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100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions
100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions
100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions
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100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions

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WINNER OF 11 BOOK AWARDS | #1 BEST SELLER in the US and Canada

The Guide for Content Creators & Online Entrepreneurs

As an early adopter of a hot new social platform, content trend or game-changing tech tool, you have the opportunity to stand out in your industry, rise above the competition and open new streams of revenue.

There is a tremendous advantage to being an early adopter — but only if you make the right choices.

If you chase the wrong fashionable digital trends, shiny new tech objects or get-rich-quick Internet schemes, your content and business will suffer. Don't waste precious time and resources on fruitless detours.

With so much inaccurate, conflicting and dated advice out there, how do you know where to turn?

Fortunately, Ross Brand has assembled 100 top creators, entrepreneurs and industry professionals to share their insights and predictions on livestreaming and digital media. They talk about what trends, products and platforms they're focused on.

Find out the best ways to monetize online content and how to leverage new developments in e-commerce.

It's your insider guide to online content and entrepreneurship for Web 3.0.


Get It Now!


Release dateJul 28, 2021
100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions: 100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions

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    100 Livestreaming & Digital Media Predictions - Ross Brand


    Long before Instagram Live.

    Long before Facebook Live became a household phrase.

    Likely, long before you ever heard of live video or live-streaming, there was a visionary who created a company called Livestream Universe.

    His name is Ross Brand. And in 2015 he had the vision and foresight to launch an entire website, brand, and business based on this new phenomenon called livestreaming. His vision was so big that he used the word Universe in the name.

    How do I know this? I was lucky enough to be there at the beginning. As Ross was launching his weekly livestream show on a now-defunct livestreaming app called Blab, he invited me to be the first guest he interviewed on his new show Livestream Stars.

    I had never met Ross Brand. I had never even heard of Ross Brand. All I know is the email that came through was one of the most professional and polite interview inquiries I had received.

    Ross mentioned that he was launching a weekly Blab livestream featuring 15-20 minute interviews with broadcasters who are creating high-quality programming on livestream platforms. After the one-on-one interview, I will open it up to call-ins for another 10 minutes if there are questions.

    Ross gave me scheduling options, and mentioned, I worked on-air in radio for 12 years before changing fields, so after calling-in on a few Blabs [livestreams], I’m really looking forward to stepping back into the host chair. Again. Ross’s ability to adapt his experience to this new media form has proven rare and valuable.

    Now, full disclosure: I had not yet heard of Ross. I reached out to fellow livestreamers to ask if they knew who he was. Some had come across him briefly but didn’t really have much information about him. Responses ranged from I don’t know him, to I’ve run into him a few times, seems like a nice guy.

    I took a chance, and I’m so glad I did. I responded to Ross with, I’d love to! Let’s do Nov 23rd or Dec. 7. Thanks for asking. :-) And the rest, as they say, is history.

    Since being the first guest on Ross Brand’s show in 2015, I have watched him with respect and admiration. Ross has staying power as a consummate professional in a world that has a high percentage of churn among digital marketers, influencers, and video creators. He has proven to be one of the most consistent and well-respected live video broadcasters. With his Livestream Universe website, he is constantly shining a light on other creators and broadcasters.

    Hosting his shows Livestream Stars, Livestream Deals, and Brand on Broadcasting, Ross brought together a vast and diverse group of guests. He united livestreamers, industry experts, brands, and digital marketers and created a new international community. The Livestream Universe. He was even hired to host shows for some big players among livestreaming apps, namely, Best of BeLive, and StreamYard Connect.

    Each show that Ross hosts and produces demonstrates the best way to communicate with guests, promote the show before and after the broadcast, and a masterful way to highlight each guest.

    Towards the end of 2015, Ross reached out individually to the members of the livestreaming community to participate in what would become known as the First Annual Livestream Universe Predictions. Ross garnered 37 predictions for 2016 which grew to 160 predictions in the year 2020!

    What you hold in your hands is the book that compiles the 2021 predictions, which might be the most significant year yet. Despite being in the middle of the 2020 pandemic, lockdowns, and quarantine, Ross continued to reach out individually to creators, broadcasters, influencers, and digital marketers for predictions on what the future holds for video, livestreaming, marketing, and beyond.

    Personally, in a year so fraught with uncertainty and change, it was a welcome reminder that life does indeed go on, good character and traditions are the glue of our society, and connecting one-to-one has more power than any of us might ever have realized.

    Remaining true to his vision and integrity, in May 2021, Ross hosted a virtual summit teaching people how to monetize livestreaming. He intentionally and carefully selected the speakers who had a specific area of expertise that they were willing to pull the curtains back, so to speak, on the tricks of the trade and ways that each speaker had monetized livestreaming over the years.

    Because of the way that Ross curated the panel of experts for his first Monetize Livestreaming Now™ virtual summit, he fostered a commitment to collaboration-over-competition among highly individualistic and brand-sensitive speakers. In an arena that could have turned highly territorial, Ross carefully considered that since each speaker had worked hard to develop their skills, he made sure that he would offer compensation to share their expertise.

    While it’s common practice for experts to be expected to teach for free on virtual summits, Ross changed the game by sharing compensation when he might have just pocketed it all himself. I imagine it was an easy Yes when Ross approached the event sponsors and explained that possibly for the first time in livestreaming summit history, ALL speakers were getting paid to speak. Once again, Ross walked his talk regarding sharing the available opportunities for all to monetize livestreaming.

    With 2020 skyrocketing the use of video and livestreaming virtually overnight, Ross proved to be a pioneer in this industry and solidified his position as a live video visionary. He is respected, admired, and trusted among his colleagues. Ross is a highly sought-after speaker for in-person and virtual events in marketing, broadcasting, live video, and podcasting. He makes it his business to stay abreast of the latest technology, equipment, and livestreaming platforms. In fact, Ross was one of the first non-music industry creators to be invited as a beta tester for internationally recognized rapper Ja Rule’s new livestreaming app, ICONN Live.

    As if this is not enough, Ross is one of the most likable and engaged people you will ever have the pleasure of knowing. He has been described by others as someone who lights up the room when he enters.

    For all of this and more, I am grateful to call Ross Brand a colleague. And more importantly, I am honored to call him a friend.

    A final note to you, the reader:

    If it feels like it is too late to get started with video or livestreaming, know this – even with all of the content, creators, and broadcasters, there is no one out there doing it quite like you will. There is no one who has your exact style. And there is definitely no one who has your story. We need to hear from you.

    I believe that the world can be changed, one livestream at a time! Imagine what it will feel like when you get your first comment or private message that what you shared, taught, or explained made an impact on a viewer’s life!

    Come on in, the water’s fine! Follow people like Ross Brand and the other contributors in this book on social media. They have already made all the mistakes and will shorten the learning curve for you. You’ve got this.

    Here’s to your livestreaming success!

    Jennifer Quinn JennyQ

    Coach | CMO | Speaker

    Author of Amazon #1 Bestseller:

    Leverage Livestreaming to Build Your Brand: Start, Master and Monetize Live Video


    In livestreaming, the show topic brings people together.

    The rest of the conversation — whether live in front of the audience or in the green room — is often where the magic happens.

    That is how The 6th Annual Livestream Universe Predictions became a book.

    Sixty creators, entrepreneurs and industry professionals came together to celebrate Livestream Universe’s fifth anniversary across a five-hour marathon livestream party and show.

    After five years of existing only in blog form, I figured that while I had all these experts live, why not ask them for their annual predictions? To be honest, part of my motivation was to have 60 fewer people to chase down and to ensure by the close of the broadcast I had a contribution for the blog post from everyone in the all-star lineup.

    While the show that brought us together was the celebration of Livestream Universe’s fifth anniversary, the predictions and live conversations with guests about livestreaming and digital media were the magic that led to this book.

    It showcases the many people with whom I’ve had the good fortune to share the microphone on livestreams, collaborate on productions, and attend the same events. We’ve had lots of meaningful post-show conversations over the years. The relationships with people included in the predictions have made livestreaming one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life.

    I believe in the value of the predictions shared by some of the most knowledgeable, talented and successful people in the digital media space. They cover more than livesteaming. Enjoy insights — both timely and timeless — on everything from podcasting and YouTube to e-commerce and virtual events. Pinpoint those nuggets of wisdom to help you grow as a creator and continue to build your audience and business.

    In the introduction, I provide an overview of the industry from my perspective. Then 100 chapters peer into the digital future with predictions from our all-star panel.

    That sounds scary — 100 chapters. Don’t worry, some are like mini-articles while other chapters are only a few sentences. And there are images too. :)

    Seventeen of the predictions scattered among the first 77 came around the same time as the live broadcast but were either delivered in writing or on other broadcasts.

    The final 23 predictions are unique to the book and were not included in the annual blog post or previously published elsewhere. They are also the most recent entries.

    Thank you for reading. You are invited to continue the conversation with many of our contributors in the free Monetize Livestreaming Now™ Facebook Group at

    What do you see on the horizon for livestreaming and online content?

    What advice would you give to people who want to succeed in digital media in the upcoming months or years?

    Share your thoughts in the Facebook group.

    Ross Brand

    Livestreaming Video Host & Strategist

    Livestream Universe

    Shape Description automatically generated

    PART I



    Livestreaming’s Finest Moment


    Before we present the predictions for live streaming and digital media, a few thoughts on the state of the industry.

    Writing about the state of live streaming these days isn’t as much fun as in the past. Who wants to look closely at a time dominated by a pandemic? And, yet, take a moment to imagine going through these lockdowns without live streaming. It’s hard to do.

    So, while celebrating advances in live video might seem frivolous, it isn’t. This has been livestreaming’s finest hour, bringing people together despite social distancing and providing a level of connection and interactivity not possible for most people had this pandemic hit a decade earlier.

    Livestreaming literally saved businesses that otherwise would’ve shut down due to the lack of foot traffic. Creative store owners, some of whom had no experience with live video, found ways to entertain, engage and assist customers, keeping their business relevant and top of mind.

    In some cases, business growth exceeded their wildest imaginations as livestreaming opened the door to people all around the world learning of their products and services.

    People who had no interest in ever being on video were asking for microphone and camera recommendations so they could look and sound good during business meetings, sales calls and virtual events. Companies realized that not only were employees more productive working from home, but video conferencing technology also made it possible to retain a close connection with your workforce.

    Zoom, of course, was the big winner in video conferencing and became almost ubiquitous with the ability to see and hear your whole team or have face-to-face meetings with a colleague.

    Meanwhile, the pandemic brought on-site industry conferences to a screeching halt before the first quarter of 2020 was over. Many in-person events were canceled while others held sessions online.

    Transition to Virtual Events

    Livestream Universe’s first experience putting on a live virtual event was our half-day broadcast where many of the predictions in this book were delivered. We learned what can be done over a short period of time, organizing the live party and show in less than two weeks.

    To celebrate our 5th Anniversary, 60 friends, creators and entrepreneurs joined us on live video while hundreds more participated in the live chat. It was a moving confirmation of the strength of virtual connections and communities.

    We were live for five hours without a break, which was exhilarating for me as a broadcaster. Enjoy the predictions from the event as well as the fun banter and shared experiences featured in many of the chapters to come.

    Thanks to a great group of respected industry brands that celebrated with us. A total of 13 brands offered more than $13,000 in prizes, some reaching out unsolicited to offer giveaways.

    Live Summit

    In May 2021, Livestream Universe hosted its first virtual summit, Monetize Livestreaming Now™, with 20 speakers. Each of the 17 sessions focused on a different niche in which the speakers have successfully monetized livestreaming.

    The event was further confirmation of the power of virtual as the average attendee watched 4.4 hours of the eight-hour live summit. We held the summit on Hopin, a dedicated virtual event platform with networking, vendor booths and a photo booth. Attendees felt it was a much more engaging experience compared to watching a summit livestreamed on social media.

    Innovative Virtual Event Organizers

    Three event organizers featured in our predictions stand out for their ability to adapt to, and thrive in, the virtual format.

    Dan Currier had a short window to convert People of Video from an on-site to an online conference. He used Uscreen to provide on-demand access to the pre-recorded video of each presentation, StreamYard for live panels and interviews with speakers, and Zoom for networking. With a powerful lineup of speakers, high-quality branding and effective use of the aforementioned tools, People of Video is positioned as the northeast’s premier video marketing event for creators.

    Super Joe Pardo, host of the annual Independent Creator Conference, moved to fill the void left by cancellations of in-person events by hosting full-day virtual conferences every other weekend. As a speaker, it was a great way to hone your craft at presenting virtually and come up with new topics to add to your offerings. It also meant that Joe was an old pro at running a virtual production when it was time for the big annual event.

    No virtual event I attended better replicated the feel of an in-person conference than Podfest Global Summit. While setting the Guinness Book of World Records title for most attendees at a one-week podcast virtual conference with 5003, founder Chris Krimitsos leveraged the features in the Whova app to enable the conversations and virtual meetups that typically happen in the hallways and hotel lobbies. His subsequent

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