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Missing Cupid: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #7
Missing Cupid: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #7
Missing Cupid: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #7
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Missing Cupid: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #7

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Cloudie Skye must fall in love with Cupid Valentine, but how can she fall in love if she can't find him?
Cloudie Sky hates Arrow Love Inc. Being struck by an arrow to fall in love is not in her plans. Unfortunately, someone has already got a hit on her.


Cupid Valentine's arrows hit their mark every time, but Cloudie Skye is different. Arrows have no effect. Once he gets a mysterious visit from Apocalypse Sun, he relives his past and doesn't want to make the same mistake. Getting to know Cloudie under the second ID Cupid Tracker, can he get her to fall for him naturally?

Or was his mission to make his arrows work against her going to be his undoing?

PublisherSerena Walken
Release dateApr 19, 2022
Missing Cupid: An Apocalyptic Fairytale, #7

Serena Walken

Serena Walken likes to write fantasy, sometimes whimsical or sometimes dark. She lives in Kansas with her wonderful daughter. She enjoys writing stories for a more broad-based audience and it's usually romantic but not always. is where you can find more exclusive books and writing of hers. You can also find her on several other sites like Tumblr, Wattpad, Webnovel, and more writing for free and for paid.

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    Missing Cupid - Serena Walken

    Missing Cupid

    Copyright 2022 Melanie Ray

    Written by Serena Walken

    Originally published under Melanie Ray in 2013, this story has been changed/updated to be more broad based for younger audiences.


    Cloudie, wait one second, I just want to―

    Not a good time, Cloudie shouted back at Reginald. She had no time for his flirting she was late to work. Of course, he never listened to her and followed her all the way to her ride.

    It’s early, what’s the rush? he asked.

    Reginald, not now. She turned around knowing she had to address him.  I am late. I am on an earlier shift this week and I overslept.

    Then let me take you? What’s the harm? He smiled that delightfully sick smile. Let me be your knight in shining armor.

    Ugh, no way. Maybe some other time. I’ve got a ride. She headed toward her friend Margerite’s car. If only she had cars with wings, like her, then maybe it could fly.

    Of course, she couldn’t actually fly. Her wings were big, white and feathery but none to the size she could have to lift off the ground. Wings were actually quite annoying. All it did was make fitting into small places harder.

    Hey, Margerite. Cloudie closed the top of the door pulling it down to close the car. I’m here.

    Pushing it, she complained as she started to head off. She stopped only a brief moment to wave at Reginald before heading off again. He is so into you. Why don’t you put a hit on him?

    Number one, Cloudie began. I wouldn’t have to. Reginald has been trying to get with me since the day he moved into the apartment next to mine. Number two, I don’t hate myself.

    Margerite laughed. You could do worse than him. She patted Cloudie’s lap.

    I am not having a guy shot with an arrow to fall in love with me. It was stupid and wrong, nothing could change Cloudie’s mind about that. It should be natural. Love should just happen.

    Oh, yeah? Tell that to all the great love birds in Valentine City. Margerite waved out the window to another couple she knew. Sitting together, walking together, love is such bliss. Who cares who it is with? No, you are right. You don’t need to put a hit on someone. Someone needs to put a hit on you.

    Don’t even joke. Cloudie looked out the window and sniffed. I don’t want anyone to shoot me with an arrow. Besides, I’m not worth the price of an arrow.

    You’d be surprised, Margerite answered.

    They are mega expensive. Cloudie drew her attention back to her friend and caught a glimpse out her window. A man and a woman walking, their wings even touching as they giggled. Why would I want that? To giggle next to some guy hiding in each other's wings?

    Because love is so magical. Margerite lost herself in her own dreamworld for a second. I remember when I met Dayrise. What a man. I knew we were meant to be together.

    Margerite just didn’t have the time to work at it. No one did in Valentine City. It was all love, no despair. No real trying, just assign a person to get hit and done. There were certain factors that kept most loves already produced in check, and also kept the rich safer too. Otherwise though, anyone was fair game.

    Cloudie hated it though, what a reality. She wasn’t excited at the prospect of someone shooting her and making her fall madly in love with a man she wasn’t supposed to be with against her will.  Luckily, most women didn’t use the arrow more than a few times in their life. They were not cheap. Like plastic wing surgery, it would take more than just a couple of months to save that kind of money.

    Cloudie never cared about her wings, and she never cared about the arrows. She only cared about getting to work on time, cripes! She looked at the sparkly bracelet watch around her hand. Ten minutes late. Aye.

    What a way to start the day.

    * * *

    Mister Valentine?

    Cupid Valentine checked his messages while his secretary walked in. Yes?

    We have an unsatisfied customer.

    Tell him it worked, give it time.

    It’s a week later.

    Cupid raised his eyebrow toward her. His company’s arrows always worked. There was no room for error. It wasn’t a direct target then. Sound out a second free for the hit. He thought that was the end of the conversation but his secretary didn’t move.

    Sir, we already tried that. Two confirmed direct hits. The second shooter was Summer Raine.

    Cupid lost his focus and began to pay attention. Summer Raine never missed a target. There was no doubt those were direct hits. What’s his target’s name?

    Cloudie Skye.

    Hm. What a name. Was that inherited or chosen?

    I don’t know, Sir.

    Cupid tapped his foot repeatedly. Arrows didn’t fail. They were guaranteed to hit their mark and make people fall in love. That very guarantee is what built Valentine City. It was his city, named after him. Everyone loved him for creating the flawless love arrows. No one was unhappy in love anymore. Even if someone was taken away that they liked, they were just shot with a forget arrow, or accepted a second love arrow to them and someone compatible.

    Arrows didn’t fail. A woman with the name Cloudie Skye though, that didn’t sound like a birthright name. Normal names like Ginger and David, those were given by parents. No, a name like Cloudie Skye must have been chosen by the age of sixteen.

    Chosen names were usually to show a degree of responsibility. Even his best shooter, Summer Raine, the weather described his sudden onset at unsuspecting times. Why would anyone choose such a name like Cloudie Skye? It couldn’t be birthright. Not unless her parents didn’t care for her so much.

    Could there actually be a woman out there so miserable that his arrows didn’t work? Is the gentleman out there who paid for the hit on Cloudie Sky?

    Yes, sir.

    Send him in, immediately. Cupid moved papers out of the way as the customer came in. Reginald Dey, have a seat. The man took a seat, seemingly uncomfortable in front of Cupid. I am Cupid Tracker and my job is to deal with the company's problems. Cupid Tracker was his second identity. It was the only thing that allowed him the life of normalcy he craved. Tell me what the problem is.

    Yes, sir. Reginald tucked in his suit. I have wanted Cloudie Skye for a year. She is amazing. Sweet, gorgeous, personality wise she is a hit. She just can’t take one though.

    Interesting name, Cupid began. Tell me more about her.

    Oh, yeah, she does have a strange chosen name. She doesn’t really date. Reginald crossed his legs. I’ve watched her over the year and she has never left with any guy on any date.

    So Cloudie Skye means she isn’t looking for love. Cupid tapped his fingers on his desk. She hated the thought of love so much she changed her name? A great friend though?

    Yes. Friend. Only friend. I-I’ve tried the love arrow and it didn’t work. Reginald sighed. It was my last hope. I did everything I could to get her. Cloudie Skye doesn’t want caught and I got desperate.

    The term isn’t ‘desperate’, it’s ‘love deprived for too long’. Cupid pulled out his own love advertising. I’m sure she loves you too. There can’t be so much love on one side and none on the other. You wouldn’t care so much if you didn’t sense something.


    Oh yeah. Cupid winked. Yeah, I think she is just a tougher case. I’m sure we’ll have her hit good by the end of the week. A tougher case? Impossible case more like it with his arrows. He would have to pull out something stronger for her. He stood up and shook his hand. "We’ll have you two walking down lover’s lane

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