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Boss Lady Affirmations
Boss Lady Affirmations
Boss Lady Affirmations
Ebook39 pages25 minutes

Boss Lady Affirmations

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About this ebook

What do the words "Boss Lady" mean to you?
To most, it simply means a lady who is boss in a place of business, but my definition of a "Boss Lady" is a woman who gets LIFE done, whether that be at work, at home, at school, with their coworkers, family, friends, relationships, and the list goes on. This little pick-me-up is for you because it is my belief that a true A Boss Lady always knows the beauty in balance.

Release dateApr 18, 2022
Boss Lady Affirmations

Sultry Soul Sista

Blessings Beautiful People My name is Nathalie a.k.a. Sultry Soul Sistah and I am a recently divorced single mother of 2 beautiful children. I am a certified Life Coach and I am currently studying to get my Master's Life Coaching degree. I am a licensed cosmetologist since 2009 and I am a fanatic of all things natural. I plan to eventually one day get my degree in Herbal Medicine. I have been practicing the Laws of Attractions and Meditation since 2005 and I can honestly say that I have manifested and visualized everything that has transpired in my life. And yes unintentionally even the bad times! After many many many ups and downs I have finally decided to start writing. This book Boss Lady Affirmations for Women of Color is my first self-published book. My goal is to empower women of color, particularly the Boss Ladies and it is my hope that anybody reading this book will be inspired. Thank you for your support Sultry Soul Sista

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    Book preview

    Boss Lady Affirmations - Sultry Soul Sista


    A racist classification of individuals, usually a political and skin colour-based category for specific ethnicities with a mid-to-dark brown complexion, is known as black people. Not all people labelled black have dark skin; the term black is used in some nations, especially in socially based racial classification systems in the Western world, to designate people who are thought to be dark-skinned compared to other populations. It is primarily used by Sub-Saharan African heritage and Oceanian indigenous peoples. Outside of the effects of Western cultures, indigenous African communities do not utilize the term black as a racial identity. The word black can be capitalized or not. In 2020, the AP Stylebook updated its guidelines to capitalize the b in black. According to the ASA Style Guide, the b should not be capitalized.

    Diverse societies have different definitions of blackness, These social conceptions have evolved. In many countries, sociological factors are just as important as skin colour in determining classification, and social standards for blackness differ. Black was previously synonymous with person of colour in the United Kingdom, a broad word for non-European peoples. In other parts of the world, such as Australasia, settlers used black, or native inhabitants with different histories and ancestors.

    Some people consider the term black to be disparaging, obsolete, reductive, or otherwise unrepresentative thus, they don't use it or define it, particularly in African countries with little or no history of colonial racial segregation. Some argue that designating people black is inaccurate because those characterized as black have a brown complexion.


    It's impossible to avoid the push to be perfect in today's world. People of colour, particularly those with darker skin tones, are sometimes made to feel insecure or mocked because of their darker skin tones. However, having a darker skin tone does not imply that you are less valued or deserving of love. Working on your self-esteem, caring for your dark skin, and overcoming colourism are vital components of enjoying your dark skin.

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