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Good Night…: Whispers of the Heart
Good Night…: Whispers of the Heart
Good Night…: Whispers of the Heart
Ebook63 pages51 minutes

Good Night…: Whispers of the Heart

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Good Night… Whispers of the Heart is a collection of real love notes covering different themes, all thoughtfully composed for the private reading of a partner. What you find here are examples of love notes that could be found in bedrooms, safety deposit boxes, and even the proverbial 20th-21st century shoe boxes — all lost to time and rich in meaning.

Good Night… Whispers of the Heart is not a present-day version of the 20th century soldier at war writing home, or members of the Greatest Generation writing from a theatre of war to tell their beloved that they would be home soon (for many sweethearts and wives of wars gone by, Johnny did not come marching home).

Good Night… Whispers of the Heart is a collection of everyday working men and women who kept the flame of love burning brightly every day, through thick and thin, by writing a love note, some at length, mostly short, that their partner for life kept the flame of love burning bright. A love note tells the partner that the flame will never go out. Often, love is barely a pilot light, just bright enough to see by and warm enough to calm the worries of the day that came and went.

Good Night… Whispers of the Heart is a reminder that love, and appreciation are always in fashion, sustaining the ever-present fact that the thought to write always counts, but the words that envelop the soul never sleep. You see, a love note lasts all through the night.
Release dateApr 13, 2022
Good Night…: Whispers of the Heart

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    Good Night… - Carl L. Kell

    © 2022 Carl L. Kell. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/07/2022

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5420-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5422-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6655-5421-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2022904611

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    To The Readers Of Good Night. . .



    The Story Of Good Night

    Joan’s Postlude – Epilogue


    Good Night. . .

    At all costs, you and your partner have gambled everything and won.

    You and your partner have committed yourself to the other, throwing caution to the wind and walking away free.

    Each of you has become the greatest joy for your partner because you have learned each other’s rhythms — the heartbeat of your connection.


    In my academic and fiction writing, I have followed one theme…when I know the flow and finale of the work, I create a title and chase a book, article, conference paper, or journal article after the title. Such is the case with Good Night...

    The cover art is an original design by Roger La Pointe, owner, Bowling Green Printing, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Roger took the tile, written on a yellow pad, and created a piece of art, conveying my vision of the book. I am grateful for his excellent work.

    I am grateful to Rachel Cato for her special skills at taking my handwritten drafts and turning them into a published work of fiction. Any and all mistakes in this work are the fault of the writer. All the attributable accolades for Good Night... are the results of Rachel Cato’s skills and those of the staff of AuthorHouse.

    My hope is that you will take the hint ... the theme that runs through the book. Write your partner a bedtime story every night wherever you are in this world. The investment of a note that ends the day with an invitation to a good night’s rest will pay dividends beyond your imagination.

    If you write a bedtime story every night, you will learn the meaning behind whispers of the heart.

    Good Night... enjoy the book.


    Writing notes — a cursive habit of days gone by; a present-day ritual that encompasses a grocery list, a what to pack for the trip list, a short list of work to be done, or notes to self, an exacting page of things to do and know, whom to call for any number of purposes, and how to restart something — all are reasons for writing a note.

    In today’s COVID-19 internet-enabled world, writing notes, making signs and posters, and even using a writing instrument, instead of a computer, approaches blasphemy in a culture marked by pixels rather than pens. But, in a time gone by and often lost to the present day, writing love notes, or any notes to family and friends, there’s a skill set lost, and a pleasure denied.

    The act of saying Good Night with a hand-written note — whoever heard of such a thing? How many of us would say, I never saw that in my house, nor heard of it in our family stories or anywhere else? If my father or mother did write such a note, leaving it maybe on a bedside table, a pillow, or some conspicuous place where whoever could find it, I never heard of it!

    For the sake of argument, let’s just say that writing a Good Night love note is nobody’s business, except the couple in question. And let’s leave it at that. End of story.

    Well, maybe not. Someday you and/or your siblings will be cleaning out the family home, literally, and attending to the family estate. And, yes, you will be looking through box after box, opening

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