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Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction
Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction
Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction
Ebook40 pages29 minutes

Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction

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After the institution of vampire hunting parties by his grandfather, Nevar, Claudius seeks to live up to his grandfather's legacy by finishing what he started. He seeks to destroy the Tower of Blasphemy that has sunk into the ground by himself no matter the cost but is everything that's hard to do and doing exactly what your heroes did always the correct decision?

PublisherAlbert Oon
Release dateApr 13, 2022
Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction

Albert Oon

A Catholic, self-published writer who writes for fun and to help others out. I write in the genres of horror, fantasy, romance, and sci-fi. I hope to be a successful writer who will also write for movies, video games, and more since I've been told that's the crowds my books appeal to.

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    Book preview

    Venatores Noctis - Albert Oon

    Venatores Noctis: Selfless Self-Destruction

    Copyright 2022 Albert Oon

    Published by Albert Oon at Smashwords

    Smashwords Edition License Notes: This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your enjoyment only, then please return to or your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Redraw of Claudius by @An_dres_art (on Twitter)

    Chapter 1 – A Legacy to Live Up to

    A lone man in a black cloak stops at a town on his way to his destination.

    Can you spare any food or water? he asks in various ways to the townspeople he comes across.

    Everyone who sees him is wary of the man since he doesn’t show his face and because he has pale skin like that of a vampire. His cloak is stained with dirt and blood, and he stinks of sweat. It doesn’t help that the vampires have recently taken their fair share of the infants, priests, and young for their blasphemous sacraments and to make more serfs. A nearby scream attracts the attention of the lone man who runs to find out what the reason behind it is. He finds a crowd gathered around a vampire that’s holding a bloody infant.

    I’ve ripped this infant from his mother’s womb because you would not pay your due tithe to us. Let this be your final lesson or else it will happen again and it will only get worse from there, the vampire says with the crying twitching infant held in the air like a trophy.

    It is then the lone man takes off his cloak, jumps into the air, and slices the vampire in two at the torse with his whip before catching the infant, wrapping him in his cloak, and giving him to a relative. Now that his cloak is off, the townspeople can clearly see who this lone man is.

    It’s Claudius Aurora of the Aurora vampire hunting family! a townsperson

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