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Her Little White Lies: Season One
Her Little White Lies: Season One
Her Little White Lies: Season One
Ebook154 pages2 hours

Her Little White Lies: Season One

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My Best Friend’s brother. A killer bent on revenge. The key lies in painful memories of my past.

Chloe Adamos
Graduation is supposed to be a good thing, but when my stipend depends on being in school, gaining my diploma feels more like a punishment. I thought I had enough worries, just figuring out how I was going to make rent once I graduated. But an attack in my dorm room gives me a new perspective. And when I’m rescued by my best friend’s brother- I find myself falling for my knight.

One night in Vegas, I give in and sleep with him. What happens in Vegas doesn’t stay in Vegas. The night does not go as planned, and I decide to forget it ever happened. Things are screwed up but I’m optimistic, until I come face to face with my attacker. He’s out for blood, and if I can’t face my past, my life will be forfeited.

Oisin O’Connor
I always get everything I want, and what I want is Chloe. I’ve known her ever since she had freckles, braces and that hideous unibrow. She’s my sister’s friend, so I shouldn’t even look at her. But when she throws caution to the wind and kisses me, I have to have her.

Only I’m not the only one who does. Monsters from her past stalk Chloe, and I’m determined to keep her safe. But she’s not being truthful with me, and I can’t save her if I don’t know what’s going on.

Can Chloe be truthful with Oisin and herself about her past before it gets her killed? Grab this steamy, suspenseful romance now… And find out.

Note: Her Little White Lies is a serial novel on various reading apps. This version is a boxset of episodes 1-12. It is ongoing and you can expect action packed, romance with lots of twist and turns. If you do not want to read on the serial apps, then you can purchase here.
Release dateApr 22, 2022
Her Little White Lies: Season One

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    Book preview

    Her Little White Lies - lashe' Lacroix


    Ireally like my freedom, but right about now I am considering killing Saoirse . Did she just decide to fly to Paris and then Milan?

    Placing my hand over my eyes, I squinted as I stared up at my best friend, Saoirse O’Connor. She and Ishani were having another one of their infamous debates on what they should do next. Ishani Doshi had extremely strict parents. They planned every aspect of her life for her. She was just following the road map they provided.

    The sun shone brightly. Chunky white clouds danced across the sky. A slight breeze blew the leaves of the coastal live oak trees, which stood over twelve feet tall, carrying a scent of wood oak. The gentle clinking of acorns competed with the birds that squawked up above. My golden-brown skin was roasting in this Stanford heat. I soaked everything in. I inhaled the familiar scents like it was my last breath.

    Usually, I was more attentive and alert, but I was dead on my feet. I had been looking forward to this day for four years. Today marked the new beginning of my life. It was graduation day.

    I couldn’t have picked a better day myself. Now if I knew where I was going to live next, this moment would be magical.

    Saoirse snapped her fingers in front of my face.

    Chloe, you’re always the reasonable one. This weekend, should we go to Milan or Dubai?

    She walked away from us and reapplied her designer lipstick.

    Blinking rapidly, I sat up in the chair. Neither one. Both of you have been partying hard for four years. It’s time for our adult lives to begin.

    We should go to Dubai, neither of us have been there in years, said Ishani. We could get some great shopping done. If we go to Milan, you will want to hook up with all the cute guys and leave me the ugly ones.

    She tossed her long jet-black hair over her shoulder. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of oversized teal-blue Prada sunglasses, which matched her eight-inch teal Ferragamo stilettos. I would bet my life that they hadn’t gotten more than an hour’s sleep combined before rushing here to graduation.

    Saoirse pouted. Mood killer. I only have three months before my parents decide my life for me. I’m going to take a month off. By then, I should have some idea of what my next steps are.

    Ishani sighed. "My parents decided that I would become a surgeon when I was an infant. Therefore, I’m heading to NYU Grossman School of Medicine.

    I would have loved to have had parents with me.

    Slouching in the chair, I rested my face on my hands. It was impossible to concentrate today. My mind raced from one thought to another. Beyond the trees, there was a large group of guys—we had named them the Slackers. We three had often joked that they wouldn’t graduate since they were always partying and never seemed to recall when we had a test or quiz. Each one of them had their parents seated next to them, adjusting and fussing with their caps and gowns. They were getting a degree today from Stanford University, just like I was. The only difference between us was they had loving parents here and I didn’t.

    Ishani tilted her head, studying my face. What about you?

    I’m trying not to be homeless or relocate to the nearest shelter.

    Plastering a smile on my face, I sat up. I haven’t decided yet. I’m still waiting to hear from the last batch of job applications I submitted. I was hoping I would hear back from TSR Industries. I really want to relocate to New York. It seems like the best fit for me. My first choice is Grossman School of Medicine. But I have to prepare myself for the possibility that I might not get accepted or get the full scholarship.

    A bead of sweat trickled down my forehead, falling into my eyes. It was a typical summer day in California. This year’s graduating class was over eight thousand students, each of us wearing black caps and gowns with a red sash draped over our shoulders. The smell of freshly cut grass tickled my nose. Squinting, I stared at the blue sky as the sunlight blinded me.

    Mom and Dad, I hope you are proud of me. I wish you were here.

    Saoirse squeezed my hand. Hey, none of that. They wouldn’t want you to cry on your special day. If you start wailing, you know I’m going to cry too. We’ll both look a hot mess sitting out here, frying in this heat.

    Blinking back tears, I smiled. You could never look a mess. Besides, we both know that you would make your personal stylist drive back here to redo your makeup.

    "No, I would make her redo our makeup. Besides, she gets paid to keep me presentable. You know those freaking paparazzi hounds always take unflattering photos of me. Oisin told those vultures the next time they take a photo of me, he would buy the company and fire them all."

    Her idea of presentable was stepping out with airbrushed makeup and looking like a runway model. Her entire life down to sneezing was always mentioned in the newspapers. Saoirse’s life was lived underneath the microscope of the paparazzi. It was her reality. She was an O’Connor, the richest family in the world. Oisin, her older brother, was a beautiful pain in my ass. We were like oil and water at times. He was an amazing brother to Saoirse. He was the most eligible bachelor ever. Any woman with a pulse sought to date him, sleep with him, and make him their own. If I was honest with myself, he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

    I thought your family would be here already. Are they coming? asked Ishani.

    Saoirse snorted. Not even death could keep them away. My parents are flying in from Japan, and my brothers are already here.

    My heart slammed in my chest. I swallowed. Oisin was photographed in Australia today. He might not make it.

    I had a compulsive habit of keeping up with Oisin’s life. It wasn’t hard. Everything he did in and out of the corporate world made the news and gossip columns. It calmed me to see what he was doing with his life. I ribbed him on certain things whenever I saw him. It was like a game that he and I played. We had always been like this. We got on each other’s nerves. We knew entirely too much about one another. Over the years, as I got older, I’d started to notice him. It was subtle at first. I didn’t realize it until one day he took off his shirt in front of me to go swimming in the ocean. After that eye-opening day, I realized I was attracted to him.

    How had I not noticed how handsome he had become?

    Falling for my best friend’s older brother wasn’t in the cards. I always ignored my racing heart and clammy hands in his presence. The fact that he treated me like a preteen helped.

    She patted me on the shoulder. You two are incorrigible. He’s here already. I saw him earlier this morning at dawn. He mentioned something about working on my graduation surprise.

    OMG. One more day of visual torture. I can suffer through it. I have to walk across the stage, then disappear back to my room. How hard can it be?

    Ignoring the stiffness in my neck, I attempted to lean back in my chair. My body ached, and my eyes felt like someone had scraped my cornea with a jagged rock. It was a good thing these chairs were uncomfortable, or I might run the risk of dozing off. Sleeping through my graduation would be bad. The last thing I needed was for Oisin to walk up on me when I was snoring like Godzilla.

    While most graduating seniors spent their last night hopping between fraternity parties, I was bartending and bussing tables. I kept checking my email and mailbox for an acceptance letter from Grossman. Reluctantly, I had to resign myself to the fact that I might not get into medical school. I might have to take a year off. I needed steady employment that would keep me from living on the street in a cardboard box. The two part-time jobs that I had kept me fed. I didn’t have enough money to move off campus and secure housing to start my life. I had a small savings account, but it wasn’t much.

    Clearing my mind, I closed my eyes. My problems would still be here when I opened them. I decided to steal a few seconds of peace. Using my advanced meditation skills, I lured my mind into a quiet space. I cleared all of my thoughts. I allowed myself to sink into a relaxing state.

    Suddenly, something sharp pricked me in the side. I sat up. Blinking rapidly, I almost groaned aloud when the dark-haired Adonis came into focus.

    Oisin loomed over me. Somehow, he was more attractive than the last time I had seen him in person. His chiseled jaw had been freshly shaved. It would’ve been more striking if his deep dimples were on display. He scowled like he had lost a billion-dollar merger. The breeze caught his thick, wavy hair. The scent of the ocean breeze drifted to my nostrils. His dark navy Sartoro double-breasted suit fit him like a glove. He was so handsome that my breath caught in my throat.

    Ishani smiled. Wow.

    I rubbed my side. Ouch.

    Oisin’s eyes narrowed on me. What were you doing last night that made you so exhausted that you are sleeping through your graduation?

    My mouth went dry. I could feel the heat rushing to my face. It had nothing to do with the stifling heat of the sun. Keep your voice down. Do you want the paparazzi to print some disparaging remarks about me? Have a seat. Try not to make a scene. This is your sister’s big day, not yours. Sit down and shut it.

    Saoirse giggled. Hey, you two, leave me out of it.

    Oisin’s eyes widened. He leaned down. His peppermint-scented breath fanned across my lips. I’m going to count to five. If you don’t answer me, I’m going to flag them over and do a fifteen-minute interview. They will stop the graduation ceremony. I will be asked to come up on stage for an impromptu speech and photo opportunity. Normally, I wouldn’t accept last minute, but I will in this case.


    I stared into his baby-blue eyes, refusing to break eye contact.

    One, two, three…

    Ishani looked over her shoulder. Girl, they are coming this way. He will not need to wave them over. You might want to wipe the drool on the right side of your cheek. You don’t want that posted in today’s photographs. It will go viral in less than an hour.

    Wiping my face, I slouched down, attempting to hide from the camera operators heading our way. Fine. I was working. Can you call the dogs off now?

    A busty female reporter, wearing a burgundy suit, ran over to us, leaving her camera operators to rush behind her. The microphone seemed permanently attached to her hand. Her expensive pumps were now scuffed. She thrust the microphone into his face. "Marcy Whendig, with CMTF News. Mr. O’Connor,

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