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Project Wolf: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #1
Project Wolf: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #1
Project Wolf: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #1
Ebook105 pages1 hour

Project Wolf: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #1

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Roxie has recently been attacked by project wolves, with her planet's famous hero saving her. She knows that there is something different about herself, but when she knows the truth, her average life becomes anything but average.

Buy. Zoo. Execution. Roxie's fate must be decided and Hero knows only too well that mankind fears what it doesn't understand. She is more than just a project, and even more important than himself. Secrets lie within her that make Hero have to choose between saving the world, and saving Roxie.


*Project Wolf is a story from the series An Apocalyptic Fairytale. Read the story in whichever order you like.

PublisherMelanie Ray
Release dateApr 17, 2022
Project Wolf: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #1

Serena Walken

Serena Walken likes to write fantasy, sometimes whimsical or sometimes dark. She lives in Kansas with her wonderful daughter. She enjoys writing stories for a more broad-based audience and it's usually romantic but not always. is where you can find more exclusive books and writing of hers. You can also find her on several other sites like Tumblr, Wattpad, Webnovel, and more writing for free and for paid.

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    Project Wolf - Serena Walken

    Project Wolf

    Copyright 2022 Melanie Ray

    Written by Serena Walken

    Cover art by Melody Simmons of

    Originally published under Melanie Ray in 2013, this story has been changed/updated to be more broad based for younger audiences.

    Hero was, in every sense of the word, a hero. A young hero at nineteen years old, but no one anyone would mess with. He existed by the sheer torture and curiosity of technology. His ancient ancestors were a clone of a normal person. A mad scientist running secret DNA projects involving humans and wolves. They bred, and he created more tests.

    At least, that's the official story.

    Decades later, the scientist's 'projects' had escaped. Many had become so primal, that they saw all of mankind as their enemy. Defiling, pillaging, and destroying anything they could, no one stood against them.

    Except Hero. He was the last descendent. The fastest, strongest and smartest of the group. He was only five years old at the time when everything happened, but as he stopped more and more projects, people recognized his potential. He was brought more into the world, and no longer considered a project. He was considered a human being with super powers. With no name except a project number, the world had named him Hero.

    He fought against the projects that escaped and showed evil colors, but he also fought for mankind. He stopped crime and won every battle he ever fought. Even natural disasters involved his help to get the world back to peace and prosperity.

    He was paid and watched by each official territory, making sure that he did not go too wild in front of the public.

    He was adored by every man, and loved by every woman. Few could ever say anything bad against their hero.

    However, sometimes primal instinct was too much to fight.

    It was simple. He had one project to fight. It was over in minutes, the blasted wolf coughing up blood on the ground. He wasn't even a challenge. Hero licked his white paw as he heard the large crowd around him cheer. It was nothing special, happened all of the time. Usually at this time, he would leave back to his private home.

    But today, that would not happen. A scent on the air. Something wild, something intense, and something strange.

    He looked above him. Hero had been fighting in a low area, but above him had been five bridges with thousands of people cheering. Somewhere in there, someone was giving off that scent.

    His mind said he had better leave, but his mind was rarely in control. He jumped several feet in the air like a wild panther and stayed on the ledge. He sniffed, but didn't smell it coming from there. He jumped to the next set of bridges. There was nothing.

    Nothing on the third either.

    On the fourth though, he gave it one big whiff and almost fell backward. The scent alone, so close! What was it? A new attack? A new power?

    No. It was a young woman, sipping on a drink. A strange woman, Hero realized. The smell was permeating from her like perfume smoke from its bottle. Hero jumped into the crowd. Some people were trying to talk to him, but his eyes were only set on one.

    The one with the drink. People around her began to try and talk to him too, telling him how much they cared about him, or about a random time he saved them or someone they loved, or something they loved. It was always very jumbled.

    She held her drink in her hand tightly as Hero approached her on all fours. She looked around, before meeting her eyes with his.

    He couldn't stop staring at her. People mumbled in the background, but he couldn't even make it out. He was consumed by this ordinary girl. Who held the best but strangest smell in the world.

    Hello? She waved at him politely, but without confidence. Good job. You know, with the project. They can be a menace. I mean, some, not all. Not you. If you are one. Um. She went quiet. Can I help you?

    Ladies and gentleman, please step back! Give room! Someone was always near him somewhere, making sure he never got out of control. As enforcers began to push back the crowd, they made the one with the drink shift away.

    Hero grabbed the nearest official with his fangs and held him by his clothing. Don't do that! He looked back, but lost sight of her. She had shifted because of the enforcers. Name. Name, what was her name?

    Roxie, one of the people next to him said. I go to school with her.

    As another enforcer tried to scoot the one who went to school with Roxie, he grabbed their shirt with his teeth and yanked their hand back. Hard. No! He was getting pissed. Why did they have to get up into his business today of all days? He moved to sitting in front of her as a sign of respect, and to learn more. Where is Roxie? Where does she live? What is her last name?

    Um, well I um, I only slightly know her. She began to stumble on her words.

    Slightly or not, she was his link.


    Roxie returned to school the next day, her mind anxious to talk to her friends about what happened. One of her friends though, Alexandra, was surrounded by a large group of people. She was talking about how she had actually hung out with Hero in his human form. He had even taken her into a foreign district for supper.

    It was amazing, Alexandra told everyone, and I wish it could have lasted longer. Boy, does he have a chest up close too when he is human. She sighed and grabbed her heart in a cheesy fashion. I wish I could be―Roxie!

    Suddenly, everyone stopped to look at Roxie. Deja vu again. What was up with her being the center of attention the last two days? Hello?

    Roxie! You! Alexandra ran up to her. You, Hero wanted to know nothing except you. You, your family, your interests, and even your hobbies. He is so stuck on you. How did you do that?

    Me? Roxie looked around again and shrugged. Nothing. I barely even saw the fight. He jumped the bridges and then, he was just there. Staring at me.

    If I were you, and he was into me? I'd find any desperate way to contact him, another one of her friends said.

    Not until she turns twenty two, Alexandra reminded Roxie. You can't do anything until twenty two, without permission from your parents.

    Hero's the hero, defender of everything, someone in the crowd shouted. If he wants her, I bet he could get her.

    That 'her' was Roxie. She didn't like the sentiment, or the way the guy in the crowd said it. A date would be okay, and that would be easy to get by her parents. But, he made it sound like something else. It couldn't be any love at first sight, she couldn't even see him after the fight, there was a crowd in front of her watching the action. She only saw bits. So how could he see her?

    His eyes. Those eyes disturbed her. They looked like a wild beast, ready to maim her. That way of thinking though was prejudice. He was still human too. His eyes, they weren't a bloodthirsty animals. Just his stare.

    It's romantic.

    It's sweet.

    It's pheromones. A nerdy guy with glasses approached her. You should be careful. He was busy fighting. There was no reason to notice you way up high, unless it's pheromones.

    If it was pheromones, he would want everyone, Alexandra disagreed. Hero has never even shown interest in any women.

    Not all, others are attracted more to certain smells. Hero isn't completely human we all know it. He looked toward Roxie. Just be careful. If it's your scent, he wants more than a date.

    Oh, shove off. Alexandra knocked him out of the way, but Roxie didn't forget his words.

    Could he really smell

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