is getting closer and closer to cutting my neck veins. I can’t die here. I can’t die now!

    I don’t want any bloodshed to happen, but you asked for it.

    His chilling voice is like a curse in my ears. My body is slightly shivering. I’m aware he’s heartless towards his enemies, but this is absolute madness! In this life-death situation, I try to come out with a plan, but nothing pops up. My body can’t stop shivering no matter how hard I try. It can’t end here. I’ve prepared everything for this moment!

    I know who sent the assassins! I shout, risking putting my life on the line. Thankfully, he pulls back his sword wearing a satisfied smirk. It’s not hard to speak the truth, isn’t it?

    Because of the petrified tension, my legs become wiggly as I can’t stand straight anymore and get down on my knees. My trembling grows worse and I can’t stop panting. It’s hard to breathe. My throat feels so tight. It’s suffocating. The balcony rails look like they’re spinning. No, the whole area is. Everything around me feels blurry. Somewhere in close distance, I think I hear Azher’s panicked voice.

    H-Hey! What’s wrong with you?!

    I can barely hear his words, but long after, I can no longer tell what he’s saying. His face becomes hazier. All of a sudden, an excruciating pain attacks my head. I have never experienced any pain as painful as this. I try my best to bear it but fail. My vision turns black as I start to lose consciousness.

    MEMORY 2: Beginning Of Our Tale

    Ughh… My head… I wake up and sit as I rub the back of my head. I check my surroundings and realize I’m in my room. Eh? Wasn’t I at the imperial palace last night? I don’t recall coming home with Julian.

    I look at the clock hanging at the wall near my bed, the hour and minute hand showing it’s 11:18 a.m.

    I-It’s almost midday?! Why didn’t Mina wake me up?! I yell in panic, quickly kicking off the blanket on me and in action to get off the bed.

    But… If Mina didn’t wake me up, that means there’s nothing important to do today. I remind myself, instantly calm down.

    *Knock. Knock*

    Someone knocks on the door and slowly opens it, not bothering to wait for my response. As the door fully opens, I instantly recognize the figure. It is the dukedom’s physician. Before I can ask why he’s here, he rushes to me as fast as lightning.

    Thank goodness you’re awake, my lady! Everyone was worried! He says, a relieved and grateful expression on his face.

    I tilt my head in confusion. Didn’t I just wake up late? Don’t tell me I was suffering from a coma or eternal sleep? What happened? I ask.

    Do you not remember?

    I shake my head in denial as an answer.

    My lady fainted last night at the imperial palace due to a panic attack and injury at your neck.

    Huh? Fainted? Injury? Curious, I slowly touch my neck. My fingers don’t come in contact with my neck’s skin, rather some kind of cloth wrapped around. I guess those are band-aids. In a flash, all memories of last night come flying into my head, one by one. My hands tremble, remembering that deadly scenario.

    M-My lady! You’re trembling! The physician says, immediately opening his briefcase.

    I knew I should have given my lady a shot. He takes out a big syringe with a needle whose radius is around 2 cm and a bottle with green paper wrapped around it. Containing medicine I presume. Still, seeing that gigantic killer syringe, I pull his coat while he is opening the bottle.

    It’s nothing. I’m just cold. There’s no need for a shot. I smile reassuringly. Please don’t shoot me with that cursed invention.

    Then, I shall make a final check-up and prescribe my lady some medicines. He agrees quite instantly, saving back the syringe and bottle in his briefcase. I silently sigh in relief.

    ‘What kind of enormous human syringe is that?!’

    After the physician gives me the medicines as prescribed, he leaves the room. I ask him not to tell anyone I’m awake because I really don’t want to be ‘interviewed’ by the manor’s ‘reporters’. Besides, some things I must sort out quickly.

    At the balcony last night… Was it all a dream? I murmur, my hand near my lips.

    It’s real.

    An answer to my question from a mysterious voice. I flinch, but immediately turn in the voice’s direction. Who else is here except me? Examining the whole room, a figure sitting on the sofa caught my eye.

    Y-Your Highness! I gasp in shock, totally not expecting it’s Azher. I’m alone with somebody who wants to kill me last night!

    He rises from the sofa, taking a seat on the chair beside my bed. My eyes shot him a few nervous glances. He’s not possibly here to interrogate a patient, right?

    A silent bridge is fastly building in the atmosphere until he breaks it. …First of all, I apologize for mistaking you for a spy and everything I did to you last night. He apologizes, but it’s clear it is half-heartedly. Even so, I am stunned. That was indeed a little… unexpected.

    It’s fine. I’m also at fault for not introducing myself first. I reply promptly, not meaning what I said at all. I don’t accept his apology, not even the slightest. It wasn’t sincere nor genuine. More like for formalities or sort. And I hate that. I hate people who apologize without feeling the slightest guilt and tarnish the proper meaning of the word. But there’s no need to create a scene. I still need to draw a deal with him, so I better not do anything rash before then.

    Unexpectedly, he hands me a glass of water. Please have some water. You look pale, Lady Airis.

    I glance at the glass and hesitate. He did attempt to kill me last night and mentioned he needs to eliminate my existence. What if it’s poisoned?

    Perhaps noticing my hesitation, he let out a sigh and places the glass on the night table beside. I apologize again for last night. I didn’t realize I was crossing the line.

    I grasp my blanket tightly. Again, the unmeaningful fake words. Anger, mad, and upset. Those are the feelings I’m currently oppressing from bursting.

    ‘Hah, don’t joke with me. Didn’t realize you were crossing the line? Does he thinks drawing a sword aimed at a person’s neck isn’t crossing the line?! Is a person’s life so trifling to you?’

    Despite my eagerness to slap that all straight into his thick-skinned face, I remain calm. My life is more important. Even though he’s in our manor, that doesn’t mean he can’t kill me right now. I better confirm he’s not here to kill me.

    Why didn’t Your Highness kill me? I daringly ask.

    As I said before, I mistook you for a spy. There’s no reason to kill you.

    How are you sure that I’m not a spy?

    The Absalom bloodline swore an eternal blood oath to the imperial family. If any of you betrayed us, you would cough out blood and die. But you didn’t cough out any blood nor die, so that’s enough proof. He casually shrugs as he explains.

    Ohh… I reply in a low voice. Guess my life is safe. Well, for now. May I ask what happened last night, Your Highness?

    He fixates his gaze on me, arms crossed. After you fainted at the balcony, your handkerchief with the duchy’s crest fell along. I took you home after I’ve confirmed your identity.

    I nod in acknowledgment. His gaze is still directed to me as if waiting for something. Is he expecting a thanks? Hell no. You’re the reason I’m lying here.

    And… I think I should take full responsibility since I have caused your neck injury. He adds a bit of guilt in his voice.

    Is that why Your Highness is here? I ask, though my intention is to insult him. So this arrogant prince is aware after all. He halts for a second before answering.

    …Yes and no. I’m also here for the information you know.

    ‘Just tell me directly you want to know the mastermind behind Amira and Zane’s death.’ I roll my eyes sarcastically while looking down in case he would see.

    Your Highness meant the mastermind of the murder, correct?

    Indeed, yet considering your condition right now, I will come by another time after you have fully recovered.

    He stands up, intending to leave. No. He can’t leave – not yet. As if my hand understands and moves on its own, I pull his sleeve, signing him to sit down.

    ‘I need to draw the deal now. The crown prince election is 3 months. There’s no time to waste.’

    Is there anything you want to say?

    About yesterday-

    Pulling the sleeve of an imperial could give you prison for a year. He cut me, looking down at his tugged sleeve. I pull my hand back, freeing his captive sleeve. Don’t tell me he’s pissed just because of that?

    But I forgive you this once for I have caused you to be lying in bed right now. He straightens his sleeves, sitting back down.

    Your Highness, I don’t mind talking about Her Highness Amira and Prince Zane’s murder now, but under one condition.

    Which is?

    Make a deal with me.

    A long sigh comes out of his mouth. The deal you had been bringing up about last night?


    What’s your proposal?

    I’ll make you the next emperor.

    He freezes for a second with a surprised expression, then a laugh echoes the whole room. Hahaha! And what do you want in return? The empress’ position? He asks in a mocking tone, assuming that I want power.

    No. In return, cover me. I want to travel around the world. I answer seriously despite being ridiculed. He bursts into laughter once again. My palms slowly curl into a fist from this rude attitude.

    I thought you’re mature considering your status, but you’re no different from the fool you are last night, Lady Airis. He says, finally finishing that very unmannered laugh.

    Hearing that, my blood boils from being on fire. Oh, really. If not for the fact that I need him, he’d be a corpse buried in the ground being eaten by bugs after this. Fool, he says? Says the middle-era prince to a successful 21st-century girl.

    Is Absalom’s wealth not enough? I’m sure the duchy’s wealth is more than enough for you to travel the world.

    It’s not like that, Your Highness. What will people say if the duke’s daughter carelessly goes traveling here and there? I never wish to tarnish my family’s name.

    Then, what do you want me to do?

    Cover all my expenses and appear my travel from ‘traveling around’ to ‘completing the emperor’s orders’. Besides, I don’t want to use the duchy’s money.

    Do you accept? No matter how you see it, Your Highness has nothing to lose. I say in a vendor-like manner. No matter what, the deal needs to be done today!

    I have a question. Why do you intend to help me become the next emperor? Everyone knows that Aiden is more likely to be the next one.

    I scoff in disgust. I think Your Highness of all people should know how Ardiane will unfold if that scumbag becomes the emperor.


    That evil two-faced guy doesn’t deserve to be called a prince. He acts like ‘Hello. I’m the empire’s precious diamond for you all’ when he’s actually the ‘I’m a plagiarized diamond made by a pirated company’. I’m sure the empire, no. The world would be better without his existence. I purposely make fun of Aiden, the villain in my dream in front of Azher, the hero.

    A laugh breaks out from him again. Though this time, it isn’t a mocking laugh. It’s a genuine laugh. "That’s the first time anyone had ever

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